Titor thoughts


Temporal Novice

The best way to verify a time traveler from the future might be if an artifact were deposited for future recognition. For instance, a credit card deposited in the past would suddenly become recognizable as the first cards are issued.

Since this did not happen, the predictive value of Titor's statements merits examination, both in terms of "are they happening?", and did any other person contemporaneous with Titor's presence here (2000 - early 2001) make equivalent predictions?

This is what I have observed:

1) in relation to Titor's prediction of "Waco-like events", there have been increasing incidences of civilian militance; this includes some school shootings as recently as this week, a man in Louisiana who attacked a city council, and so forth. If this is part of a trend, soon it won't be possible to even remember all the events. To my knowledge, no one else in 2000-01 predicted these types of events would by our time be happening with present frequency.

2) in relation to Titor's prediction of a "war" between civilians and the U.S. federal government, and to follow this opening chaos, there are signs of issues at the state level. The housing crisis has negatively impacted state budgets derived from taxes, while simultaneously the federal government is demanding more expenditure through such programmes as "Real ID". 17 states are resisting Real ID, with some peculiar consequences (such as perhaps needing a passport to fly to the other states). Certainly, one can see some analogy with the notion of the war as Titor describes it, resulting in several (five) smaller nation-states [though he doesn't use this word].

2a) in relation to Titor's prediction of "everyone" realizing in 2008 that there is a state of conflict between civilians and the federal governments, its worth realizing that 2008 is an election year, and that the margins between the exit votes and the counted votes for the 2004 election was of a larger per centage than what caused the revolution and overthrow of a foreign government in recent years. I am not saying this to take sides with any candidate past or present, and I understand that I am not a statistician; but I also feel that everyone, regardless of candidate allegiance, should desire for his candidate to be elected without a deviation between the counted votes and the exit votes too wide for explanation with easily conceived hypotheses.

3) in relation to Titor's predication of the last Olympics in 2004, certainly China hosting the Olympics in 2008 seems to be encountering complications; international chess tournaments also have had issues recently for political reasons (not allowing an Israeli team to compete in an intl. team competition in Iran), and one can foresee the possibility of a breakdown of Olympic, and other peaceful international events, as suggested by difficulties with having the Olympics in China during 2008.

3b) its important to note that Titor isn't a <i>historian</i> from the future; he could say "2004" when not remembering a more accurate year.

4) in relation to Titor's prediction of a Russian nuclear assault against the U.S. in 2015, Russia and the U.S. are once again probing each other's tolerances; a dangerous game while the price of oil is high (fueling Russia's gathering wealth), and certainly a U.S. civil war as predicted by Titor for 2008-15 (but only in full swing towards the end of that time) would be an optimal time during which to strike.

5) in relation to Titor's prediction of a mad cow epidemic in the U.S., this quote from http://www.motherearthnews.com/Susta...-Policies.aspx is relevant: "Yet when Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, a processor in Kansas, attempted to implement a 100 percent testing policy to screen cattle for mad cow disease in its facility, the USDA ordered it to stop. The USDA contends that such testing may provide a false sense of security because most cattle are too young to show symptoms at the time of slaughter. Critics argue that the USDA is opposing more testing because if more infected cattle are found, it will again cause huge losses for the beef industry." This is an evasion of the issue rather than facing it squarely head on.

Michel Duchable
1) in relation to Titor's prediction of "Waco-like events", there have been increasing incidences of civilian militance; this includes some school shootings as recently as this week, a man in Louisiana who attacked a city council, and so forth. If this is part of a trend, soon it won't be possible to even remember all the events. To my knowledge, no one else in 2000-01 predicted these types of events would by our time be happening with present frequency.

Well 3th Easter Egg of titor, just as scheduled !!!!!!

<font color="red"> Hillary, not Bill, not Janet Reno, not Webb Hubbell, not Vince Foster was the one who ordered the final assault. Final death count: 76 Branch Davidians, including 21 children and two pregnant women.
[/COLOR] "
end quoted...


<font color="red"> Mrs Clinton grew more and more impatient as the Waco stand-off came to dominate the headlines [Hillary want to get so-called "heath care reform" done, and Waco was taking all the headlines in spring, 1993, so Hillary forced the Waco resolution with disastrous results and a lot of death - Robert Morrow ] during the early months of the Clinton administration, said Bell. It was she, according to Bell's sources, who pressured a reluctant Janet Reno to act. [/COLOR] "

end quoted...


Best Regards

Well 3th Easter Egg of titor, just as scheduled !!!!!!

How can your quoted material be considered "Easter Eggs"? The Titor "predictions" were predicated on the very incident that you refer to. He was suggesting that similar incidents, beginning in 2004/05, would occur on a monthly basis and, by now, would have accelerated in frequency.

I'm sorry, but no cigar (or Easter Egg).
3, and 3b, thats some wild excuse making to beleive something so far fetched. More likely a kid in his basement making stuff up, then a time traveler getting a year wrong of a apparently large event in history. You cant give a time traveler a pass for not knowing his own history. Unless you are a complete moron, any one of us going to our far past would probably be able to proove it
You might be surprised how little many - adults, even - comprehend about history. What's considered a "major event" in history can be skewed by personal interests. An athlete might view the Olympics as major historical events; chess players, the world chess championships. Bottom line is that major historical events are those which condition the historical viewpoint of persons in the future, often to be expressed in a transformation of the terminology used and recombinations of extant terminology (often with or as neologisms).

For instance, the historical triumphs of what the past called "liberalism" necessitated that those desiring liberation from that paradigm call themselves "liberals" and rename liberals as "conservatives".

Similarly, the "War of Secession" is now called the "Civil War" (indeed, it was a very civil war, as in all the shots fired only one non-military person is known to have been killed).

The development of the printing press was a major historical event that conditioned historical viewpoints in the future (the printing press enabled the notion of "freedom of the press" - without the printing press having been developed, there could have been no notion at all of "freedom of the press"); objectively I doubt the modern Olympics could be made to compare with this in historical significance.

It might be consistent in view of this that Titor's narrative would describe the "U.S.A." as the "American Federal Empire", just as we refer to a "Roman Empire".

Personally I suspect that Titor is a "hoax", but also feel that inaccuracy about the Olympics by itself doesn't support a position either way. One could just as easily argue that ignorance of the Olympics contributes to the completeness of his narrative as one who came to live in a

Michel Duchable
to finish the sentence:

"One could just as easily argue that ignorance of the Olympics contributes to the completeness of his narrative as one who came to live in a society that does not place emphasis on sporting events."
You cant give a time traveler a pass for not knowing his own history.

A time traveler can only tell us his own history he cannot accurately tell us ours.
Only probabilities and possibilities. He can only tell you what happened on his
own worldline. He can see events happening and what you may be heading up to but
can never be 100 percent sure that it will all play out the same.
He even said this himself.

John was told to go to 1975 and get a computer and come back to 2036.
He was trained in that area of history.(1975)
He decided on his own to go ahead and go to 2000 as well. Then he decided to go to 1998..
on his own. He was quite the little jumper. LOL

That reminds me..I wanted to go and see that movie "Jumper" today. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif TA TA.

I agree with your analysis of historical events and how they are eventually defined. There are problems, however, with the comparison to Titor's Saga:

Titor was from the future - but only trivially so. According to the story he's currently alive and well, living as a 10 year old in Florida (he would have turned 10 sometime between November and January according to his story).

The specific events that you rfer to, such as the Civil War, are events that occured long ago. They've had time to "age" as they are passed from generation to generation.

In Titor's case he was talking about events that occured during his lifetime beginning at about the age of 6 years old. These aren't events that have "aged". They are a part of his personal life and weren't handed down to him from another generation. The war, of course, occured during his early teen years and lasted through his early adulthood. Moreover, he was an active participant as a "soldier". The matter of the Olympics was specific as to a major "non" event - not a single competition. Certainly we don't expect him to recall who might have won an individual competition in the Olympics but we can expect that he'd be quite sure about whether there was or wasn't any Olympic games in 2008. Why? Because, within the context of his novel, of course there's no Olympic Games in 2012. The war begins in 2011.

His memory can't be cast as faulty here. He's still a young man, 38 years old, in the story. He lived the events according to the story. He made the statements and critique of the story should be based on his statements.
Certainly we don't expect him to recall who might have won an individual competition in the Olympics but we can expect that he'd be quite sure about whether there was or wasn't any Olympic games in 2008.

Certainly. Or no Olympic games in 2006 in Turino? Let's not forget precisely how Titor worded his "prediction". He is already "wrong" in his prediction as of February 17th, 2008... the last Olympics was NOT held in 2004. As the days draw to a close in the coming year, Titor will become statistically (and mathematically) even MORE WRONG by August of this year...2008. See you all back here when Bejing Games open???? :D

Titor's Time is Running Out. His story is on the verge of irrelevance for once and for all (although I knew it was a goner when I first encountered it...) Would anyone disagree that by the end of 2008 (finally!) we will all concretely know Titor was dabunkus? Someone? ANYONE?

Certainly. Or no Olympic games in 2006 in Turino? Let's not forget precisely how Titor worded his "prediction".

Quite right, Ray. I hadn't forgotten that part and considered referencing it in the above post. I didn't reference it because even if it was a slip of the "pen" and he actually meant 2008, 2008 is an absolute drop-dead date. After August 2008 there simply aren't any more excuses that can be offered up for him if the Olympics are held.
<font color="red">
Quite right, Ray. I hadn't forgotten that part and considered referencing it in the above post. I didn't reference it because even if it was a slip of the "pen" and he actually meant 2008, 2008 is an absolute drop-dead date. After August 2008 there simply aren't any more excuses that can be offered up for him if the Olympics are held. [/COLOR]

Quoted CHI RHO :




Anonymous Coward
User ID: 333357
" <font color="red"> what did John Titor say about this?

hmm could this stop the olympics?

bingo! mother f'er

you think athletes will be performing when they are breathing in nuclear radioactive material?



will we even be "breathing"?[/COLOR] "

Link to GLP

Best Regards
US-193 HAS
80% Pu-238
20% Pu-239 and other isotopes

...NASA has released a statement indicating a 24.5% probability of impact in or around the middle east theatre. American forces and NATO forces are on a Stage 1 alert during the period beginning on March 5th through March 11th...

NASA web page

24pounds =10.886217 kg. nowhere near enough for critical mass. next! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
24pounds =10.886217 kg. nowhere near enough for critical mass. next!

Critical mass for Pu 239 is ~10kg/10cm. A 10 cm ball containing 10kg of Pu 239 is a critical mass. Pu 238 critical mass is slightly less; Pu 240 is considerable more (40kg/15cm). Dang those pesky neutrons.

As you can see, it's not the mass but the mass per volume that is "critical" in a critical mass, i.e. densiity.