Tree of Life Thread: Response To TTA Questions


Super Moderator

Your questions were...

1. What does the Tree of Life have to do with Time Travel ?
2. What/How does the Tree of Life apply to ones life ?

I think the second one is structured differently than your original question, however, I believe it will cover your inquiry.


I am going to respond to the 2nd question first with a comment made by a "Magician" named Suba. Suba has been involved in what is known as "High Magick" for quite awhile and is very adept with his particular discipline.

I think that his description of his view of the Tree of Life is what I believe as well, and as good a description as I could utilize for our discussion

The purpose of the individual ...

" It is only the simple things, such as moving to perfection, refining myself through contact with my higher self, becoming aware of the beautiful things, coming to know who I am at each moment, controlling my life, keeping from being consumed by this vampire society, and regaining many gifts bestowed upon humanity that have been lost ".

Overall purpose of the individual...

" They say divinity lies within us, and it only takes a second to realize it, and be enlightened; I say, the divine "seed" is within us, and that divinity is "potentially" within us, if we are able to purify ourselves, and come to "earn" it by rending the "veils" that are exist before us. For this is the truth, even before we can think about enlightenment.

By building our "foundation" , by purifying ourselves of our lower animalistic natures, and by growing the seeds of truth planted within us, we then come to realize the temple within ourselves, while transending each plane ( of exisitence ) until we reach our "home" ".

"The Tree...

It is hard to describe something, that is indescribable. Any work is considered the beginning "ascension" within the Tree of Life. The Tree in its basic formation, is an empty coloring picture, awaiting for the individual to color it with their life.

Each place within and upon the Tree, represents levels, energies, intelligences, situations, colors, sounds, images, thoughts, forces, places, experiences, etc...

It is "the beginning" in learning "who" we are, finding those "cycles" we have created, and learning how to overcome them. Malkuth is the first of the Ten Formations" , or "vortexes" upon the Tree.

The Tree is a Grand Configuration of all paths of the individuals of humanity. It works from a physical perspective, to an emotional, mathematical, energetic, light, force, expansion, contraction, creative, destructive, and infinitely many other different forms of perspectives. "


The above was quoted from writings of Suba. In thinking about your questions, his writings or thoughts apply the best to the 2nd question. Now, I did put some words within quotation marks...I did this for a reason.

1. Seed
2. Potential
3. Earn
4. Veils
5. Foundation
6. Home
7. Beginning
8. Who { we are }
9. Cycles
10. Vortexes

I think you would be able to recognize a pattern in these key words. We have within us a seed, the potential of that seed is unrealized; will it become an oak ? or will it become a weed ?

Any progress we make upon the Tree is earned. It takes alot of work and study to move within the Tree, many mistakes are made along the way, sometimes painful, but this is a cross we must bear on our journey within the Tree.

There are veils that we create within us that prevent us from seeing the truth about our life. We hide emotions, thoughts and energies behind these veils.

So we construct a foundation to build a path of ascension to realization or understanding ourselves, beyond these viels, and provide ourselves the opportunity to cultivate the seed.

As we do this we enter onto a path of "returning" to that One place from whence we originate, the 1 ( One ), the place from which all begins.

We all need a place to begin, to start and construct our foundation.

As we move or build upon the foundation, we will begin to recognize cycles, cycles of habits, cycles of life, and the cycles of all creation.

The vortexes also become clearer. Even though the Tree is symbolized as ten seperate spheres and with paths between them, it all exists in one place, a sphere within a sphere, cycle within a cycle...

and this is where it becomes difficult to describe the nature of the Tree in depth. It goes very deep indeed, my friend.

The paradox's begin...


Time is short today, so this is what I can post at the moment. Feel free to ask any further questions, as in most cases, answers bring about more questions.

Later, I will post the origins of Kaballah as claimed by a man named S.L. MacGregor Mathers.


My signature line is an accurate description of the purpose of studying the Kaballah and the Tree of Life.

Time is short today, so this is what I can post at the moment. Feel free to ask any further questions, as in most cases, answers bring about more questions.

Surprisingly, I have no further follow-up questions at this time. Nevertheless, I will give it some more thought. Very interesting answers though. I thought it was a very nice well thought out explanation to it’s application. Though as a side note, I’m not to keen on New Age language. Not saying that your explanation to my question regarding the Tree of Life was full of Newagisms… but I see language like this as rhetorical euphemisms, used for justification of a New Age spiritual cause (or to b.s.) over the masses.

Past experience with hardcore New Age extremists have led me to believe that there is nothing that they won’t justify to their ends. I was surprised each & every time at how little spirituality they each exhibited, but boasted about their spiritual superiority regardless as they attacked & attacked those who did not share in their beliefs. I did not post at that forum for very long.

Ultimately, Time Travel will be prompted & implemented by these individuals towards the masses for greater spiritual & consciousness attainment. The TTA knows the end results to this, I am experiencing it now. I’ve only wanted to communicate to people to see & to acknowledge the great potential dangers to their New Age beliefs and the ramifications to humanity as a result of it.

Perhaps my website will do that, or do nothing at all, but I cannot just do nothing.

Though as a side note, I’m not to keen on New Age language......

This I fully understand. However, the New Age movement has leeched the information off of the something that has literally been around since before the beginning of our time on Earth.

Remember, the information contained in the post that I presented, is still out of context from the entire document. With a subject such as this one, it has so much involved, to post everything related to the topic would take up alot of space, and I am certain, Raul would not appreciate that.

Clarification is vital. Any one word that is considered differently than what is intended will change the entire meaning of what is presented. And even just for two of us, each word can possibly mean two different things.

I tried to present a little bit of the basics, and leave out the more in-depth information. So the flow of the information may seem a tad jumpy at times.

This is why I strongly suggest questions and comments at each stage to clarify our understandings before moving on into a realm of hazy progress, each person not really sure what they have perceived.

Your comment was perfect, and relating this to the New Age provided me with an understanding of how to proceed with clearing up these kind of things.

Suba made this comment...

" As it is, there are already to many children, who dapple in the lower formations of the subtler energies, without any real knowledge or discipline of what they are doing. "

I also have been in comunication with a Rabbi, of whom is very knowledgeable with ancient texts, and the Kabballah, and he also is dismayed at the actions of the New Age Folks. Many of them only doing the New Age thing as a fad. The deeper meanings will elude them, since as I mentioned "earned" is a very important word in the understanding of this discipline.

The basic inquiry of deeper meaning may be fine, but the amount of work involved can be time consuming and does come with sacrifice. And many New Age folks dont really know the danger they are putting themselves within.

As an example, long ago, I was goofing around with a summoning ritual for beings known as elementals. I was skeptical, not really believing it was in fact a true thing. I figured the whole thing to be a creation of the imagination of others. So, I did it and to my astonishment, the candleholders were knocked around, a wind flowed from no-where ( in a small room ) and the flames were extinguished. I was freaked and let my feet do there thing and rapidly removed myself from that room.

For a week things were very strange and chaotic. Researching further on this "summoning" it was reveavled that these beings expect specific gestures of respect. By me running away, I apparently insulted them, they consider such an action as just "blowing them off", and will cause havoc until they are provided an acceptable apology. I did this and immediately, the strange things ceased. And as far any summonings, that also ceased.

I realized how easy it is to get in trouble when doing something without proper training and without experienced teachers who really know what they are doing.

Past experience with hardcore New Age extremists have led me to believe that there is nothing that they won’t justify to their ends. I was surprised each & every time at how little spirituality they each exhibited, but boasted about their spiritual superiority regardless as they attacked & attacked those who did not share in their beliefs. I

This happens in many "faiths". Christianity is an example of this as well. To claim to be following the teachings of Christ, to walk in his footsteps, then burn people at the stake, or raid foreign lands on a "religious Crusade", and pass judgement on others who dont "think" the same way as you, doesnt seem to have "really" gotten the message.

If you strip away many of the extensions of most faiths, the core ideals are very similar, untill politics adds onto those basic ideals.
In pondering the subject, the following came to mind. If we were to remove all the mystical and theological garnishments, we end up with some very basic principles.

The 1st principle would be...


The 2nd principle would be...


The 3rd principle would be...

Awareness of Self.

The 4th principle would be...


The 5th principle would be...

Balance and Equilibrium.

These 5 principles are the whole thing without the added on mumbo-jumbo.

Now we start adding on the mumbo-jumbo.

There was at one point everything that ever was and will ever be, just there, and everywhere. God, or our Creator, a part of this energy that exists within an eternal state. God does say that he has been in existence forever, and will continue to exist forever.

What people have missed was the fact that God never said he was forever aware of "His" existence.

The origin of God is unimportant, it is the point when "He" became aware that "HE WAS"...or..."HE Is"...did you know that in the Bible there are only two words capitalized and in bold print...these two words are " I AM " !

So, even by tossing out everything in the bible, and keeping only these two words that are capitalized and in bold print, we have " I AM " !

Ponder on that for awhile.

Now we are referring to time unknown to us, because for an eternal being, time is meaningless. So however long it took for God to "evolve" is not appilcable either.

At some point, God realized that "He" was One. The First to become "Aware" of his own existence. Thus the description of Him being a Father becomes more descriptive than first imagined.

As "One", energy with awareness of self, how does Creation take place ?

So there is absolutely nothing, which is "best" defined numerically by 0 ( Zero ).
And we have energy aware--existence, which is best defined numerically by 1 ( One ).

Now, these "truths" are supported by many interesting facts.

It is claimed that we reflect our Creator in what we do, and our creation of artifical intelligence works on what for its most basic "code" of operation ?

The binary code...0 and 1. Nothing else. Quite an interesting comparison to noitce that with God and Creation it is merely 0 and 1, and our creation( computers ) shares the same dynamics.

But, now how do you create, with only 0 and 1. Any mathematical formula demonstrates that you can not get a 2. ( 1 + 0 = 1 ) ( 1 x 0 = 0 ) ( 1 - 0 = 1 ) ( 1 / 0 = 0 )

So how can God create with only Himself and nothing ?

By reflection....

The 1 reflects part of Himself and thus we now , kinda sort of, have 2.

Very basic. Supported as well. All things are God...within God...on and on... and so forth.

This is easily seen with relfection as the "source" of creation.

We also have a problem...God, and nothing. (Pure energy/light and nothing) ( Existence/Non-existence ).

Do you recognize a problem here?
Mind if I butt-in on this thread? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Here is a little exercise that anyone can do, right now, to help them see and understand the direct correlation between the human body's structure and the matrix of the Tree Of Life:

1) While in a standing position, form your hands together so that they form the natural triangle shape with your thumbs and in the following picture. (Some people choose to close all their other fingers, others choose to leave them open as this young lady does.)

2) Hold this triangle up to your face so that where your thumbs meet is aligned with the ridge of your lips and your index fingers point upwards. Notice the following correlations: <ul type="square"> [*]What does the triangle apex (your index fingers) point to? [*]What does the base of the triangle align with? [*]What organs on your head do the opposing base corners of the triangle point to? [*]What is the triangle-shaped body part embedded in the middle of this hand-triangle? [*]What body parts do the two side legs of the triangle pass thru? [*]What polar direction (North/South) is this triangle pointing towards? [/list]
3) Now move the triangle down to your chest such that your thumbs touch the center of your sternum (breast bone) and the fingers point ahead of you. Note how the triangle points in the direction of forward locomotion when you walk. Note that locomotion of the human body is made possible by the heart and lungs (a triangular set of organs).
4) Now move the triangle down to your pubic triangle so your index fingers are pointing downward. Notice the following correlations: <ul type="square"> [*]What body part, with unique forms depending on if you are a man or woman, falls inside of the hand triangle? [*]What bodily orifice, shared by man and woman, are the index fingers pointing to? [*]What internal organs are the base corners of the triangle pointing to? What body parts do the two side legs of the triangle pass thru? [*]What polar direction (North/South) is this triangle pointing towards? [/list]
5) Repeat the exercise of Step 2, except this time form the triangle of your hands in the opposite (downward pointing) direction... It is a bit awkward, but can be done. Consider what this version of the triangle on your head represents.
6) Repeat the exercise of Step 3, except this time form the triangle of your hands in the opposite (backward pointing) direction. Consider what this version of the triangle on your chest represents.
7) Repeat the exercise of Step 4, except this time form the triangle of your hands in the opposite (upward pointing) direction. Consider what this version of the triangle on your pubic area represents.
8) Study the structure of the upper nine nodes of the Tree Of Life geometric architecture and notice how it correponds to the triangles on the body we have just examined.
9) Ask yourself if the balanced matrix structure of the human body may be a big part of the reason for our success as a species.
10) Consider that, if the physical structure of your human body follows the Tree Of Life matrix, might it be possible for the aphysical structure of your human mind to also follow this same matrix architecture.

Clarification is vital. Any one word that is considered differently than what is intended will change the entire meaning of what is presented. And even just for two of us, each word can possibly mean two different things.

The TTA is no stranger to this truth. I’ve gotten into more quarrels in the past that way.

For clarification purposes, I will ask for specifics or kindly comment if I feel I may have a difference of interpretation then what you may have intended.

Your comment was perfect, and relating this to the New Age provided me with an understanding of how to proceed with clearing up these kind of things.

Glad I could help. That would just make more questions for me.

I realized how easy it is to get in trouble when doing something without proper training and without experienced teachers who really know what they are doing.

Your summoning experience is fascinating. I can’t say I’ve ever gone that far to attempt anything like that, other then just utilizing my psychic gift through common New Age avenues.

I’ve read many books in my youth to this affect, Chakras, Pyramid Power, Hypnosis, UFO’s &amp; Time Travel. And each take home concept and experience attributed to my inevitable creation of the TTA persona. This was a realization of going about things the wrong way, and that someday these ideals could shape and mold the world for Time Travel implementation.

This happens in many "faiths". Christianity is an example of this as well. To claim to be following the teachings of Christ, to walk in his footsteps, then burn people at the stake, or raid foreign lands on a "religious Crusade", and pass judgement on others who dont "think" the same way as you, doesnt seem to have "really" gotten the message. If you strip away many of the extensions of most faiths, the core ideals are very similar, untill politics adds onto those basic ideals.

I find this to be quite sad. So many good intentions, ultimately lost in it’s pursuits. Sometimes when you justify an action already on a slippery-slope based on your beliefs mandate (or misinterpretation of your belief), it’s often times difficult to return to a state of innocence and spiritual purity. I find Time Travel (&amp; other arbitrary practices relating to TT) to be one of the most effective means of reconstituting mankind’s spiritual state from purgatory. IMHO.

What people have missed was the fact that God never said he was forever aware of "His" existence.

What chapter &amp; verse does it say this?

As "One", energy with awareness of self, how does Creation take place ?

So there is absolutely nothing, which is "best" defined numerically by 0 ( Zero ).
And we have energy aware--existence, which is best defined numerically by 1 ( One ).

How could God achieve the state he did and become aware as much to have this power to create?

Or is this the same power that as an individual possesses, but on a smaller limited scale?

The TTA understands the 01 quite well
So how can God create with only Himself and nothing ?

By reflection....

The 1 reflects part of Himself and thus we now , kinda sort of, have 2.

Very basic. Supported as well. All things are God...within God...on and on... and so forth.

This is easily seen with relfection as the "source" of creation.

We also have a problem...God, and nothing. (Pure energy/light and nothing) ( Existence/Non-existence ).

Do you recognize a problem here?

I kind of get what the problem is, but I’m lost beyond that. I give, tell me /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Mind if I butt-in on this thread?

As someone once said to me:
Freedom of speech. I don't mind, as long as you don't mind any replies.

You said:
Here is a little exercise that anyone can do, right now, to help them see and understand the direct correlation between the human body's structure and the matrix of the Tree Of Life:

Do you have any math and science to support the validity of this exercise’s interpretation in relation to the Tree of Life?

8) Study the structure of the upper nine nodes of the Tree Of Life geometric architecture and notice how it correponds to the triangles on the body we have just examined.

What if I’m not familiar with this image you are referring of, or how do I know if I’m looking at the correct one? Please post, or direct me to the proper image. Thanks a lot in advance.

9) Ask yourself if the balanced matrix structure of the human body may be a big part of the reason for our success as a species.

A thread can be started on just that alone. Ok, I give, why?

10) Consider that, if the physical structure of your human body follows the Tree Of Life matrix, might it be possible for the aphysical structure of your human mind to also follow this same matrix architecture.

To what degree is the “human mind” come from being a physical brain subjected to human experiences to an aphysical depository of knowledge, etc? Please clarify for me, as I do not follow.

Kind Regards,
Do you have any math and science to support the validity of this exercise’s interpretation in relation to the Tree of Life?
Of course I do. In fact, I have at least a book's worth, or perhaps two. However, since the TTA is admittedly not a scientific person, I fail to see how sharing this math and science with you would enhance your knowledge until such time as you become more well-versed in scientific and mathematical principles. Most of the material I have (that will show up in a book some day) assumes the reader is well versed in geometry and calculus. Still... there is plenty of scientific material available on the net that aligns the shape of the triangle with elements of the human form. Here are two such references that I found in a simple search:

Human Face Detection Using Geometric Triangle Relationship

What if I’m not familiar with this image you are referring of, or how do I know if I’m looking at the correct one? Please post, or direct me to the proper image. Thanks a lot in advance.

In reply to:
9) Ask yourself if the balanced matrix structure of the human body may be a big part of the reason for our success as a species.
A thread can be started on just that alone. Ok, I give, why?
This topic would span much more than a thread, TTA. It can span a book.... or books.
The point was to get you to begin to explore these things on your own, and make connections on your own. Such journeys for seeking knowledge are much more rewarding when you undertake them yourself. For example (and to revert back to your question about science and math above) you might wish to study how prevalent the 3x3 matrix is in the mathematical formulations of the physical dynamics of matter in motion.
To what degree is the “human mind” come from being a physical brain subjected to human experiences to an aphysical depository of knowledge, etc? Please clarify for me, as I do not follow.
I think you will have to clarify your question first, as it is quite confusing to me between the choice of sentence structure and the grammatical errors. Try again, maybe with a few sentences, to describe what you are getting at in terms of a question.

Of course I do. In fact, I have at least a book's worth, or perhaps two.

I knew you would
. It was quite a surprise to see a subjective post from you without any math and science to back it up. Just thought I ask.

However, since the TTA is admittedly not a scientific person, I fail to see how sharing this math and science with you would enhance your knowledge until such time as you become more well-versed in scientific and mathematical principles.

As for sharing with me the math &amp; science behind the Tree of Life, is the math &amp; science so out of reach for the common layman to derive any useful applicable data from?

Such journeys for seeking knowledge are much more rewarding when you undertake them yourself. For example (and to revert back to your question about science and math above) you might wish to study how prevalent the 3x3 matrix is in the mathematical formulations of the physical dynamics of matter in motion.

Again, for those not quite to familiar with the Tree of Life, where can I find this 3x3 matrix to study?

I think you will have to clarify your question first, as it is quite confusing to me between the choice of sentence structure and the grammatical errors. Try again, maybe with a few sentences, to describe what you are getting at in terms of a question.

I will attempt to clarify for you. But I don't think speculation in what someone might be saying ever stopped you before
. You can always ask me if that's what I meant.

You said:
10) Consider that, if the physical structure of your human body follows the Tree Of Life matrix, might it be possible for the aphysical structure of your human mind to also follow this same matrix architecture.

What I asked was:
To what degree is the “human mind” come from being a physical brain subjected to human experiences to an aphysical depository of knowledge, etc? Please clarify for me, as I do not follow.

What the TTA is trying to say RMT, is if the physical structures of the human body, such as the brain in particular are subject to the effects of the physical universe, experiences, memory &amp; feelings as a result of some chemical reaction, to where does this "mind" come in resulting in something aphysical; something possibly different from the body?

If this does not clarify it for you enough, then I would ask that you elaborate on point #10 a bit further, so that I may ask the question again, more in commonality to your statement. Thanks.

As for sharing with me the math &amp; science behind the Tree of Life, is the math &amp; science so out of reach for the common layman to derive any useful applicable data from?
The study &amp; understanding of math and science are typically "too complex" for the "common layman" to wish to spend time learning. Many people want the "reader's digest" version of math and science, but it is never that easy. Most often, when someone tries to give someone such a version, there is a significant amount of misunderstanding and/or disbelief on the part of the "common layman" that defeats any hope of reaching such a "reader's digest" understanding of math and science.

The point I am making is that the Tree Of Life aligns with a vast majority of topics in modern science and modern math. Given that these subjects ARE vast, and ARE complex, then if you wish to understand the math &amp; scientific underpinnings that align with the Tree Of Life, then you will have to understand the basics of math and science. I will give you one example (of many) below.
Again, for those not quite to familiar with the Tree of Life, where can I find this 3x3 matrix to study?
It is not only a single matrix. It is the prevalence of Matrix Math in describing the scientific details of the world around us (and our own bodies to boot). I have discussed and presented much in this area in the "Vector and Tensor Fundamentals" thread on this forum. The studies of Eigen decomposition, eigenspace, eigenvectors, and eigenvalues are another vast area which demonstrates the usefulness of matrix math (and most often 3x3 matrix math) in the modeling and solution of engineering problems. But let me give you just one, "simple" example:

There is a physical property of the distribution of the mass of an object that is called the Moment of Inertia. This property of the distribution of mass in a body is not just one single number, but rather a 3x3 matrix that describes the mass properties/distrubution with respect to 3-dimensional space (i.e. 3 orthogonal axes). We actually call it the Inertia Tensor, and it is a crucial element in modeling the 6-degree-of-freedom dynamical response of an aircraft. Each of the 9 elements of this matrix describe the mass distribution of an object around its three axes (the 3 diagonal terms) and with respect to the 3 planes comprised of two axes taken together at a time. So the 3x3 Inertia Tensor is of the form ("I" is the letter typically used as a variable for Inertia):


The elements on the diagonal (Ixx, Iyy, Izz) represent the rotational moments of inertia about the x, y, and z axes, respectively. The off-diagonal elements represent the products of inertia with respect to the 2-D planes that their indices denotes (e.g. the plane defined by the xy axes for Ixy). This is one example, and you can see it can get quite involved. In fact, this is why it takes an engineer at least 4 years to learn his/her craft.

What the TTA is trying to say RMT, is if the physical structures of the human body, such as the brain in particular are subject to the effects of the physical universe, experiences, memory &amp; feelings as a result of some chemical reaction, to where does this "mind" come in resulting in something aphysical; something possibly different from the body?
This is still quite an involved and complexly-worded question, but I think I see what you are asking. The "simple" answer would be: The body (including the brain) is the human's hardware architecture. The mind is the human's software architecture. Software is not focused on matter (or objects), but rather it is process-based.

The more complex answer stems from arriving at an understanding that physical things relate to matter, while aphysical things relate to motion (or processes). For example, the concept of velocity independent of some object is aphysical. You can't "point to" a velocity. However, a physical body can POSSESS a velocity...or a better way to explain it is that a physical body can EXHIBIT a velocity. But the concept of velocity, independent of any object of mass, is aphysical. It is an idea.

So, with all that out of the way, go back to the original consideration I was calling you towards in item #10. Another way to state that consideration might be: "If one can see that the physical body aligns with a specific, matrix hardware architecture, is it possible that the aphysical PROCESSES of our minds also aligns with a specific, matrix architecture? In fact, one of the most important concepts related to development of highly complex, integrated software products is that of the "Process Architecture"... or IOW, how the different functions and processes relate to one another and interact with one another.

That was very interesting RMT. Thanks for the info.

I have no further questions at this time.

I may or may not ask you something later relating to this statement below. But just know that it stood out for the TTA

So, with all that out of the way, go back to the original consideration I was calling you towards in item #10. Another way to state that consideration might be: "If one can see that the physical body aligns with a specific, matrix hardware architecture, is it possible that the aphysical PROCESSES of our minds also aligns with a specific, matrix architecture? In fact, one of the most important concepts related to development of highly complex, integrated software products is that of the "Process Architecture"... or IOW, how the different functions and processes relate to one another and interact with one another.

I’ve read many books in my youth to this affect, Chakras, Pyramid Power, Hypnosis, UFO’s &amp; Time Travel. And each take home concept and experience attributed to my inevitable creation of the TTA persona. This was a realization of going about things the wrong way, and that someday these ideals could shape and mold the world for Time Travel implementation.

Accumulating such information is great. This gives one an idea of what "may" be out there, however, the learning comes through the actual experience.


The depth of this word is quite ... er ... deep. It has a far-reaching meaning, than first understood when the paragraph is read.

Your summoning experience is fascinating

And it wouldnt matter how many books I read on it, or how many people I spoke with, if the event never took place, I never would have known exactly what they all were talking about.

This doesnt mean to go out and try to experience everything that one could possibly experience. Some experiences bring about fatal results. Everything has a natural order, and learning is the same way. Even with those "risky" experiences, one will learn of them, but in a natural way, in the correct sequence of time. ( correct position within the cycle )

Anything forced in these disciplines is dangerous and a hint that perhaps it isnt "your" time to learn that particular truth, yet.

As with your psychic experience, words could never fully describe the "journey" you experienced. You could provide a general idea of what took place, but never carry across the depth of the event, unless the person you are speaking with has also made the "journey", and even then differences will exist because of differences of how the individuals have developed throughout their lifetime S .

I find this to be quite sad. So many good intentions, ultimately lost in it’s pursuits

Sad indeed. And a demonstration of what happnes when The Word is not understood. So many read the Word...of The Divine, classify the Word, Reason The Word, and then make a "judgement" on ( not within ) The Word, when the meaning was never fully understood to begin with....

"""Then his disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, ‘To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but to others I speak in parables, so that looking they may not perceive, and listening they may not understand.' """ ( Luke 8,9,10 )

What chapter &amp; verse does it say this ?

It doesnt. That is what I meant, God DOES state that He has existed forever, however, I have yet to learn where it has been said that He has been AWARE ( of Himself ) forever.

How could God achieve the state he did and become aware as much to have this power to create?

As humans on this Earth, we have only been around a very short time, when compared to the age of the Earth itself. Our evolution has been but a speck upon the timeline of this planet.

So as far as God's evolution, what kind of time frame could someone such as me assign to the 'evolution' of our Creator?....and how He became aware, I am not that "big", to know how, but He certainly has covered the question with His answer..." I AM "!

Here is another place where words are so important.

" I AM " has a depth to it, I dont know if I could ever convey exactly how crucial the understanding of these two seemingly simple words IS in any conversation regarding the essence(s) of our existence.

I kind of get what the problem is, but I’m lost beyond that

We have two states.
Light / Dark .
When viewing nothing but the light, you experience nothing but the light.

Ditto with the dark.

So, our Creator has to create the 3rd dimension, and remember, He is still dealing with only 1 ( One ).

He made two by relection, so to create the required "dimension" to "perceive" existence, He created( reflected ) a 3rd.

This 3rd has completed the absolute basics of all exisitence.

And through ( within ) the 3 reflections, we are able to comprehend existence. If you were to look at me, and I was nothing but light, you would not "see" by combining the light with the dark, I am able to be seen.

This concept is told in almost every faith that exists on this planet. It may be hidden under the piles of mumbo-gumbo, but it is there. This ultra basic truth can be seen if one looks "deep" enough....

..............can you find this concept hidden around us ?

When you start looking, you will discover, the "truth" actually isnt hidden at all. How many times have humanities "Enlightened One's" have told us ...

..."The truth of life ( existence ) is NOT hidden, but stands before us in plain sight, but many choose NOT to see it "
Hi OvLrdLegion, great post, certainly lots to think about.

As humans on this Earth, we have only been around a very short time, when compared to the age of the Earth itself. Our evolution has been but a speck upon the timeline of this planet.

Is this physical evolution, spiritual, or generally speaking both, you are referring to?

Current discussions on the “a poll” thread have brought up some compelling points regarding evolution that has started me thinking about change and survival.

It doesnt. That is what I meant, God DOES state that He has existed forever, however, I have yet to learn where it has been said that He has been AWARE ( of Himself ) forever.

Perhaps much of this has since been speculated on your God thread; but how different is his AWARENESS of being “AWARE” from the “I AM” statement? Is this not the same?

And through ( within ) the 3 reflections, we are able to comprehend existence. If you were to look at me, and I was nothing but light, you would not "see" by combining the light with the dark, I am able to be seen.

This concept is told in almost every faith that exists on this planet. It may be hidden under the piles of mumbo-gumbo, but it is there. This ultra basic truth can be seen if one looks "deep" enough....

Deep stuff… I wonder if there would someday be an application that drives on separating/manipulating these forces that make-up existence, and what it could entail for humanty?

With all this speculation of God our Creators evolution, I sometimes wonder to what extent our evolutionary end we as humans will someday come to reach?

And would we want those to gain that much power over those on a lower evolutionary phase? How will accountability be approached for making sure that this power is not abused?

Perhaps these kinds of questions are best asked on the God thread.

Is this physical evolution, spiritual, or generally speaking both, you are referring to?

Physical evolution. Spiritaul evolution may cross our known memories of this Earthly place.

Current discussions on the “a poll” thread have brought up some compelling points regarding evolution that has started me thinking about change and survival.

I dont think God ever said evolution would not occur...I even seem to remember a passage in the Bible that inferred evolution was valid. The "source" of creation is an entirely different subject.

Perhaps much of this has since been speculated on your God thread; but how different is his AWARENESS of being “AWARE” from the “I AM” statement? Is this not the same?

It is. But then, His response of "I AM" also answers many more questions. We are always trying to classify God in our terms, to understand "exactly" who or what "He" is...His answer of " I AM " covers alot of ground. And on the question of whether or not He actually exists is also answered by His simple response. As mentioned previously, even if we tossed everything in the Bible to the way side, and left the two words that are capitalized and in Bold print..." I AM ", how much simpler can it become?

Deep stuff… I wonder if there would someday be an application that drives on separating/manipulating these forces that make-up existence, and what it could entail for humanty?

With all this speculation of God our Creators evolution, I sometimes wonder to what extent our evolutionary end we as humans will someday come to reach?

And would we want those to gain that much power over those on a lower evolutionary phase? How will accountability be approached for making sure that this power is not abused?

And there you are, these are the exact things that the Tree of Life addresses. The volumes of material available answers the questions you have asked. The task we face is doing the research to find those answers.

I will, at this time, refer you to some written material that is seemingly complex, yet, will answer your questions.

The Qabballah Unveiled
I feel that I must make some comments on the material you will find in the link I provided in the above post. There is alot of information that you dont "need" to know, a nd as you read through the pages of data, it wil be clear what applies and what doesnt. However, you still should read each paragraph with care, since the answers you seek are embedded within.

Also, he mentions "occult" thought. I do NOT promote occult thought, and this is why I left the organizations that promoted this ideal. This is also why it is very important to remember who we are and not be drawn in by the power of the knowledge that you may discover.

I had to read the information many times before grasping the information that was offerred, becuae it is NOT an easy read. Most of it requires some thought after being read.

what happened?

I thought that posting the link may be going to fast, and it appears I may have been correct. The link does take you to a document that contains an enormous amount of information.

This is also a demonstration of what some of us have had to go through to (L) EARN that which we have discovered what we believe we have been given to know at this time in our "development".

The link I directed you to is also only a very small portion of the material that I had to work through to gain an understanding, or as I like to say, an AWARENESS.

Once the awareness begins, then the foundation that has been created leads one to further understanding from "other" sources.

And if you looked into the author of that work that was linked, you may find an interesting history surrounding this man and his associates.

You have reached a specific point of questioning that is good. You were advancing very well...I just hope I havent lost you.

Have I ?
Hi OvLrdLegion... I haven't forgotten your post and the link you gave me. You don't know how busy I been /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif. It's on my list of things to sit down, focus &amp; really read carefully, before I post in response.

And if you looked into the author of that work that was linked, you may find an interesting history surrounding this man and his associates.

Will try and keep that in mind as I read into it.

You have reached a specific point of questioning that is good. You were advancing very well...I just hope I havent lost you.

Have I ?

Sometimes I feel that I have de-advanced, or have intentional taken steps backwards in my advancement, possibly for survivals sakes. I am not the same TTA as before (hopefully for the better), but nevertheless I will continue to stay on target with the questioning and replying in this thread

It will be difficult reading, but from what you have read so far, and with the questions you have "discovered", there will be specific sections that will slam you right between the eyes.

Don't try to understand everything in that paper. You will know what applies, and what doesnt.

We learn things at a certain pace. Even if it feels as though we slow down, or even step back, it is all part of the process.

The seed has been planted, long ago, and once you begin to care for this seed, and it begins to grow, you can't stop it.