Two Distinct Things Happen When I Pray


Rift Surfer
I am Christian. I've finally noticed that *every time* I have an intense prayer session that includes traditional written prayers, I am either shown a rainbow or a homeless person within a few days.

This happens every single time. One rainbow was seen on a dry day. Yes, Florida is very humid, so it isn't impossible, but it was the day after an intense prayer session.

I now make sure I acknowledge the homeless person. I give them a phone number to the charity I work for (they provide housing, food, clothing, bill assistance) as well as a snack if I have one.

I decided to pray before work this week and not only did my work days go fantastic, the kids and I saw the rainbow last night.

Also, when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I said some intense, emotional prayers to Mary telling her I couldn't afford it. I sent a prayer request online via e-mail to the Holy Grotto and I swear, I am not making this up..... the instant I hit SEND my phone rang. The DNA company doing my BRCA test told me that I didn't have to pay a dime. (I think it would have been around $5000 otherwise).

I believe miracles happen if you take the time to notice them. Has anyone had any similar experiences?

I believe in miracles too; my story is similar, but different. Instead of rainbows I had rain, butterflies, and earwigs.

I worked alone on my fuel run, security napped, and the operations control center felt a mile away. I worked in an airport, concrete everywhere, so bugs are not common (except crickets in mating season). Working 3rd shift, while doing my prayers and meditation, I started to see a single earwig during my fuel run. I wondered how he got there, the dirt is far way and the walk would take him hours if not days.

I moved on, days later I would see the same single earwig on the ground. Wondered again how did he get here, the concrete is solid, looked around; I did not see any other insects. This continued for months, and I believed I was losing my mind.

One morning, I was asked to stay late and lead the morning safety briefing. I pulled the the report for that day, reported to the briefing room in front of a crowed of twenty and began my brief. Three minutes into the report, I see the same earwig by my feet crawling around, and I reflect, in my mind, on all the other times he has appeared. My co-worker points to the ground and calmly states "hey an earwig". I look at him and act like I didn't notice then nod my head in approval. For weeks I believed I was losing my mind and now someone has seen what I have seen. I don't know what to make of it. I finish my report, look down and the earwig is nowhere, disappeared. This continued for a couple years and then stopped. I had the same earwig appear in class, on a desk, during a group project while one of my classmates played with it. He has appeared in hallways, bathrooms, mostly random locations, but I did notice the earwig would appeared more when I prayed and meditated.

Any thoughts?

One morning, I was asked to stay late and lead the morning safety briefing. I pulled the the report for that day, reported to the briefing room in front of a crowed of twenty and began my brief. Three minutes into the report, I see the same earwig by my feet crawling around, and I reflect, in my mind, on all the other times he has appeared. My co-worker points to the ground and calmly states "hey an earwig". I look at him and act like I didn't notice then nod my head in approval. For weeks I believed I was losing my mind and now someone has seen what I have seen. I don't know what to make of it. I finish my report, look down and the earwig is nowhere, disappeared. This continued for a couple years and then stopped. I had the same earwig appear in class, on a desk, during a group project while one of my classmates played with it. He has appeared in hallways, bathrooms, mostly random locations, but I did notice the earwig would appeared more when I prayed and meditated.Any thoughts?
Did he appear after prayers? If you skipped a prayer, did he disappear?

Random, but it started when I asked God to lead me to do his work. I also asked if I could see myself after a while the earwig began appearing. My intuition tells me that the earwig is me somehow. Weirdness beyond my understanding. ( i guess i am scary in the outside but kind and harmless unless provoked. Earwigs are the only insect that I know of whom take care of their young)

It began when I would enter deep meditation and begin my Catholic prayers. I guess cleaning the slate and sending a good message matters - I don't know.

It ended when I stopped deep meditation prayers, I only pray normally like everyone else. The other method is to powerful to use as a everyday thanks for life and request for missions to help his works.
