TT from the past?


I don't recall that anyone who has claimed to be from the past. I've wondered about that myself. Good question.

You'd think that with all of the Internet New Age alt-sci "theories" about ancient Egypt and Atlantis that someone would have decided to be a TT from there. Maybe its a lack of imagination on their part. I don't know.

Seems to me that they're all to busy copying Titor to come up with new material.

You picked up on that continuing theme, did you?

You're correct. Virtually every would-be TT who has come along since November 2, 2000 has either claimed to be a part of Titor's team (most successful Ardon Krep in Germany), to be Titor himself, to be an enemy agent looking for Titor or just change the names and dates but post the same story. There have been a few exceptions.