The way I imagine time is something like this. Suppose that Earth is a ball. It can be any ball you like except that is has to be kinda round. Now let's say this round ball spins on it axis. Now lets say there is a little tiny insect that is attached to the ball. Now let's assume that this bug is intelligent enough to understand that the ball moves slowly. Now lets say that this ball that moves is attached to a wire that is attached to a hugee ball(sun)on it's axis. Now let's say that there are other wires that lead to other balls(planets)that spin on their axis. Now let's say this bug lives, reproduces, and dies. And all through his it's life it is thinking. Man if I could just not die. I mean what if I lived forever. So this bug devices ways to live forever because it doesn't want to die. Now the bug tries religion, it tries medicine, it tries science fiction, it tries science, and finally it tries time travel, but in the end it dies. So what's the point. Well you figure that out.