UFOs as scientific data to learn from


Super Moderator
Wouldn't it be great if, instead of spending so much time worrying about and thinking about what the UFO aliens might be trying to "get" from us, we would simply document actual, measured data with respect to UFO encounters so that all humanity can review and analyze that data for trends?

The better the quality of data you collect on some phenomena, the more clearly you can understand and therefore model that phenomena.

time travelling pc? whoa.. rainman said that? wow.. he must have gone around the bend more too often. Too much Jack Daniels, eh Rainman?
time travelling pc? whoa.. rainman said that? wow.. he must have gone around the bend more too often. Too much Jack Daniels, eh Rainman?

Show me where I said that, Pro7. I think, rather, that ruthless is making a little jab at yourself and your belief (however scant) that there is something "special" about the IBM 5100...special enough that it could be used for TT? Some sort of amazing "backwards" code interpretation which you still have not fully described nor explained how/why it cannot be done with any processor. I dunno... but I just think he was more pointing to you than me, Pro7.

yeah, i was talking to pro7

"Ufos? Aliens? You're delusional lol. There's no such thing as UFO aliens!"

i just thought it was funny, because. to me, the odds of extra-terrestrial life are alot lower than there being a time traveling pc. (which, for those that didnt catch it, thats what pro7 says the 5100 is for.)

hope this clears it up.