I see a lot of talk concerning secret societies and I can handle it because I used to be in the Black Dragon Society under Sonanju, the most ancient monk of martial arts. This is not openly taught in any dojos or in the movies or on television so do not expect to find any videos about it, the white, yellow or red dragon or Sonanju exposing secrets and moves and teachings. You simply will not find them. And those people trying would be severely punished probably killed. Illuminati and masons have been around since the beginning of time with Lucifer referred to as Satan. People say that there is no way that the wiccans, aka glorified witches, illuminati or masons could not worship satan/lucifer as God or their mentor because they are anti-Christian. Well guess what? Satan is AGAINST us to and FOR witchcraft/evil, so yes they do especially the higher up witches in the Illuminati and Freemasons. I knew six 33 degree masons and two more who were what is referred to as "illuminized masons" because they were higher than 33 degrees which is not openly talked about by the groups or in the history books either. The degrees go all the way to 100 where full illumination is reached. The Illuminati has been around since the first deception of mankind and the fall of the demonic angels which people thinking they see aliens with big black eyes, aka no real soul, is really seeing. There is so much mind control being used in ways one cannot even fathom unless they look hard enough that you can cut it with a knife so to speak. From Monarch, a super horrific current worldwide situation going on to the wars which are not what most think, you just have to believe that someone who had that much love to die on a cross burdened with our trangressions and sins really did love us. God did not die because on the third day HE ROSE and transcended into the heavens, something we cannot imagine with our own human minds and brains. The light of God is so powerful that you would die if you looked right at it, and yet someday, us who believe and know Him, even though we are human and make mistakes will see Him in His full glory and live forever. That is not a religion, an opinion, or a lie or someone's idea of a good way to deal with stress. The truth cannot be changed no matter how many groups like the Illuminati go and attempt to mess it up or deceive other people. They to need that love and I hope they find it before it is too late for them. Because money, power, and Lucifer himself will not save them from eternal judgement.