TT group


you know what I just realized about you Razimus?

you love the name Razimus, I see it 50 million times a day and now the shameless promotion of your time travel discussion board. j/k of course I like it keep it up...

so, how did you pick the name Razimus?
Sorry for the pathetic plug, but someone in the group wants it to grow, so maybe one day it'll grow, man I think I have a google group too, dang they are reproducing, ok I just deleted the google groups, so join the yahoo group if you want, anyway, how'd I pick my name? well maybe it picked me, ok seriously though, it's my real name. Maybe not the name I was born with but according to nerdy matrix rules it is my real name, heh. Actually it is based on the old name 'Erasimus', but changed a bit, probably too much information but someone actually had that name apparently according to this someone back in 1860 was named (Razimis L. Warren)
I don't know who this Razimus L. Warren was but he was probably a cool dude. Anyway it's my pseudonym of choice.

--- Razimus
A Persons "pseudonym of choice" has always interested me. Have you had any past handles? nicks? I've had mine for years and they always had to represent me in a way as well as inspire some sort of mystery about the names origin.