UFO? Shape shifting worm video [fixed brokenLinks]


Temporal Navigator
Taken from another site if you need the site and related discussion PM me.

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Explanation of the video:
I live in Los Angeles. This happened at about 11:00AM give or take a few minutes... Today Sunday, March 11, 2007

I was looking out my apartment window and I saw at first what looked to be a stationary object... I quickly grabbed my camera...As I zoomed up on it I realized it was moving slowly. Then it seems to speed up a bit. When It started changing shapes I was amazed.

The light or reflection also seems very strange to me. Also I noticed somewhat of a reflective or metallic surface of the object. Very strange stuff. Not my first UFO sighting. Certainly one of the strangest things I've seen in a while.

I have seen similar videos of worm like objects like this but not of this color and not with the strange light.

The raw video is almost 600megs. Sorry for the lower quality format.
Re: UFO? Shape shifting worm video

I can't access the links. I'm taken to a page where I need to input my username and password. Is this only viewable through your private account?