Travel to Pioneer days survival


Temporal Novice
I want to know if its possible, and then resources I can dig up for:
A) Making a freezer without electricity (like Doc did in BTTF III)
B) Insulating your home without revealing future knowledge
C) Sources for medicine equivalants (can't live without my Advil)

I'm also looking for a list of American towns or settlements that perished sometime before the 1900s, with all records destroyed (well all records except for proof that it actually existed between two dates)
as a safety for travelling and settling in.

Just incase my secret gets out while I'm there, I can rest assured knowing the whole town is burned up a few years later (not by my doing), thus no record of whatever screw up I did.

Donner party type catastrophe.

I'm beginning to google all of these things, but its taking me in circles. (I found this site actually)

Thanks for your help.

A) Making a freezer without electricity (like Doc did in BTTF III)
Fargo, North Dakota

B) Insulating your home without revealing future knowledge
Adobe (not .pdf...mud and grass)

C) Sources for medicine equivalants (can't live without my Advil)
A copy of both volumes of Maude Grieve's "Modern Herbal". It was published in 1931 but the herb lore is much older.

Advil? How about aspirin? White Willow Bark. That was the original source for Bayer.

I'm also looking for a list of American towns or settlements that perished sometime before the 1900s, with all records destroyed (well all records except for proof that it actually existed between two dates)
as a safety for travelling and settling in.

Just incase my secret gets out while I'm there, I can rest assured knowing the whole town is burned up a few years later (not by my doing), thus no record of whatever screw up I did.

Pretty impossible task. The town's official records might be gone but that doesn't mean that individual peoples' records or recollections are gone. Fargo still sounds good. God-made freezer, small town in the 19th Century.