To John Titor


Temporal Novice

if what you were saying in 2000-2001 was true then that means you are probably still around reading threads and if not then i guess this is to no one lol. I have been reading up on you alot. It is now 2012 i am not expecting a response from the real you cause well of who/how u are. I just want to say 2 things to you and all i can do is hope the real you reads it.

John Titor , Thank you for everything you have done and i am sorry for what you have and will have to go through. But know that you have done this world a great service in my mind anyway and idk if it was what you intended but your influence has had and will have a profound effect on the world! that is all i wanted to say bye now.

But more importantly tell HIM thank you! for the operation was a success

John Titor never claimed to be an immaculate completely honest savior. I think that sometimes John regrets saving the world several times over. People are so bloodthirsty to see who's stupider. And this is the natural order of things. Perhaps he absolutely won't stop what is about to happen next. We are headed for a complete economic, political, religious and geological crisis.

According to Huge Everett's interpretation, which Titor claimed to be true, we may be living in a time-line where Titor had completed his objective. Or we may simply be living in the universe where he had merely postponed the events leading to January 2038. But considering that some of the predictions that he made were not relevant to us, we are most likely living in a parallel universe where the economic corruption and Civil War had not taken place.

According to Huge Everett's interpretation, which Titor claimed to be true, we may be living in a time-line where Titor had completed his objective. Or we may simply be living in the universe where he had merely postponed the events leading to January 2038. But considering that some of the predictions that he made were not relevant to us, we are most likely living in a parallel universe where the economic corruption and Civil War had not taken place.
So it is all postponed or may never take place? Only time can tell.

You are now correct RMT. If you know anything about this timeline at all you would know that. Just ask Transient. He says all is well and so just listen instead of Spewing randomness.

According to Huge Everett's interpretation, which Titor claimed to be true, we may be living in a time-line where Titor had completed his objective. Or we may simply be living in the universe where he had merely postponed the events leading to January 2038. But considering that some of the predictions that he made were not relevant to us, we are most likely living in a parallel universe where the economic corruption and Civil War had not taken place.
Everett's thesis said that?! Where? He did say this in the paper:

The aim is not to deny or contradict the conventional formulation ofquantum theory, which has demonstrated its usefulness in an overwhelmingvariety of problems, but rather to supply a new, more general and complete

formulation, from which the conventional interpretation can be deduced.
Here's a link to the complete PhD thesis:

Everett's thesis said that?! Where? He did say this in the paper:
Here's a link to the complete PhD thesis:
I wasn't referring to his thesis, but more so towards his Many Worlds Interpretation, or relative state formulation of Quantum Mechanics. Everett's interpretation proposed that there were many separate universes created by decisive events that have taken place in the present world, the world that we live in at this moment. Meaning that if Schrödinger's Cat was dead in one universe, it would still be alive in another . Here is an article describing his theory. Many-Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

What did he do?
Is it possible that he may have gone back and done something to early computers to avert something awful happening in the year 2000 when people thought there was going to be catastrophic melt downs of anything run by computers because of the date glitch - i.e. nuclear weapons going off spontaneously out of their silos, water and energy companies shutting down, hospital's life saving computer systems shutting down etc. Personally I am open about it - he could have done something - it's possible. The time line he was supposed to have come from seemed very similar to ours with subtle differences.

Is it possible that he may have gone back and done something to early computers to avert something awful happening in the year 2000 when people thought there was going to be catastrophic melt downs of anything run by computers because of the date glitch - i.e. nuclear weapons going off spontaneously out of their silos, water and energy companies shutting down, hospital's life saving computer systems shutting down etc. Personally I am open about it - he could have done something - it's possible. The time line he was supposed to have come from seemed very similar to ours with subtle differences.
It is probable that he went back and talked to someone working on the calendar of that computer.

To John Titor,

If and when you do come back and you happen to read this. I wanted to tell you Ive been having visions. I can't quite explain them. However it involves, God and our lord and savior Jesus Christ, it involves our United States corrupt Government (NWO), WW3 starting in 2015. Maybe you can help me. After I read a few of your posts, some of your knowledge came to light. Example: When we dream, this could be a posibility that through our subconcious mind, we can see ourselves in other demintions through our eyes. What I mean is Myself (A) when I dream, can see myself (B) in another demintion. This I believe is when sometimes we have dreams of us Falling, of Dying, of Hitting the lotto. I believe they actually happen to us in other demintions. I believe it has more to do with our Pineal Gland. The dream theory I believe is true. Some times when i wake up its almost as if I feel the pain, or I feel the happyness. It feels so real. When I eat something I can taste it in my dreams. In my mind. I guess these are a few of lifes mystries you can help answer for me. I have a feeling a bad storm is coming in my future timeline. Not something personal but something global. I feel darkness, cold and misery. If you do get this, feel free to respond to me. I would love to hear your thoughts. We are the resistance.

Signing out,



Dear John,

You're not fired. ;) Busch Gardens has some new rides, but they were bought by a European company and no longer serve free beer. You were too young for that at the time, anyway. The whole state of Florida remains under construction, including the highways. That much has not changed in the least. I gave TR some interview questions for you, so get with him if you want to add some content to my website.

Happy Traveling!

It is probable that he went back and talked to someone working on the calendar of that computer.
Probable? John fixed the issue back in 1975 when he met with his grandfather so he could be taught how to write code on the 5100 for modern 64bit systems. Have you never read the internal IBM memo to his grandfather regarding the correction of the Y2K problem?

To John Titor,If and when you do come back and you happen to read this. I wanted to tell you Ive been having visions. I can't quite explain them. However it involves, God and our lord and savior Jesus Christ, it involves our United States corrupt Government (NWO), WW3 starting in 2015. Maybe you can help me. After I read a few of your posts, some of your knowledge came to light. Example: When we dream, this could be a posibility that through our subconcious mind, we can see ourselves in other demintions through our eyes. What I mean is Myself (A) when I dream, can see myself (B) in another demintion. This I believe is when sometimes we have dreams of us Falling, of Dying, of Hitting the lotto. I believe they actually happen to us in other demintions. I believe it has more to do with our Pineal Gland. The dream theory I believe is true. Some times when i wake up its almost as if I feel the pain, or I feel the happyness. It feels so real. When I eat something I can taste it in my dreams. In my mind. I guess these are a few of lifes mystries you can help answer for me. I have a feeling a bad storm is coming in my future timeline. Not something personal but something global. I feel darkness, cold and misery. If you do get this, feel free to respond to me. I would love to hear your thoughts. We are the resistance.Signing out,


Where are you?
