Traverse the ages in your garage. Or the garage.

Ho Ho Ho. Why not just send me $30? I can guarantee you will be less disappointed with what I send you over those online books. And as for the HDR by Steven Gibbs. Puh-leeze. Do some searches on HDRKid's schtick on this forum. He claims you can build your own for way less than they are charging on that site. But it still won't do a damn thing for you...

Idealists get disappointed and become cynics because they have no patience. It's even worse in this age of instant demand - instant gratification. What about that oscillator?
What about that oscillator?

What about the $590 for the purchase of an HDR from Future Dollars...errr...Future Horizons? And silly me - I gave my first caveat emptor when it was "only" $300 just a few years ago.

But it does output "unlimited white light" just so long as you don't let the light bulb burn out, keep the gadget turned on all the time and don't forget to pay the electric bill. At least that much is an undisputably true statement (if you don't quibble about the meaning of "white" as it pertains to the visible light spectrum - it's actually ~5600 degree yellow light).
Idealists get disappointed and become cynics because they have no patience.

I'm an engineer by profession. That means I am a realist, not an idealist. And engineers are some of the most patient people there are, because few other people have the attention to detail we do.

What about that oscillator?

You want to pay $590 for a bucket of parts that cost (retail) maybe about $40? And on top of it not have it do anything but (perhaps) fry your brain? Notice there is no "money back guarantee" on this.

And as for "juvenile": No. We call it humor. But I know how you Brits think you have the market cornered on humor, while most of the rest of the world doesn't find your humor funny. With the exception of classic Pythons!

But I know how you Brits think you have the market cornered on humor, while most of the rest of the world doesn't find your humor funny.

Oh god! I had no idea. Does that make us like...*shudders*...the French?!

I have an Oriental chap living in my house at the moment. I have to constantly rephrase my jokes, so he can understand them. After a while, i just give up. I had just assumed it was him!

That's a little juvenile, surely?

- Heres a the "strange magazine article". The re-read it and keep in your head;

- The schematics were give to him by an self-confessed average American (i got this from the horses mouth a while back), not two time travellers named 'tweedle dumb' and 'tweedle dee' (or whatever they were quoted as).

- The schematic of the 'sonic resonator', was a theoretical design by a slighly more interesting individual, bruce perreault. The design was a modified 'radionic' unit. He never claimed it would work as a time travel device and it was given to gibbs beyond his awareness. It was simply a mental note regarding generating scalar waves - then a subsequent rough speculative schematic.

- Gibbs has lost his marbles...or at least put them in the wrong 'wishing well'.

- You probably be better of going to a 'grid point' and doing a rain-dance. No joke

- Lucid dreaming is the most common trap for astral projectors. It is semi-conscious fantasy and is easily be mistaken.

- E.M. on that scale will mess up your brain waves for a while after. Sleep helps correct this. Lucid dreaming happens as you drift off. Lucid dreaming is a sympton of disturbed sleep or brain wave patterns within sleep.

- 'The MIBs' would not in anyway want to shut gibbs up...not when he does their work from them so effciently.

- 'The Holy Grail' was the best Python. Go watch!

And in closing: Ray should be shot for his comments on the British. We used to own the world, and you stole it from us. I hate you...
I don't know about you. You've got a Vulcan in your house that you can't talk to and a horse in your house that you can talk to, who knows all about radionics.
and a horse in your house that you can talk to, who knows all about radionics.

Quite, and it's knowledge on 'Radionics' far surpasses anything steven gibbs has come out with. Plus it get's my jokes...
Hi Olly,

And in closing: Ray should be shot for his comments on the British. We used to own the world, and you stole it from us. I hate you...

Yeah, you are probably right. In fact, all us Yanks should be shot. But no worries, what we stole from you, we are witnessing the Chinese steal from us. So what goes around...

And I think I should also modify my earlier thoughts about British humor. That Dave Kinky guy is pretty damn funny, as was the now subsumed Clamorian. And I think they are/were both British chaps.

But have no is only a flesh wound.

I also have some acquiantance with technology. What would you say about that Canadian solenoid hat that induces interesting experiences. Would you reckon that is a brain fryer?
Chinese steal from us

Yet another former British Colony taking it all back. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Oh, well. God bless the Queen, Derbyshire and all of Sherwood Forest.