UFOs: It Has Begun


Staff member

According to John Lear and others, the Pentagon wanted to make a partial UFO disclosure documentary around 1973, and was the first attempt by the government to release information to the public.

The result of this motivation was a documentary released in 1973, hosted by Rod Serling, (from The Twilight Zone). The documentary was called: UFOs: It Has Begun, but was originally titled UFOs: Past, Present and Future. It was produced by Sandler Films which is rumored to be a CIA front, but I've not found evidence of that.

At the end of the film, Lear claims it was supposed to show the actual landing at Holloman AFB. At the last minute, the Pentagon withdrew and instead had the ending replaced with a "dramatic reenactment"'.

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I do believe John and a few others and their reports of inside information the have received. Back in 1959 I reported seeing several saucers and got a visit from a man in black and two air force men. They told me to remain silent and that the government will soon tell the American people the truth. Remember that was back in 1959! No joy thus far?

I do believe John and a few others and their reports of inside information the have received. Back in 1959 I reported seeing several saucers and got a visit from a man in black and two air force men. They told me to remain silent and that the government will soon tell the American people the truth. Remember that was back in 1959! No joy thus far?
Walt, this might already be covered in the two videos you posted on your profile... But can you elaborate on this a little? Interested in hearing whatever MiB details you can share.

The officer told me to wait until another person arrived. It was a strange looking fellow as described by many reports of a man in black. I got in his face and asked him if was with the FBI and got no response at all. I noticed he had a pen and yellow not pad. He seemed to be in charge over the officer. I would like to know more about who or what he was too.

MIB....All a part of UFO lore....Gray Barker was the first to introduce them in his book "They Knew Too Much About Flying Saucers".....Some seem to think they are some arm of the government sent out to shut people up or retrieve evidence of some type....All that said there was a belief in the 50's  that the Air Force and other government entities tried to discourage the publics interest in UFOs...But I think that's as far as it got...I don't believe they were sending out special agents to keep people quiet.

Oh well Pen you could have stopped with "I don't believe". It seems the people that don't know talk and the few that do know are silent? I got my visit from a man in black in 1959 and in 1965 I was given alien government secrets from the family of Phil Corso. You may read books but I get my information from the first hand account folks. I would like to know what YOU have seen first hand? This negative shit is the reason why I left this forum before and it will be the reason I'll leave again...Thanks for the reminder!

Oh well Pen you could have stopped with "I don't believe". It seems the people that don't know talk and the few that do know are silent? I got my visit from a man in black in 1959 and in 1965 I was given alien government secrets from the family of Phil Corso. You may read books but I get my information from the first hand account folks. I would like to know what YOU have seen first hand? This negative shit is the reason why I left this forum before and it will be the reason I'll leave again...Thanks for the reminder!
This negative shit is the reason why I left this forum before and it will be the reason I'll leave again...Thanks for the reminder!
I cannot help you don't like what I posted..You obviously have nothing or you would not react this way....

I got my visit from a man in black in 1959 and in 1965 I was given alien government secrets from the family of Phil Corso.
That maybe..Fact of the matter is all you have are your experiences...And in the world of UFOs/Aliens that seems to be the theme...All experiences but no hard evidence to back up those claims. You think the government has time to go after everyone that has had a UFO/Alien experience? 

You may read books but I get my information from the first hand account folks.
And it don't mean a hill of beans one way or the other...The lowest form of evidence in UFO/Alien phenomena is eyewitness testimony. And we are talking UFOs/Aliens it's not like you have to have a masters degree...I can get the same information off the internet it's chock full of these accounts so what makes your experience any different than the other millions that have had the same experience?

It seems the people that don't know talk and the few that do know are silent?
You act as though it's some great government conspiracy to snuff out everyone that has had a UFO/Alien contact....You know why they are silent? Because like you they get all huffy and whiney like some 2 year old when they are questioned about it.....That's the whole point isn't it? You want us to believe that the government considered your encounter a threat to national security so they sent the MIB after you? Well get in line fellow because there are thousands of others that believe the something! They maybe some truth to the MIB phenomena, Barker seem to think there could have been but at the end of the day it all comes down to the evidence at hand.

I would like to know what YOU have seen first hand?
Sorry, I am so far down on the government's hit list of the MIB  I will be dead and gone before they get to me....And for the record I did not say I did not believe in the MIB anywhere in this post or the one before it. What I did say is that I do not believe the government is sending hit men to everyone or a select few that has had an alien/ufo encounter.....I wonder if they sent out MIB when Eisenhower had his date with the aliens?
And I mentioned Gray Barker in my first post..He was the one that got all this MIB stuff started in his book "They Knew To Much About Flying Saucers"........So if it were not for Gray Barker no one would be talking about the MIB...I got more to add but I am short on time and will come back and do it in another post later....

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Continuing...Barker may have introduced the MIB in his book but one Albert K Bender who was then head of the International Flying Saucer Bureau was the one to have what would be called the first modern experience with them(MIB). Barker claims that he can give credit ( or maybe blame) mainly to John A Keel which everyone is probably familiar with his book "Mothman Prophecies"......Read Men In Black: The Secret Terror Among Us.

I am not here to disprove the MIB or your encounter...But what makes your encounter any different than the others?

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Hit a nerve did I? Your hero Barker is a foolish joker! 

 His friend James W. Moseley said Barker "pretty much took all of UFOlogy as a joke".

In a letter to John C. Sherwood.

Barker occasionally engaged in deliberate hoaxes to deceive UFO enthusiasts.

According to Sherwood's Skeptical Inquirer article "Gray Barker: My Friend, the Myth-Maker", there may have been "a grain of truth" to Barker's writings on the Men in Black, in that the United States Air Force and other government agencies "DID" attempt to discourage public interest in UFOs during the 1950s.

However, Barker is thought to have greatly embellished the facts of the situation.

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OK now proceed to tell me something I do not know...Problem is you can't...Your temper tantrum and fear of the government has clouded your thinking....See what I mean..Rehashing the same old shit year after year..Nothing never new always the same BS...People coming on forums such as this claiming to have met some MIB or government assassin telling them to shut up about UFOs...Time conspiracy nutters get over this government is out to get me thing....

No actually no nerve hit with me but it did with you when I questioned your MIB encounter....Barker was right in the fact that a lot of this is a joke...Barker embellished those stories to make serious UFO researchers look stupid...How about instead of whining about it put up some actual evidence... 

I need more than  just you saw it! You saw don't mean crap to me.

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Your background? I retired as a supervisor for DHS and at the age of 21 was offered a commission as a Major in the U.S. Army and after leaving the military was asked to join the FBI as a Special agent. My SAT score was in the top ten percent nation wide. Show and tell time fella!

Above is a very small part of my life and you still hide behind a fake name? It was my British ancestors that first observed the reactive lines refracted through a prism.   

You however seem to observe comments as insults and react as if your feelings are hurt? Grow the fuck up fella! I don't give a rats ass about you feelings. 

I seek only those hell bent on finding factual information and not those engaged in deliberate hoaxes to deceive UFO enthusiasts.

Like I said, you regurgitate the source information from people you chose to trust and believe and become defensive of people you choose to ignore.

It is called piss poor judgment! The same thing that sets humans apart from the lower forms of life on earth?

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