

Temporal Novice
When I saw the story I dismiss it right outward as a joke. then some thing caught me. regarding that Titor doesn't pay income taxes, but pay taxes. I thought it was suppose to be the weak point of the story. Until I read that there are proposal regarding abolishing income taxes under Bush cabinet. abolishing income tax, social security, and medicare while slapping an increase in sales taxes. in other word it is saying we pay taxes while there is no income taxes. Sounds like a coincidence to me. The I also research the "Ginger" "IT" noted on the date on the beginning of 2001. and on the beginning 2002 the company called segway promoted "Ginger" "IT" a hydrogen powered hover craft. Another Coincidence? Segway claim the project is a secret hush-hush so no one was suppose to know it. I got enigmatic view because of it. Anyone?

The patent for "It/Ginger" was publically available at the US Patent Office Online database while Titor was posting. Several of us simply did a patent search for "Ginger" and "It" and found it there in 2001.

It's no coincidence that he mentioned the Segway. Celebration, Florida - home of the John Titor Foundation - was the first town in America to have a Segway outlet. Disney Corp. was promoting the scooter and using Celebration, it's company "future town" as the model town for modern alternative transportation. The attorney for the JTF was also an attorney for Disney and was the first person to move in to Celebration.

BTW: It was just a rumor on the Internet that "It" was hydrogen powered. There's nothing in the patent application that suggests that it was ever intended to be so.