UFO "Disclosure" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down


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UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down


Not sure how many of you keep up with the "Exopolitics" crowd, or some of the nonsense they spew. However, a couple years ago some people started rumors at the Open Minds Forum about "imminent disclosure" related to someone known only as "Source A" who was connected with the United Nations and the US Navy. The claims that this unnamed source (Source A) was actually in contact with aliens, and that they were working behind the scenes with the UN and other world authorities to set the terms for disclosure of visitation and interaction by alien life here on earth.

Of course, the "true believer crowd", of which Exopolitics dupes are some of the biggest unquestioning dopes, were all over it and promulating it as if it was truth. Well, I am proud to announce that some of my friends who run the RealityUncovered forum (another place I hang out) have blown the lid off this hoax. And the uncovering (literally!) of who is really "Source A" and just how much he is NOT a "person in the know in the government" is quite funny indeed.

I suggest you all go read Steve Broadbent's latest blog where he, and his co-investigators, blow the lid off this nonsense. And perhaps you will come to an understanding why I am a fervent adherent to the scientific method as well as a ceaseless debunker of hoaxes. The fact that people take advantage of other people in this way makes me sick.


Happy reading!
Re: UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down

All the exopolitics stuff is 99% the result of Dr Steven Greer. I recall all the 'disclosure' hype a few years back....but then it all seemed to disappear, the Greer web site went 'paid members only' ( whereas it used to be quite open )....and the whole subject seemed to go underground.

Which annoyed me somewhat as Greer claimed to have conclusive evidence.

What I DID see was a Congressional hearing ( I think it was ) in which a number of 'emminent' people testified about UFOs.

My own position is that there IS remarkable evidence concerning UFOs.....numerous very reliable pilot sightings etc. But the likes of Greer ( and the Bud Hopkins foundation too ) introduce a load of BS that to me smacks almost of disinformation.

Reminds me of that mysterious 'Bob Lazar' guy who claimed to be at Area 51. I have no doubt he was set up to dis-inform.....at a time when former workers at Area 51 were considering sueing over contamination from industrial waste.
Re: UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down


Good find. And a good job by the investigators.

This Richard Thielmann appears to be a real piece of work. His FaceBook says "some college" and their investigation turns up a high school graduation date of June 1971.

The story as reported is that he is apparently stating that he is a retired Navy LCDR and Vietnam Vet. As they point out, that's pretty hard to swollow. "Some college" rules out being a Naval officer.

But look at his photo with his ex-wife. http://www.realityuncovered.net/blog/2010/05/ufology-exopolitics-special-source-a-exposed/

The medals on his suit are a bit blurry but if I read them correctly they are:

Top row:
Navy & Marine Corps Medal (same as John F. Kennedy received in WWII re PT-109)
Bronze Star
Purple Heart
? - too blurry

Middle Row
Meritorious Service Medal
Air Medal? (blurry)
Navy Commendation Medal Joint Service
Navy Acheivement Medal Joint Service
Navy Commendation Medal

Bottom Row:
National Defense Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces Honor Medal (Officer)
United Nations Medal? (blurry)
Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal

Of course the medals are worn in order of precidence and the top row is very impressive - if true. But the details of the investigation appear to say otherwise. Titor was a hoax - but rather innocuous. But this would not be inconsequential is untrue relative to the Naval career and medals. Its a federal felony.

If I have the RVN Armed Forces Honor Medal (Officer) correct its a BIG problem. He says that he didn't graduate from college. So he wasn't an officer. Even if he did graduate from college as a Navy ROTC Officer he would not have been deployed to Vietnam. He would have graduated in June of 1975. Saigon fell on 30-APR-1975. We were outta there by the time he would have graduated - had he graduated.
Re: UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down

I'm a bit baffled ( putting it mildly ) by all this stuff. Not by all the UFO claims, exopolitics, etc.....but by this :-

I just watched an hour long recording of Greer at some recent CSETI conference in Spain. The usual wild claims, based on little more than 'remote sensing', of how our space brethren are here to help....etc, etc. A few video clips of little more than flashes of light in a forest or on a beach.....not exactly 50 foot metallic UFOs....

And then Greer starts claiming that he has 'briefed the President', in fact every president as far back as Clinton. He wines and dines heads of the CIA. He displays on the screen 'Above Top Secret' documents that he says have not yet been declassified....yet some 'source' sends him them. It seems everyone who is anyone is in contact with Greer....not to mention our friendly space brothers. And the frickin question after all this is......WHY ???

I mean, WHY do all these officials, presidents, etc take Greer seriously ?

Am I seriously to believe that the President, the head of the CIA, the Navy chiefs of staff, the NSA, and so on.....are ALL totally ignorant of what is going on in the world, while some medical surgeon armed with a night scope and a bunch of new age followers knows everything ?

It all reminds me a little of Hal Lindsey back in the 70s, and his claims of meetings with presidents, top military officials, etc etc....based on little more than some rather wild interpretations of Biblical prophesies.
Re: UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down

Am I seriously to believe that the President, the head of the CIA, the Navy chiefs of staff, the NSA, and so on.....are ALL totally ignorant of what is going on in the world, while some medical surgeon armed with a night scope and a bunch of new age followers knows everything ?

Of course not. But as with all things in the UFOlogy arena, it is VERY VERY difficult to disprove claims, especially when the claimants go to extreme lengths to close-off means of investigation. i.e. they are not as "open and forthcoming" with anything they don't want you to know about.

And the frickin question after all this is......WHY ???

I mean, WHY do all these officials, presidents, etc take Greer seriously ?

They don't. But here is how a lot of these wannabes interpret things: You know those $10,000/plate political fundraisers that Presidents are notorious for hosting/attending? Well, if someone like Greer pays/goes to one of them, and even gets 5 seconds of a President's attention, that becomes "I briefed the President on UFOs..."

However, most rational thinkers have understood that the DOD and spook agencies have been using the entire UFOlogy community as smokescreens for other, legitimate reasons. Not only does government have no interest in cleaning up that cesspool, they actively promote it. COINTELPRO is a legitimate function of many government agencies, especially when you have adversaries that we pretend are not.

You realize, I am sure, that there is already a "war" going on with China, yes?

We live in the age of information, and it is building to a crescendo. My theory is that a "large event" related to use of information will lead the way out of the age of info and into the age of intention. My analogy is that the atom bomb and development of the transistor were two "large events" that transitioned us out of the age of energy and into the age of information.

Re: UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down

However, most rational thinkers have understood that the DOD and spook agencies have been using the entire UFOlogy community as smokescreens for other, legitimate reasons. Not only does government have no interest in cleaning up that cesspool, they actively promote it.

Yes, that much has been clear for some years now. There's little doubt that the entire 'flying saucers' event at Roswell was itself a cover for the real mission.....a top secret balloon device for monitoring Soviet nuclear tests.

Also, there is evidence that the Russians themselves have been quite happy to have their missile tests mistaken as UFOs.

Of course, armed with such cynicism.....one could then rightly argue that other nations would be on the look out for UFO stories.....with their top staff saying ' Huh....this must be yet another cover for some top secret device '. So I rather think the lid is off the whole 'UFOs as a cover for secret devices ' thing.

I personally feel that if Greer really was as deeply into all the black project secrets as he claims, and was not just a cover guy himself, well.......he'd probably have had a 'car accident' or something a long time ago.

What bugs me is there ARE quite a few inexplicable sightings, reliable reports by reliable people, etc........and that what is needed is a proper scientific study, and not a bunch of new age hippies seeking their space brothers.
Re: UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down

You realize, I am sure, that there is already a "war" going on with China, yes?

Oh yes. It's worth noting that the few places where conventional wars are still being fought are those with little public access to the internet. Once one can fight 'info-wars'.....who needs armies, tanks, bombers etc ?
Re: UFO \"Disclosure\" Hoaxer Caught With His Pants Down

Well Darby,

As a result of RU's continuing investigation into this hoax, things are not looking at all good for one Mr. Richard Theilmann. Stolen valor seems to be the order of the day:

A Litany of Lies
