Travel at the speed of light

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Theoretically, no physical object can travel at the speed if light. yes? I reckon you can. Imagine, if you were to build a rob 1000km long. Build a tower on the moon that would support this rod. The rod would then, like a helicopter propeller, would be spun at 6000 rpm. The outer edges of the rod would be traveling at approx 314,000 km/sec.

Now the maths:

The rod, when spining will have a circumference of 3140 km. pie x 1000km. 6000 rpm = 100 rp(second). so, 3140 km x 100 per second = 314,000km/second.

So why the moon?
Basically any environment with reduced gravity will work. This is so that the rob will not break under its own weight. Weighis relative to gravity.

Pleas feel free to enlighten me on any aspect of my idea that you either like or dislike. I am very interested in hearing any comments. thanx
How about a shorter rod rotating at a higher speed? Maybe this concept applies to a Black Holes: a very large object spinning so fast that its outer surface reaches light speed and emits electromagnet waves other than visible light. Hence, we don't see it but we can detect the UL, x-rays, gamma-rays, etc.
if you are matter , you cannot travel to the velocity of the ligh, but else yes.
IS POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
3beat, your theory is interesting, but I don't think it could work. you would need a rod of infinite strength. This is because in order to get the end of the rod to accelarate, you have to acelerate the start point. it now takes time for the force of acceleration to propagate down the rod to the tip. after the tip begins to accelerate, and then reach relativistic velocities, the force differential along the rod in the direction of the tip increases. this causes the rod to bend, because it takes more force to accelarate the tip then the part of the rod closer to the start point. There is then the factor of centrifugal acceleration, the tendecy for the tip of the rod to pull away from the center of its arc. this would partially cancel the bending affect, because it pulls the bent rod from that state, via its outward pointing force vector. this seems to solve th problem of the bending, if it weren't for one thing - relativity (again). Einstien says that the curve relating the speed of light to the force required for acceleration is logarithmic. however, the curve relating the centrifugal acceleration to the tangential velocity is not. this means that the closer you get to a 186000 mile/sec tangential veloity, the more the bending force due to relativity overcomes the centrifugal straightening force.

now that i think of it however, this law of relativity was only used for uncurved spacetime - uh oh. the rod is not in an inertial frame however, because of its continuing centripetal acceleration. now i don't know what to do. I still don't think it could be done because of the unimaginably high tensile stresses that would be involved. the rod would snap before it reached light speed. I think...