A lot of people seem to think that if you could travel into the past of your own reality(ie..you don't arrive in a parallel reality), it is possible through some action or other to 'alter' history thus causing a paradox. However, this theory has a huge temporal mechanics problem as I see it.
I would love to hear logical arguments against my proposal put forth by any subscribers to the above theory if any exist?
Anyway, the problem goes like this..
If you can arrive in your own reality, then your presence there has been 'scheduled' or predetermined. It's simple, if it hadn't been predetermined, your incursion would be paradoxical. You would effectively be altering your past by appearing in it.
..Basically, arriving in your OWN REALITY must be reliant on your arrival already being part of your past - Thus it is maintaining history rather than changing it. Now take the next logical step..
If your arrival is part of your own history, then so is everything that you do whilst there. The concept of 'altering' the past becomes totally irrelevant. Rather, the past relies on your actions. The only paradox would ironically be if you didn't travel back in time, but this is impossible, as your history proves that you do. Whatever action that you can think of, is part of the universe that has lead you to be where you are.
This could lead to the ultimate irony of a misguided time traveller attempting to kill somebody's parents, preventing said person ever being born. Their actions could actually be the catalyst that brings about the union between the parents etc..At the very least they would fail in their goal, at the other end of the scale they could be directly responsible for the cicumstances arising in the first place.
The act of time travelling itself would or wouldn't cause a paradox, not any actions following said incursion. If there is no paradox by arriving , there can never be any paradox at all in the universe. Time travelling would either be inherently paradoxical with every incursion, or a paradox can never arise.
I would love to hear logical arguments against my proposal put forth by any subscribers to the above theory if any exist?
Anyway, the problem goes like this..
If you can arrive in your own reality, then your presence there has been 'scheduled' or predetermined. It's simple, if it hadn't been predetermined, your incursion would be paradoxical. You would effectively be altering your past by appearing in it.
..Basically, arriving in your OWN REALITY must be reliant on your arrival already being part of your past - Thus it is maintaining history rather than changing it. Now take the next logical step..
If your arrival is part of your own history, then so is everything that you do whilst there. The concept of 'altering' the past becomes totally irrelevant. Rather, the past relies on your actions. The only paradox would ironically be if you didn't travel back in time, but this is impossible, as your history proves that you do. Whatever action that you can think of, is part of the universe that has lead you to be where you are.
This could lead to the ultimate irony of a misguided time traveller attempting to kill somebody's parents, preventing said person ever being born. Their actions could actually be the catalyst that brings about the union between the parents etc..At the very least they would fail in their goal, at the other end of the scale they could be directly responsible for the cicumstances arising in the first place.
The act of time travelling itself would or wouldn't cause a paradox, not any actions following said incursion. If there is no paradox by arriving , there can never be any paradox at all in the universe. Time travelling would either be inherently paradoxical with every incursion, or a paradox can never arise.