Re: \'Titor\' Warning or Social Programming
I'm going to say this...
I will fight for my "Freedom" that you believe is not even freedom.
What is freedom to you? Being able to do whatever you want? Murder someone and not go to jail? Be able to overdose on drugs legally? (I guess that might be one, people seem to think the drug war is a government conspiericy as if drug's don't really kill you. You won't be saying drug's are good when your overdosing in the hospital). Maybe freedom to you is being able to beat the [censored] out of your mother because she told you to go to bed.
Personally that's freedom I don't want. Yes, that would be total freedom. In other word's, in a way having law's and a government is a good thing.
Now if it weren't for our given right's then everything we do would be illegal, except the thing's the government make's us do (work would be one of them). We would not be able to freely say "I don't like the president", or be able to hold a gun in your house for self protection. America give's more right's to it's citizen's then other country. So we like to consider ourselves free. It's one of few government's where a rich person can freely associate with someone working at McDonalds. I know some of you here have money, and you wouldn't be able to talk to me in place's like China for that reason. I come from a more poor family. I wouldn't even be able to be here and learn. How would you like to live in place's that TELL YOU who your going to marry? You don't get to choose. Maybe you would enjoy a place like Iraq where the citizen's have absolutely no right's at all (well they do now that we took it over). You know in a lot of countries there are no computer's.
What I am doing now, typing on a computer (and speaking my mind) would be illegal in some place's, and I consider this a form of freedom. Now, slowly the government is taking it away. The most recent case that I can think of is Eminem. Their alway's on his case for everything he say's about the government. Now he has lyric's out where he say's "I don't rap for dead president's, I'd rather see the president dead". Remember the dixie chick's and how bush wanted to throw them out of the country because of what they said? Bush is raged about everything anyone say's about him. Half of America wishes he was dead. I won't state my position on rather I want him alive or dead, but I will say that I hear it all the time. People hate Bush. Some people like him, but a lot hate him. So Eminem say's it and the SS (Secret Service) is after him. That's not free speach? Unless he actually goes out and kill's the president. What about Gun Control? Doesn't it say in the constitution we have the right to own a gun for protection? If Gun Control keep's going like this we don't even have that right.
What freedom we DO have will be lost if the government keeps this up. Yes, we as american's do have freedom. Not the freedom we'd have if anarchy took over, but the freedom we need. Say what you want to say. Do what you want to do. You can do it. But sometimes rules are needed. I don't want to get murdered just because I tell somebody to shut up. If it was a free world, it would be legal to kill me for somebody to shut up. Yeah, sometime's hit happens anyway's sadly, but it would happen a lot more often if we lived in a free world (I don't know about you but there's been people I've wanted to kill for saying something wrong to me, such as racism. and yes, racism happens from both part's, and yes I get offended when a black man say's "He's just a cracker" or "honkey").
So yes there is freedom in America. Not the type of freedom you want, but freedom. and they can TRY to take it away. Think about this, do you actually want to be totally free? Do you want to be able to kill whoever you want whenever you want? I don't. But I don't want such thing's as Freedom of Speech and defend myself to go away either. Thus if it weren't for freedom black's would still be slave's.