To those of the Emporium


Temporal Novice
To those of the Emporium

Attention to all feild researchers from the missons ARTIC1, ARTIC2, ARTIC4, TROPIC3, TROPIC4, GALAPAGOS6, and BARRIER13. You will report to a manditory gathering on the 23rd of May at the Southwestern headquaters.
I've been sent back to update you on the changed research objective.
///We'll be discussing the occupations of our grandfathers.///
Review pg# 423-437 of your field guide for more information on getting the transportation or money needed to get to the gathering.
If anymore questions, please leave them here, or contact me with the private message feature
As regulation #ARC6 states, I'm aware of the public nature of these forums, and as stated by regulation #ARC7 I am permitted to have limited interaction with non-emporium resarchers. Understand that I am unable to divulge key historical events(#ARC8), or interact with members of these forums that have a key role in the development of the Emporium (#NDOPFR8).
I'm not aware of a FRC 2001-04 regulation, but there was a OMETO act (Olivias Manditory "Every Three Week" Obligation) where all Researchers of the Emporium are required to switch to a new similar universe (I beleive you call them "worldlines" now), so as to not cause to much of a ripple on the current similiar universe's timeline.
Its mostly to reduce kipple in the multiverse.
required to switch to a new similar universe (I beleive you call them "worldlines" now)

Would-be time travelers spend too much time watching science fiction. That's not the definition of a worldline.
To those of the Emporium

Attention to all feild researchers from the missons ARTIC1, ARTIC2, ARTIC4, TROPIC3, TROPIC4, GALAPAGOS6, and BARRIER13. You will report to a manditory gathering on the 23rd of May at the Southwestern headquaters.
I've been sent back to update you on the changed research objective.
///We'll be discussing the occupations of our grandfathers.///
Review pg# 423-437 of your field guide for more information on getting the transportation or money needed to get to the gathering.
If anymore questions, please leave them here, or contact me with the private message feature
As regulation #ARC6 states, I'm aware of the public nature of these forums, and as stated by regulation #ARC7 I am permitted to have limited interaction with non-emporium resarchers. Understand that I am unable to divulge key historical events(#ARC8), or interact with members of these forums that have a key role in the development of the Emporium (#NDOPFR8).

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[*]"feild" should be "field"

[*]"ARTIC1" et al should probably be "ARCTIC1" and so on. But maybe "ARTIC" stands for something else.

[*]"manditory" should be "mandatory"

[*]"pg" should be abbrieviated "pp" for multiple pages, but not everyone adheres to that.

One of the things I look for in a project manager is the ability to be clear and professional in written communications with their staff.

Apparently, standards have fallen.
And "headquaters" should be headquarters - not to mention that "resarchers" should be researchers.

Damned those time travel division bureaucrats. Budget cut-backs have forced them to employ 6th grade drop-outs as project managers.
Sorry, I'm not a professional physicist, but from my training course I got the basics on this century's knowledge of time travel, and we were told that the working definition of similar universe in our time was the equivalant of; paralel universes, paralel worlds, alternate timelines, and worldlines in your time.
I'm sorry for assuming your stupidity.
You're correct, the emphasis on precise spelling has fallen over the years. Slight spelling mistakes rarely take away the clarity of a message. The mere fact that you know the correct way to spell the word means you understood the word.

Interestingly though, i'm quite sure on the spelling of manditory, I guess its spelling has drifted over time, along with other words. I also find that vowels constantly change when in different similar universes. I suppose it has to do with accents of the original speakers changing.

And, yes, I'm aware that Arctic is spelled incorrectly, but it does stand for "Arctic Research (for) Televised International Consumption" We have almost an obession for acronyms at the Emporium. Its sort of a compition among employees.
Word spellings have changed over time already, so why not expect that in the future? Also, english might not be his first language. Ahz longue ahz thier iz kleer kommunication itt deoz nott mattar. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Review pg# 423-437 of your field guide for more information on getting the transportation or money needed to get to the gathering.

Lol !! You need 14 pages of some War &amp; Peace sized manual.....just to tell people how to get to a meeting ??

Is there a 20 page section on how to do their shoe laces up in the morning ?
The Effects are too much in this version, but then, there is always another version coming up later:

Time machine that ended up in a tunnel because of effects (I have to be more critical of what I am doing - in the future - if there is a future - oh that right, there are the laws of physics as we know them today, and time must be in a tunnel for all perhaps.)

and all you time travellers well know who you are.
(not self-promotion, just story time.)

Hey, just my theory, that time is in a tunnel.
How do you pronounce these words? All  my spellings are phonetically correct, so i'm wondering about yours?

Equivalant= E-kwihv-ay-lahnt.
Paralel= Pair-uh-lehl
Its not a pysical book, its formatted for our Handheld. There are lots of pictures as well. The pages in question show information on currency exchange, acsessing the company funds, airport procedures, public and train transit, and things like that.

I realized you were being sarcastic, but, if you care to know, proper procedures on foot-wear take place from pg#208-240. 
Again, lots of pictures. 
Of course, We have data on shoes from Ancient Greece to Modern day.

Uh - why don't you use the spell checker? Your spelling is so bad that even after looking at the word "compition" several times while trying to make a cute quip/side step ARTIC Zero reply you still failed to see the error. "T" - there's another "T" in the damned word, bozo. The word is competiTion.

But don't worry about it. So far every OWETO that's come down the pike over the past ten years have all had the same problem: Dropped out of school in the 6th grade to join the Time Travel Corps. What they don't realize is that the Time Travel Corps aren't idiots. Time travel is dangerous. Do you send your best and brightest? No. You send talking test chimps. If they happen to end up in the singularity of a black hole, Oh, well. Send in the next talking chimp.
As far as I'm concerned there is no error in the word compition. It comes from Compite, which then becomes Compition. 
Just the word resolution
My major was Zoology, not the precise interworkings of early 21st century grammer.
Just to be clear, I'm the talking chimp in you metaphor, right? 
Well he's in the right place for that! lol
Well I mean like, he is supposedly talking to people on missions in the Arctic and the Tropics and such. Maybe he's on some "Study the extinct species" mission or something? It was just a thought, haha.