

Temporal Novice
Hi there everyone.
I would just like to mention, that when closely examining the "bent laser-beam" photo uploaded by Titor (don't remember where), it is obvious we are dealing with a fishing wand.
One can even see the rolling-in mechanism, and the darker spots along the "laser" are probably the metallic parts that make it possible to assemble and re-assemble the wand.

The most likely reason for Titor to run the risk of leaving the rolling-in mechanism still on the wand, is because he needed it;

For the "laser" to "bend" one needs to attach the fishing-line to something heavy outside the car window (which, upon closer examination, appears to be half-opened).
Thus, the mechanism must be left on the wand, which it is.

Most of you have probably already noticed all this, but for those of you who haven't:
I would very much like your opinion or opinions on this.

I would also like to stress the fact that I am not a skeptic by nature.
I remain open to the possibility of actual time-travel, but with regards to Titor I'm afraid my door is closing ever faster.

Take care everyone.
the "reelings" component that u said was in the picture, i looked i don't see anything where one may be, on fishing rods the hand is bigger, in the picutre the laser pointer is about normal laser pointer size. the dark spots in the laser are some the density differences of the cigar smoke. the window is open because who smokes cigars in an enclosed space?
The dark spots are where the wand is fitted together or some other kind of coloured parts, NOT laser disrupted by cigar-smoke.
The window is opened so that the wand can bend over it, and the handle (usually of soft fabric) can easily be cut off to preferred size.
I have been fishing all my life and I know a wand when I see one.
Time travel may very well be real, but John Titor is not.
About the "reeling"-mechanism, look again.

Best Regards,
sorry my eyes are too young and only see whats there, maybe you could post a pic with the reeling component circled aswell as the fittings to keep the "wand" togeather?
Sounds like you were able to make a replica of the photo. Please post and document your methods so they can be duplicated. (lest YE be the hoax!)
Look closely; the "laser" bends exactly around the opened car-window (coincidence?), the "disruptions" caused by "smoke" are too far apart (cigar-smoke is usually concentrated to a much smaller area, if spread out it would be too weak to disrupt a laser here and there).
And no, I don't need to construct a fake image using a wand, because Titor has already done so.
Besides, I'm lazy enough to prove my point by waiting a couple of months and then point towards the fact that there is no civil war raging in the U.S.
Consider this, lest ye be the gullible.
Look closely; the "laser" bends exactly around the opened car-window (coincidence?),

Yea, it's the "bending". They're not supposed to bend.

the "disruptions" caused by "smoke" are too far apart (cigar-smoke is usually concentrated to a much smaller area, if spread out it would be too weak to disrupt a laser here and there).

The "disruptions" would be where there is not enough cigar smoke to make it visible. Smoke is pretty random. If your trying to illuminate a laser with a mouthfull of smoke I would imagine your move your head side to side to spread it out as much as possible. He's not just smoking to be cool.