Two Camps


Super Moderator
There are two lines of thought that seem to have emerged in this forum. One has been very popular and is discussed quite a bit, the other, not as much.

The first camp ( line-of-thought ) is with regards to John Titor and his predictions. The other camp ( line-of-thought ) is that everything as we know it ends in 2012, the end of times.

If J.T. is correct, then 2012 will come and go without "THE" end. If the theories of 2012 are correct, then there will not be a John Titor from the future beyond 2012.

Only 7 years more to wait. Should become very interesting as the days pass and predictions and/or prophecies are fulfilled. ( or not )
for a n00b just joining this site...where are these predictions from John Titor...and who or what is a John Titor?

thanks ahead of time.
If J.T. is correct, then 2012 will come and go without "THE" end.

Mmmh, funny, a friend of my mother mentioned this particular year. She said this year will be a year where we will transcend to a higher level. She practices Reikki.

for a n00b just joining this site...where are these predictions from John Titor...and who or what is a John Titor?

Just type John Titor in your search engine and you should get plenty of information regarding him. There also is a mountain of info on him in this site.

Ther are two camps as you described them?

How about the camp, which most likely espouses the majority opinion, that the Titor Saga is just that - a nice little sci-fi thriller and that the Internet interpretation of the Mayan Calendar is yet another sci-fi thriller that has made a few people a lot of money writing books?

I've checked with my Mexican friends (remembering that "Mexica" is a Mayan word and not a Spanish word) and they say that their annuities and other long-term financials extend beyond 2012.

In other words, the Mayan People themselves do not predict that the world ends in seven years. You do know, don't you, that the Mayan People are still alive and present in Mexico? Cortez did not kill them off.

The Mayan Calendar Myth is just that - a myth. The present day Mayans don't believe that they are doomed in seven years.
Good to hear from you. Where are the new apartment pictures?

2012 will certainly be an interesting year to live(?) through. Many events will be occuring regardless of any esoteric ones.

In 2012 the plane of our Solar System will line up exactly with the plane of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. It is also said that two other galaxies will line up with ours at the same time. A planetary alignment is supposed to take place as well.

It is also interesting to note the Mayan Calender ends in 2012. The Mayan calendar cycle covers the period 3113 BC to 2012 AD, 5125 years. Unlike other ancient calendars it has never been in error.

There was also a Documentary on a Science Channel regarding the information extracted via a computer program developed to decipher the Bible Codes. The computer generated events all the way up to the year 2012, with nothing following that year.
The Mayan Calendar Myth is just that - a myth.

I've heard that side as well. That the calender just merely begins again with a new cycle, and doesnt really end as foretold by others. The other factors that raise my eyebrows a tad are the other events that seem to be occuring within the same year. ( Astrological )

And just as J.T. has two sides, so does the Mayan Calender " Theory" . I also have many friends with ancestors that can be traced back to that lineage. And as far as any knowledge from the past, who can say how much was lost in the winds of time? Even the Eygptians seem to get suprised by discoveries regarding their heritage.

Seven Years isn't an extremely long time to wait to see what happens. So time will truly tell the tale as to what the truth is regarding 2012.

Without typing an exhaustive reply, I also am a student of the Kabballah and other ... er ... esoteric disciplines and it is well known within those circles that there will be a major event taking place soon. 2012 seems to be the agreed upon year of the transformation.

I also have other reasons I would not like to post in this forum for believing something is to happen soon that marks the end of times. Perhaps if you are curious, I will gladly P.M. you.

Also, I would like to say it is good to hear from you, Darby,and I always enjoy any interactions with you on this board.
The nature of the exact date, of when 2012 is to the current calendar, is in debate.

Due to the Gregorian switch date, on the calendars, some thing 2012 is actually now.
Actually the Mayan Calender Year 2012 represents a significant galactic event - our sun crossing over the equator of the milky way.
I'm with you MEM (gee, interesting how people can disagree on some things and agree on others!) /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

There is more than enough evidence connecting the Mayans to having an extremely high degree of knowledge of celestial body motion. Every bit as advanced as we have today, given that they could make predictions about galactic events from their observations and research. It makes one wonder about: Today we use computers and highly accurate models of universal dynamics to predict the future and review the past, astronomically. I wonder what means they used to perform their calculations? Was it all done analytically, by hand?

I would like to think that 21st December 2012 means a change rather than an end to life on the earth. Maybe an event will happen that will change our way of thinking forever?
Cetrtainly a world with no money, hunger, drug abuse, illness, war, hate, etc, would be a good thing?