TTI Referenced by crazy John Titor


Temporal Novice
Wow what nut job. A guy that goes by the name JDHollisterTitor is blasting craziness on another forum called Paranormalis. Everyone thinks he is legitimately doing PCP or Meth or both. Every post is random crazy pics and pseudo-science garble with no rational meaning. The reason I mention it is because he just made a claim that he is really John Titor returned, and he can't figure out why everyone is being so mean to him. Oh and he said TTI banned him from posting here. So TTI is famous... Just thought I would share some funny entertainment.
I would guess that would be JDT while he was posting here. And, yeppers, you will find his name on the ban list. ( Located in the Time Travel Discussion section ).
I think it's funny. That dude has serious issues. And unlike on here, the people on the other site actually give the guy more slack than he should have.