I believe he first used a Corvette, and then a small truck or pickup, which could have been a Chevy. On Anomolies forums, Darby has posted that the blacked out portion starting with 16NOV was an invalid VIN, but potentially this had something to do with the purchase date of the vehicle, seeing as Titor started his posts in November 2000. Perhaps someone from Florida can examine their vehicle insurance papers from that time and tell us if that area was for VIN only or whatever.
The reason for JT supplying this picture was the date of the document. He was asked many times before his departure for further proof that his story was true, as so he posted this image of this doc. You'll note the date is 03/26/01. He posted this on March 17 or so, then supposed left this worldline on 03/24.
We are supposed to wonder, "how did he get an official state government document dated after he left?" He supplied it already with blacked out areas, so obviously used a graphics package on the scanned page - could he have altered the date too?
On the subject of why timetravel in a vehicle, I think I have a few plausible reasons. JT said that the machine had some steering and gravity detection to keep it in the suface of the earth (otherwise the earth would spin away from him - early machine tests had them reappear in mid air some distance away). But even so, accuracy might be an issue for the "landing" and you wouldn't want to appear in mid air sitting on a 500lb box of sensitive equipment. But if you were in a car, the suspension and tyres would provide some shock absorbtion, as well as a discrete place to hide the box, and provide some transport. JT did talk about how the gravity sensors worked, in that if they detected a change during "flight" (i.e. presence of a large mass like a wall or tree, in place where you are to appear) the machine would backtrack to when it was OK, then "drop" you. He actually used the word "drop".
Also, there is the subject of
where he was located during the timetravel flights. I read somewhere in all of this tale that he operated from an Air Force Base (was it Macgill or something like that?). Anyway, if you are in need of a location with wide open flat space, and a known history of what was specifically built and where, then an AFB would be a great location to timetravel.
just a few thoughts