Tricksters, Charlatans, & Rogues


Temporal Novice
The ultimate goal of all forms of life is to reach out and network with other life. It is simple to verify this truth by looking at all living things and identifying an underlying structure that all share. The network of blood vessels in the human body, not to mention the network of the nervous system, exhibits this structure. Look also to the creations of life forms and you will see the network. Roads connect cities for purpose of commerce, connections, sharing. Telephone lines connect groups and individuals, again for sharing. Therefore, it would be difficult to state with any certainty that mankind will never leave this planet. We shall if for no other reason than it is in our nature to create newer, larger, and more connected networks. Certainly there is an aspect of godness in all of this.

Time represents another type of network. Not many folk truly understand the nature of time at this time and in this place. But that is changing. Many think the only way we can network through time is by oral or written history, or photos, or videos. These are the most primitive forms of time networking. The most advanced forms of time networking are the precise purpose for the creation of the human and the human mind. It is an instrument designed for the sole purpose of time networking. We are approaching an age when the human mind will finally achieve its full ability to time network. Some have already achieved it, but the future holds out the promise for all to achieve this magnanamous capbility.

However, before the human species is permitted to pass this milestone there is the issue of cleaning up the pollution that must be taken care of. I am not speaking of global warming, or anything having to do with Al Gore or his Live Earth rock concerts, as entertaining as they may have been. I am speaking of pollution of the information type. The wish for one person to deceive others is a much worse threat to human evolution than greenhouse gases or the like. Take this website as a modicum example of this problem that will restrain humans and prevent us from time networking. This site has exhibited a great deal of information pollution inherent in the number of tricksters, charlatans, and rogues who have come here and asked people to believe they are physical time travelers. We are speaking here of a matter of extreme ethos. Nature has many means of protecting itself, and time networking is no different. The laws of the universe will simply not allow a trickster, charlatan, or rogue to time network. This is why these spirits have always been part of mankind, infesting our souls with their self-limiting memes that seek to pull fast ones on their bretheren in the human species. Rest assured, not a single person who seeks to trick others, regardless of their reason, will be permitted to acquire the ability to time network. Those who wish to evolve with the rest of your human bretheren should take note and get your life in order, for I tell you this truthfully: Your time of reckoning is quickly approaching. If you do not give up your trickster ways, you will be forced to witness others achieving the ability to time network, all while you are prevented from doing so. If ever there was a good analogy for hell, it is being left behind while the rest of humanity takes it next step in quantum evolution.

Liars, cheats, thieves, tricksters, scammers, quacks, imposters, fakes, pretenders, defrauders, deceivers, con men, double-crossers, swindlers, shysters all of you face a future of being tossed off from the rest of humanity as the garbage and pollution that you are. The truth of the universe which lies beyond the linear conception of time will simply not admit you while you continue to play deceptive games.

Time is short. You have been warned.
ruthless: Thank you.
Cubikdice: What is your definition of counter-intelligence, within the context of what I offered? And thank you.
bogz: I am not sure I understand what you mean. Sometimes when people wish to share involved thoughts they require more than one sentence.
paladius: You are welcome.

Certainly have got my attention. Although I have a few questions.

What I can't understand is what does information have to do with Time Networking?
Also, whats the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie in regards to a Time Network?
What if the information the person passes on is false, but they don't know it is?
What if the information they pass on is the truth but they believe it's a lie?
How do we know what you're saying isn't a lie?
I am not sure I understand what you mean. Sometimes when people wish to share involved thoughts they require more than one sentence.

No they don't need more than one sentence, for instance you could have said: "Stop posting hoaxes you bunch of stinky losers".
"What I can't understand is what does information have to do with Time Networking?"

everything is nothing without information.

"Also, whats the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie in regards to a Time Network?"

it depends on a nuber of factors, but believe this, with every lie, mankinds downfall gets closer. only when people truly embrace honesty, no matter how bad you realize you look, will people be able to acsend to higher levels.

"What if the information the person passes on is false, but they don't know it is?"
i would say that the person should ponder about it for a little bit. sometimes when you think by yourself, you can figure much more out, and feel much better about yourself at the same time. i feel like it should hold more importance in peoples lives. you should also think of the future events that will happen from this information, and is it worth it to say anything. sometimes the smallest things turn into the biggest.

"What if the information they pass on is the truth but they believe it's a lie?"
to that i ask, why would someone go against themselves? makes no sense to me. this should never be done in my opinion. if you believe something to be untrue, then prove it. the burden of proof is upon the believer. i just say think about it from all viewpoints and aspects before making any decision, so when you make your decision, you know its final.

"How do we know what you're saying isn't a lie?"

well, very many different ways. but the easiest way to know i am telling lies or not, is to simply judge me, i have no fears of being judged, regardless of how negative it may be.
i believe very much in bushido, and honor. i believe i hold honor true, and if not, i humble myself to the one who does.
I was expecting the main curator of this thread to answer, but heave-ho, time to get dug in...

"everything is nothing without information."

Last time I checked, our very basis of existance was not one of that to information. Actually, several Sciencists would go even as far to say everything already is an illusion.

"it depends on a nuber of factors, but believe this, with every lie, mankinds downfall gets closer. only when people truly embrace honesty, no matter how bad you realize you look, will people be able to acsend to higher levels."

I asked already what if what you was telling me was a lie. Animals cannot lie and have not acsended to higher levels. Animals are doomed for extinction but cannot lie. May I present the now dead Dodo as witness to this stand?

"i would say that the person should ponder about it for a little bit. sometimes when you think by yourself, you can figure much more out"
I asked what if they didn't know. You're acting on the basis of what you know (lying is bad) is true, but what if someone had lied to you about that? You wouldn't know.

"to that i ask, why would someone go against themselves?"
Who says they do? There have been numerous law cases where Clients/Defendents had planned to deceive the victim with false information that turned out to be true. An example of such a case (re-phrased for obvious reasons). D gets onto a bus, and asks for a free ride, telling the bus driver a lie about not having any money - except, when D gets home, D discovered that D actually didn't have any money anyway!

"is to simply judge me"
Judging does not guarentee to inform if someone is or is not telling the truth.

Although a lie detector is more likely to suit the role better, despite it's obvious short-comings.