UFO over Denver


Dimensional Traveler
Yeah, another UFO video, too fast to get any detail. But this one caught my attention. Apparently this sighting occurs on a regular schedule. Daily around noon or 1:00pm. A man has been recording this UFO on his digital video camera for months. He says it moves so fast, the human eye would probably not catch it. The news channel he reported this to, set up their own recording camera in the same location and also caught the UFO on their camera as well. The man claims it seems to come from a particular location in a residential neighborhood. The address is mentioned in the video. Also an aviation expert is called in for his opinion. He can't identify the object either. Now this is just my opinion, but I'm suggesting that someone, probably in their garage, uncovered the propulsion secrets behind UFO's. And built his own personal Jetson car. He's using it to commute to work and goes home for lunch in his Jetson car everyday.


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I'm pretty sure UfO's are real. There are long, documented history of sightings. UFOs were around, in fact, long before humans themselves took to the air. The first account of a UFO sighting in America was back in 1639, when Massachusetts colony governor John Winthrop noted in his journal that one James Everell, “a sober, discreet man,” and two other witnesses watched a luminous object fly up and down the Muddy River near Charlestown for two to three hours.

In 1561, there was a mass sighting in Nuremberg, Germany, where a number of UFO's seemed to be engaged in an ariel battle. A few years later, there was another mass sighting in Basle, Switzerland that was recorded and reported in their version of the local newspaper back then.... The "newspaper" article from back then still EXISTS today in a museum in Basle...

I can name numerous more sightings and legends from the 4th century onwards ranging from such diverse cultures and tribes such as the Pauite tribe to west African tribes (such as the Dogon) to Australian aboriginal stories of flying objects and ancient Indian Sanskrit tales of flying machines....

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hi Mylo. X. I'd say it goes way back into history as you say. Just look at all the references in the bible that describe what could be flying vehicles. Why even god himself was possibly an extraterestial?

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hi Mylo. X. I'd say it goes way back into history as you say. Just look at all the references in the bible that describe what could be flying vehicles. Why even god himself was possibly an extraterestial?
That's an interesting proposition. I think that Von Daniken (sp?) was an early pioneer of that viewpoint.

"Why even god himself was possibly an extraterestial?"

it's possible I suppose. Your statement asserts that god is gender specific (he), whereas, I imagine God to be non-gender specific. A terrestrial being relates to anything associated to planet earth, so you are right about God (if God exists) being extra-terrestrial. Just like the angels of the bible and jewish texts, the Jinn of the Koran etc, all these beings are of extra-terrestrial origin.

"Just look at all the references in the bible that describe what could be flying vehicles."

Yes, the book of יְחֶזְקֵאל /Yechezqel/Ezekiel seems to describe a UfO...

"v4 As I looked, a stormy wind came out of the north. There was a great cloud with a bright light about it. There were continuous flashes of lightning. The middle of the lightning was like metal that glowed. v5 In the cloud there seemed to be 4 *creatures. They were alive and their form seemed like that of men. v6 Each of them had 4 faces and 4 wings. v7 Their legs were straight. Their feet were like those of a young cow. These feet shone like *bronze that someone has polished. v8 Under their wings on their 4 sides, they had human hands. All 4 of them had faces and wings. v9 And their wings touched each other. The 4 *creatures did not turn when they moved. Each one went straight ahead"

even though the above portion of text from the biblical scriptures is a little obscure, there are many other clear descriptions of "flying" machines that does make one think....

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You got it. theres too many instances in all religions of references to flying machines & too many similar stories from cultures who could not possibly have had contact in ancient times. And yes I said he, but I guess that was in reference to Jesus himself "Son of god". The story of the virgin birth? Alien artificial insemination?

I've pondered on it for years.

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@Mylo : Hum I don't know what to think about this, I'm about to watch MIB russian movie and we will see but this news look like a hoax. I would think it is if there was not this.

@topic : This UFO seems real as many ppl saw it. Do they called norad to know more about it ? Hell no you're in USA.... (I love so much France sometimes for things like that, military would have investigated it in France)

I think taking picture is alot beter than videos because of focus ! Take a look at this one :

UFO Sighting: LA Police Helicopter Accompanied by Strange Craft in Witness Photo [VIDEOS] - International Business Times

here we can see something.

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I went looking for this and it seems a lot of UFO videos on Youtube are now "unavailable". Are they trying to become the gods that determine what is real and what isn't? Even if it isn't an alien, it is still NOT identified, usually, so the censor police need to stop this BS.

I think most of the time it's the uploader deleting it. Sometimes something gets outed as a hoax or something mundane and they remove it out of embarrassment. I wish they'd leave it up; helps explain similar phenomena even if its not a real UFO.

However, I'd still expect to find another person who ripped and reuploaded the video to their own account... Can't even find it with a broad search like "UFO Denver November 2012":



Shame. I would have liked to have seen it. We should be able to get a fabulous shot with today's technology.  Even our phones wouldn't do too bad of a job.

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