U.S. (CIA) bugged Princess Diana’s phone


Rift Surfer
Report: U.S. bugged Princess Diana’s phone
CIA listened in on her phone calls hours before she died, newspaper claims

MSNBC staff and news service reports
Updated: 8:07 a.m. PT Dec 11, 2006

LONDON - The Central Intelligence Agency was bugging the telephone conversations of Britain's Princess Diana on the night she died, a British newspaper reported.

The Observer newspaper, citing the findings of a British inquiry into Diana's death to be released later this week, said the CIA was listening in on the princess in the hours before she died in a car crash in Paris.

The Observer reported that the CIA did not have British intelligence's permission to tap Diana's phone.

I guess the CIA wanted to know what dress she was wearing for the evening :)

Knocking down the Diana bug report
Posted by Pete Williams & Robert Windrem, NBC Justice Correspondent & NBC Investigative Producer (03:08 pm ET, 12/11/06)

Current and former U.S. officials say no U.S. intelligence agency ever targeted Princess Diana for intelligence collection.

Their comments follow stories over the weekend in British papers, reporting that U.S. intelligence agencies were spying on her. Some say her phone calls were being monitored, and some say specifically that it was done by the U.S. Secret Service. These stories are said to be based on the British report due out later this week on her death.

However, Homeland Security and U.S. Secret Service officials today say it is untrue that the Secret Service ever gathered intel information on Diana. "The Secret Service had nothing to do with it," the official says.

Separately, a former senior U.S. intelligence official says Princess Diana was never targeted for intelligence gathering in any way. But, the former official says, her voice MAY have been picked up while others were targeted. Even so, he says that as far as he knows, there were no intercepts of her in Paris the night she died, contrary to what the British papers are reporting.

The fact that U.S. intelligence agency files contained references to her has long been known. As far back as 1998, NSA said in response to a Freedom of Information Act request that it had a Diana file amounting to 1,056 pages.


In the interest of full disclosure, I have posted the Intel Agencies response.


We weren't targeting you BUT ALL THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU.

A new way of denial. :)
