

Quantum Scribe
I regret even bringing this up, but it's been nagging me for over a week, I wanna put it out there.

About a week ago I logged on and read a new thread in this forum. The poster was a guy who this was this third post in this site. It was a new subject like this, and the post was one of those "way out there" kinda posts people sometimes post here.

As I said, this was this poster's third post here. His avatar was the John Titor uniform-patch-logo-thingee with a grey background, the subject was the state of the universe.

He said, in effect, our universe was half of the multiverse- that dark matter was the other half... words to that effect. It was three paragraphs and well-written... I had to read it a few times to absorb its meaning.

Well- I woke up, read the post several times then started thinking about it but had to get going to work. I got home that night to see the post was no longer there... in fact, the entire thread (with 0 replies) was gone.

I clicked on all the main categories of this website, nothing. I clicked on them again and read every new post within the past 48 hours, nothing. It is like this guy posted it, then it went away.

Does anyone else here remember this or am I completly going insane?
well i must be going nuts too, cause i remember someone new with the titor logo by their name. cant find em though, and forgot the name. i'll try to remember.
So after spending 9 months in the wombasphere my hyodrgen containment unit broke and I forced to evacuate. In my haste to leave I forgot to cut my emergancy teather. Fortunitly for me a helpful stranger was near by and he just happened to have a pair of scicoris.