Truth about Aliens


Chrono Cadet
Whoever translated Bibles to use the word Aliens in Bible verses is a bit strange. Sure I have many weird experiences. The first time I saw Mars was Martian Chronicles series decades ago. If they can imagine Mars then, then who knows what they know. Why Martians, who coined martians?

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus? I know its a book, but really? Be sensitive to humans. Just say Men are men, women are women. and introduce Law of Attraction in the Garden of Eden instead of a talking Serpent. (I guess the Law of Attraction just recreated the original Lilith in Genesis 1:27 and the three of them Adam, Lilith and Eve are reconciled in Truth.) When humans know Truth they will know. Tree of Knowledge they knew knowledge. So to reconcile Truth you have to forget knowledge. Because knowledge is knowledge passed down, true or not. Nanu Nanu... :)

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Interesting! Where does it say that in the Bible? Can you explain why words are changing? For instance, I remember the Lion & the Lamb. I have read the Secret many years ago and find the concepts thought provoking. Create a language? Perhaps it is already written in the stars with glyphs & symbols. In regards to men from Mars, ladies from Venus- may come from Greek/Roman mythologies. Mars/Aries have the masculine energy while Venus/Aphrodite have feminine energy. In those tales, I believe Aphrodite is “married” to Hephaestus/Vulcan the god of metal smithing but desires Aries as her equal partner. Through those mythical partnerships, we can see illustrated different phases of human growth. Example- Zeus&Athene (father/daughter) or Apollo&Artemis (sister/brother). Each phase or representation learning from each counterpart. I have heard of the three falls of man or “Adam”. Lilith being of equal counterpart to Adam and that being some type of problem which creates the first downfall. What happened there? Where did you learn that information? Nanu, Nanu... lol

Multiple gifts of Holy Spirit. I can’t find all verses but if you google a keyword with bible then the Bible may try to explain your topic. To me Jesus is all stories of the universe. Crucified. Then all of the universe is free. But religion controls the stories regardless of which one. Urantia knows more than I. And within Christianity they are not comfortable. Future knowledge comes with consequences of it. And truth of the past comes with consequences. When I was born the Bible was the word of God. As I got older even churches called the Bible the inspired word of God. The word and implied word are different. Imagine if Adam Lilith and Eve spoke English before fall of man. I live 1 hour from Eden NC. The museum explains the continental split thru there which ties in with Genesis.
