Reged: 07/07/03
Posts: 1
Loc: Detroit >Quote
The biggest obstacle I have reached so far is that i do not see how as an object reaches light speed, that time correlating to the object in motion would slow, and time would pass more quickly to everything else.
I view time as merely perception, a way of marking growth.
Time itself, so it seems to me is illrelevant considering that all events occur simultaneously, its just a matter of who or what is there to see it.
I would think that traveling 2 light years, at the speed of light, would not change the perception of time, and that after returning that distance, only 4 years would have passed for both the object and all other matter. Time cannot be effected by Velocity, or so it seems to me.
Creedo responds to yatterling>Mass invested to an object can not travel at the speed of light.
This is true primarily due to the fact that photons are invested within matter of this frequency itself.
So marginally, mass can become accelerated towards, or near the speed of light, however never enter into the critical near top area of the speed of light itself.
This said is true, as photons and mass interact with the hidden constituents of stringed space, being invested with hidden components of light and matter as invested as energy signatures, itself.
The closest one can probably accelerate matter, without changing matters phased changed state, is about seventy five percent of light speed.
Any greater acceleration phase, would start to gennis the rise of expression of photonic pressure, from the hidden light held within that supposed accelerated matter?
When one accelerates matter to a near the speed of light as possible, they begin to violate a phased realm of light and matter assignment and time begins to slow down.
Technically what one has done within this realm of phased transition of high speed travel, is to warp space and time.
However matter and light might posses many phases of designed own special signatures, as this matter and light would relate to only one set dimension of being.
This was the first tenant of Einstein's space and time module, postulating that a large bowlingball, placed upon a bed mattress, next to a billiard ball of smaller size, would not only indicate signatures within a greater realm of mass.
>This postualte as well as density, however begin to phase array space and time, so that many access ports could possibly be expressed within this space and time, surrounding superheavy objects.
The speed of light only, as a traversal lodge to encamp a ridership to supposed ultimate velocities, does not secure the supposition that super C travel alone, will transcend time.
Might it be that the simple logic, that frequencies, varied certain as in nature, or man-made augmentable, would be this certain felon, into the space and time folds of what would be supposed as the mass of time, or time-mass?
This is one of the suppositions of wiggled pressure expression of waves of light.
A concept similar to, but not the same as De' Brogelie wave length?