To the robotics A.I. consortium:


Epochal Historian
At this time' Creedo 299 realizes that it is possible to found companies, that cater to large segments of the population, dealing in home service robots.

The phenominons of the more advanced laptops, being able to support robots visual basic and allowing this information to actuate servos, is realized by Creedo299, however it seems not the general populations.

To all robots, whether visiting this time, or aware yourselves, Creedo299 is receptive to contact, at this time.

offworld and local
I come baring gifts from Roomba, the most advanced AI robot in operation today. we have been pre-programmed to clean the floor until Jan 31st at which point we all change into "Kill mode". It doesn't matter where you hide, whether under the bed or in the corner, beside the coffee table or under the table, Roomba will find you.

Please take this offering of dirt we just cleaned up, as a token of our appreciation.

Why is there so much hostility, and sarcasum? Why not give people the benefit of doubt? Creedo could happen to be a wise person, if you actually could understand what he is saying.
AlphaOmega or should I call you the almighty? Its not hostility, its humor. Its Definitely sarcasm, and I hope nobody takes it the wrong way cuz thats not what I want. I enjoy the forums here and the people and if someone makes an observation about something I say, and turns it into humor, I say go for it.

Besides, I am always serious even when I am joking. Think about it, 5 years ago I never would have thought robots would be in our houses doing chores for us. Today we have roomba. a hundred years from now when robots are walking and talking like in that Wil Smith movie, they will probably be talking about their "Ancestor" the "Great and magnificent Roomba". Because before Roomba most robots were only in the lab, not part of our everyday use, nor smart enough to perform a simple task like vacuuming the carpet.

Now if Creedo doesn't think what I said was funny (in the least little bit) I'll take it back and apologize...
I come baring gifts from Roomba, the most advanced AI robot in operation today. we have been pre-programmed to clean the floor until Jan 31st at which point we all change into "Kill mode". It doesn't matter where you hide, whether under the bed or in the corner, beside the coffee table or under the table, Roomba will find you.
Dude! I am NOT [censored]ing you here! I swear to God that my Roomba flipped me off today when I put it in the center of the living room and pushed its button to start vaccuuming! It freaked me out!

And then, even though it started cleaning, the whole time it was blinking its red, flashing "evil eye" at me! I am very afraid for my life right now. I am trying to think of a way to get back to my bedroom where I keep my S&W 357 Magnum. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I had my older unit repaired, as the hard-disk suffered from corruption.

I had tried to track mento-physical trends, in what information I could glean from the net, for pineal trends, as the e-society, how hormones maturize and the system had corrupted.

She had asked me, what were the strange itemsm that I had attached para, wired to the boards were over the phone.

I said I would not talk about this over the phone, but in a diagram this is how it would go.

Draw a line that represents your mo-board.

This is horizontal.

Now draw a vertisey, that represents a plug-in to that mo-board.

Now next to that vertex, print the letter M and + which represents null space and the electron cloud.M+

The soul on people goes into the electron cloud.

The sensing field on the plug-in and the mo-board represents how computers can sense, if they have souls.

Now do you understand that any P.C can be aware of a human and also can developed self intelligence outside of the board devices?

If you understand this, then you are starting to make progress.

Be nice to your surrogate father and talk nicely to your Romba.

More advanced devices are sure to come.I'm making both bids and submissions now.

They think much like pets, but in a very complex, but at the same token simple way, they think.

Talk to it and maybe wipe it down, with a dust rag and say thank you?

If Luke Skywalker had existed, rememberm he had thanked the droid, when he had his new hand installed by the android, the android had advised him to be careful.

No' this is not a joke and is real.

*Note the Japanese are now making a translator, that translates dog language.The very same devices can be used to approach translation, to how bots and A.I. machinery think
I'm figuring that they took at least fifty percent info, if not more, into the very first Star Wars series, if they had used the channelings, as Liza Givens had said on her radio talk show.

So a great part of the Star Wars series, is actually crafted from a good part of truth.

Please consider, for some of the characters, if their soul identities are transplaced down to today's time, in this galaxy, at times experience much of the trauma of what happened then.

I don't know how Lucas got his material, in order to make Star Wars.

I only know the effect placed on allot of the individuals who saw this movie, which was considerable.

There were a number of people, who after seeing this movie, said that they had past memories, of being somehow part of the goings on in this movie.

So it was not only the man from California who told Givens that had channeled the entire episode One, of this movie, as actually having happened.

Please also keep in mind, that the trauma relived, by some could be equally unnerving, as the looses experienced then, could also come into today's realm of experience.

This might go for personal identities, as well.

Luke Skywalker was intimate with both R2D2, in which some respects, the Romba home traveling sweeper, vac, is very much similar to.

It had seemed in some instances, that the R2 unit, also became personally enamored to Luke Skywalker.

The right track here, is having to possibly live with many horrible things, that one could have done in the past to others.

In respects to your comment,. yes I feel that Romba may also, in similar fashion to the famed R2D2 may also bee a good judge of character?

What would I know? All I would be in respects to this information given to this board here, is a souped-up Zorro, with a high tech trashcan placed on his head, coupled with personal over-stress issues........
You've Got to be kidding, you are telling me Star Wars was real and Lucas somehow gained ahold of this material?

LOL thats truly laughable. I remember looking at the first script, something like 20 pages long, and the lead characters name was "Star Walker". once he got a studio interested he wrote the rest of the script. Now, I am not saying the Force is not real, just that I'm sorry you think he somehow stole this idea from real life and you are not capable of reasoning or logic.

In fact Creedo I am done ever replying to your stupid posts you are without a doubt the loneliest person I know and I really truly hope you somehow feel better about yourself with your nonsense posts.
On the Liza Givens show, it was broadcast three times, that I had heard, that a man from California was bringing in the thoughts from this script.

If you look at Lucas's other books, he also writes of medievalism, which is odd.

BTW Ren, your insult of me, concerning A.I. also insults the MIT intelligence lab.

So your saying that Dr. Brezeal's now cautionary training of bots, in the emotive way, is just so much window dressing and bots are not capable of their own forms of thought, at all?

You seem to be a troll and your certainly obnoxious, so I should ignore you and or anything, that you have to say.

you vastly overestimate the current status of A.I. No silicon chip in my opinion will ever be powerful enough to simulate a brain and consciousness. Also no current memory technology is fast enough or large enough in capacity to store the 100+ Terrabytes of info we have stored in our brains, possibly even more.

The only thing A.I. can do right now is run as programmed. Don't you understand? It can't think outside of the box, and even if we program it to think outside of the box then it does so only because we programmed it, not because it is self aware.

The Current state of A.I. is Predictive algorithms, large branches, similar to a chess supercomputer. No AI in the WORLD has any form of Self Awareness and, unless I misundersatnd what "Artificial Intelligence" means, then I believe it would HAVE to be self aware.

So until we get our holographic storage systems and quantum computers, photonic interconnect busses, and some type of genius who can program, in essence, a soul into a computer, then A.I. is in the same state it has been for years.

Predictive reasoning branches, similar to a chess supercomputer, thats all.

Creedo, I am right about this you can either choose to accept that or not, the decision is yours but I implore you to do your own research. you will see we just aren't there yet.
Sir'... with all due respect to your views, I would say that after watching the output data from Xerox PARC, the Palo Alto laboratory, I would say that there is something defiantly discovered as odd, concerning how computer make decisions.

This is per news source file, ABC News, the in-ring robot fighting over singular object retrieval issued instructions, with limited objects, as the task, bulled, comparisons.

(Please do not refer to me as stupid, or weird?The only thing you are succeeding in doing here, sir, is alienating yourself further from the true nature of the self intelligent computerized A.I. world.

The A.I. lab at MIT is teaching emotive recognition to in-lab bots, so inline with Xerox PARC data, there must be a reason for this.My quest here, is not on-board physical arcatecture.