to anyone interested


Rift Surfer
hey everyone. sorry i havent been on tti in a month or so. ive been pretty busy.

ive been a taxi for the family, taking them wherever they need to go. ive also been heavily working on my pc. im happy to say as of today, i have an operating system on my pc that makes me extremely happy. right now, im running all of my windows progs through linux. i feel like ive climbed a mountain.

september 29th will be the tenth year anniversary of my moms death. i have decided to finally move on. ill never forget, but i wont coop myself in the house and eat a gallon of ice cream anymore. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

my son is in the first grade, and my daughter is in kindergarten. they both got into a science school. they are both making a's and i am extremely proud of them.

i have weened myself down to 10 cigarettes a day. hopefully, ill quit all together soon. ive also let some of my old demons go. i have an inner peace, and i am very grateful to the people that helped me get there.

i just wanted to thank those that have helped me, and to let anyone who was wondering where i disapeered to, know im ok.

have a great day. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Good to hear from you, my friend. Have been thinking about you and hoping you were doing OK. Thank-you for the up-date and hope to see you around more often in the future.
hey kerr, good to hear from you. sorry i havent kept in touch. do you still get on messenger? if so, jump on when you get a chance. i miss our great talks. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
This all sounds great, ruthless!

And I am glad to hear about your kids! They are part of your connection to the future, and each generation has opportunities to accrue abilities that were not available to their parents. I have a very good feeling you will be able to help them understand the importance of school!

Great to see you back.
thanks ray, im very proud of them.

i live to pass what little knowledge i have to others. thats what all good men do, i believe.

great to hear from you.