Titor Research


Temporal Navigator
I'm trying to find out some information about John Titor. When I first read about this story, last year in '03, one of the predictions I read about had to do with a specific date. April 27, 04. I remember John saying "something" would happen. He used the word "something" or "things" I can't remember which. He also said, it wouldn't be all violent, and implied it was good intentioned at first. Now, am almost 100% certain I read about April 27 last year. But I'm only human I might be suffering from failed recollection.

So I've been trying to find that quote for a LONG time now because I was CERTAIN John's words mentioned a specific date. That quote is nowhere on the johntitor site or any of the sites that archived his words. So it was probably a prankster posting as James Titor saying those things.

I just want to get clarification about this though. Because when I search on the net, I find a LOT of posts talking about John(?)'s prediction on the 27'th and how nothing was going to happen, or just after it even, saying nothing happened at all and it proved he was a hoax. Of course the US patriot act was passed that day right? So the hoaxster probably knew about the date it was passing and planted a seed as James Titor to scare people. I just wanted to get other input. Was it a hoaxster in March 9 talking about April 27 '04 or was it John?

Also, if anyone knows how to reach Phil Fiord, please let me know. The few quotes that I have found all seem to be different. One mention's Phil's name so I wondered if he was still around.

As for the people who are CONVICED, that without ANY doubt that Titor is a COMPLETE hoax. Adjective and capital letters don't prove crap.
Dear Newbe 0'

Please excuse my forwardness, but the way you fraise this sentence here>So I've been trying to find that quote for a LONG time now because I was CERTAIN John's words mentioned a specific date., looks as if you had known said John Titor.

One who was astute might even venture, that in disguise, that you might be Pamela Moore, using another computer, in a false persona, as s only she had called him John?

Give a generic description of who you are.

Not an exact one and maybe we'll talk?

And yes there would have been ulterior motives for Pamela ever posting anything or supporting JT at all.

So genericly, who are you?

Only a rough description, no name or anything that violates privacy.

Note Phill Ford ius at Anomalies.

You should know that????????!

I also have a private messageing here.
Give ah description? hmm.. I'm a guy, from Canada, I grew up on a farm, brown hair.

The Titor story changed the way I think about reality, religion all that. I don't comprehend fully I guess, I have a friend who has to explain it to me when I think I've found a hole in his story. I don't know anything about physics. My time travel education came from Star Trek.

The quote I found did say Phil was from anomolies.net but the site was down for me when I last tried. I figured maybe he reads here as well, or someone who follows the Titor saga closely would have remembered the quote I'm thinking about.

Can I ask why you think I might be Pam?? You said only she called him John but I don't understand.. Everything I read has people calling him "John" Titor, and the website : johntitor.com is where I first read the story so I've always known him as John.

This is the best quote I can find but it looks like they are copy/pasting from all over.. No idea how accurate this is or where it came from:


It's April 26'04 and they are joking about how nothing will happen the day before the patriot act was passed...

But that quote calls him "James" and says he was there on March 9, '04 and I thought Titor said he was leaving in '01.

So who is James and who is John, and why is "James" saying these things to Phil well after he left?

Edit : And I'm not posting any claim for or against the story here. I just want to know about the quotes that mention a specific date and WHO originally said "something" would happen on that date. John or James.. etc.. Please any info would be appreciated.

Edit again: Been trying to get on anomolies.net all day and it just timesout when I try. Also, i noticed this site had a JT forum so this post is probably in the wrong place. I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong place /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

Edit again, No I was confused. I was looking at http://www.timetravelforum.net/forums/ which is not the same site. So I think this post is in the right forum. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I would look upon predicitions such as the USA elections. The news of the moment is saying that Mr Bush has a lead on Mr Kerry. Is this the 'problem' with the election many feel will come to fruition?
Yes, I'm going to watch the elections close. I'm not much for predictions really. The story is so good, the only "proof" will be sitting in 2040, eating a juicy burger, with no wars, all nations at peace, no time machine, GE out of business /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I'm very interested in finding the original quote made by whichever Titor it was.. I want to make sure it was some guy in 04 claiming to be his brother. Because for some reason I remember reading that quote when I first read the story in 03. It's probably my failing memory but I just wanted to get some clarification. I'm just a huge fan of the story, real or fake, I just want to know who made the quote and when...(and the exact wording lol)
Pamela I never trusted for some reason.

I don't know, could have been an goof-up in what they were trying to say and James came through?
Yea I never saw anything in the archives concerning Pamela. Only read a few of her posts recently. Here is the quote from the site, I noticed the link I posted was broken.

They say this convo was in '04. Is that true? I remember reading this same quote when I first read the johntitor.com website. And I thought I first saw it in '03.

Does anyone know the source of this quote and exact date?

That would put the "unrest" sometime in late April, early May. He went on (also on March 05, 2004)

two months time, well that's something that will be noted as a special day in your future history. It is not all violence, good things will come out of the destruction and chaos. part of the time travel code prohibits me from being too specific, as this could change my future-present.

James (who seems to be a very upstanding man, as he diligently upholds the "time travel code") told us all about his "trinary-quark sony ring computer with natural bio-interface."

He went on to tell us on March 09, 2004 that "things" would "come to pass" and that we had "49 days left." Phil Fiord calculated that day to be "April 27th, 2004, a Tuesday."

"James Titor" very considerately told us to "enjoy the rest of your time" and "may god have mercy on your souls."
I think in the sentences offered, that James may be one of the said computer techs, from the future.

The Trianary three axis computer, which would replace the hard drive, has already been thought of at this time.

All this is, is a three point light projection, which holds information and beams this to a multiphased mirror receiver.

The scalier quanta is substrated, which yields differing subatomic levels for while in use active data storage so eliminating the need for a traditional hard drive.

A standard memory of modified set of SIMS would house on-board memory.

This type of computer, would be fifty times faster, that computers that are used now.

This raises the question why did Titor come back in time, if they had computer that could function as this one did?
Note, Pamela Moore is a major relayer of allot of Titor information.

I don't see how one can read anything about Titor at Anomalies.net and not see this?
Well, if he's only going to be gone for a split second, why not send him back to get the computer instead of spending months of time to reverse engineer a system? Wouldn't tax dollars be better spent that way?

I'm not interested in anyone who claims to know him or be releated, I just found his posts (and only his) to build into a cool story. It's believable, but anyone else showing up and saying they are his mom, or brother, or girlfriend, I don't want to hear it really. So I'm just trying to figure out if anyone can confirm this quote appeared in 04. If it did then I don't care about it. I sort of remember it from 03 which is why I made the post. I seem to be the only one who remembers it so I probably saw it in March and I just remember incorrectly.

I only read a anomolies.net a couple times, and it was very recently. They seemed to pounce on anyone who wasnt anti-titor so I posted here first because I assumed I had a better chance of someone else remember that quote on this site. As far as I remember, (im probably wrong) she only came out and talked about their personal relationship after he left so it's of no intrest really. The original matrix movie rocked but the animated series and the two sequels kinda sucked in comparison, know what I'm sayin????
I have seen zero evidence of this Titor story being true. I hope you don't actually believe it is true. If you do, have fun in lala land I would assume a teenager might have fun believing in such fantasy stories. In the real world the story is as real as a flying saucer photo. Hey speaking of hoaxes and such, has anyone read the book Alternative 003? Or The Montauk trilogy? Those books are entertaining, but obviously untrue. Yet I would pay to see the stories in the form of a motion picture, it would make a great scifi movie. Even a John Titor movie would be entertaining as long as it was well done.
Razimus, I jump back and forth. There is no real evidence either way. If it's fake it makes a great story. At the same time, it's scary as hell, mostly because if it did finally prove to be true, you'd see all these little clues that he's mentioned and you blindly dismessed them with no evidence either way...

What exactly counts as evidence anyways?
I have seen zero evidence of this Titor story being true. I hope you don't actually believe it is true. If you do, have fun in lala land I would assume a teenager might have fun believing in such fantasy stories. In the real world the story is as real as a flying saucer photo. Hey speaking of hoaxes and such, has anyone read the book Alternative 003? Or The Montauk trilogy? Those books are entertaining, but obviously untrue. Yet I would pay to see the stories in the form of a motion picture, it would make a great scifi movie. Even a John Titor movie would be entertaining as long as it was well done.

To see the evidence in any argument, either pro, or con, one must be willing to excersize the capacity the believe that both sides of the argument can be true, and within that, diligently seek out that evidence to support both sides of the argument.

I personally believe the story is true in regards to John Titor, not necessarily that I believe every derived message that came from his words by third party individuals, but in whole I believe that his overall warning of things to come is in fact legitimate.

I have personally experienced WAY to many oddities in regards to time, and projection of events not yet occurred.

When you can stand outside on a starry cloudless night, and can witness a triangular shaped obect in motion over you, with no wind, or noise, and very little noise, like a hum, you take 'reality' into a whole new realm. People can find security or solitude in their lives believing that there isn't something much more advanced than our mental capacity to comprehend, but that doesn't mean we should disregard them as false, fiction, or a hoax.

The majority of humanity will continue to demonize, or cast out the possibility of things of such nature.... until they are staring at the object of their denial up close and personal.

Some have been constant in their efforts to discredit the whole UFO legitimacy, yet when you have over 30 people who documented the same object hovering on a path that took it across 2 counties, directly to the Central Airlift Command for the US military (Scott AFB), you must either acknowledge something was there or claim mass hysteria, or believe an alternative story put out there by the powers that be.

These documented witnesses were people in law enforcement, lawyers, telecommunications workers, and generally technical business oriented individuals, namely the kind of people who deal with alot of tecnical logic, and speculative arguments. When you have professional people from different lifestyles, and professions all claiming the same thing, one must excersize Occams Razor.