Siegmund, I would imagine your lawyer would have his hands full keeping you out of the mental ward. You can't copyright or trademark a t-shirt. You can copyright or trademark a certain design or slogan (the Coca-Cola curve, for example, or Nike's "Just Do It") or fictional character or place (Mickey Mouse or "Oz", for example), but not a t-shirt. As the owner of a trademark, you can prevent people from putting it on a t-shirt. You can't put Mickey Mouse on a t-shirt without having Disney breath down your neck. Sure, if you're small enough, the cost of litigation is probably not worth pursuing, you can write "Mario and Luigi cleaned out my pipes" on a t-shirt and if you print only 5 of them, Nintendo may let it slide. But you have no claim here. You see, you have no claim on "John Titor". Copyrights usually depend on "first use" (that is, where the property first appeared) and where did John Titor "first appear"? That's right, the Time Travel Institute. And who owns the Time Travel Institute? That's right, I do. And, so, unless someone comes forth and claims to be the "real" John Titor, ownership of John Titor and all associated products/merchandise fall to me. So, if you want to make a t-shirt and put John Titor's name on it, I think I'm going to have to ask you to shove it. This, of course, pertains only to you. Sadly, I'm not sure you'll be able to see this post as it was pointed out to me that I've already banned you from this forum four times and this is the fifth time. Keep it up, and I'll just have to contact your ISP - Comcast in Panama City, Florida - and tell them that you're harassing the users of this forum.
Thank you,
Raul Burriel