Titor olympic predictions


Epochal Historian
Something has just come to mind, where in the postings as relayed for John Titor, there was the prediction, the Olympics would be postponed due to an act of terrorism.

At Anomalies Im sure that I had seen this in the predictions to come.

Did anybody else, see same and is there an old archival file, which shows this?

It may have been the Olympics to come, but there could also be a veiled reference to the current Olympics going on right now?

Did anybody either see or remember this predictions as made?
I believe the what he said was something along the lines of the olympics not happening after 2004, I don't think he said 2004 Olypimcis would be interupted.
The United States has always been a major contentder in the Olympics.

With tensions mounting between third world countries, and other superpowers relating to the United States' actions involving Iraq, the global community starts to see the United States in a different light.

If John Titors' predictions ring true, and the country begins to battle amongst itself in 2005, the global powers will see the United States as a volatile risk to global peace.

International policies shift, and in effect turn the United States into a sort of undesirable nation to do business with.

Global Commerce plummeting from this will create a global chaos like never before, which could ultimately bring us to the storyline that John Titor spoke of.

This would be enough to end any future Olympics, yes?
This whole civil war thing sounds like a joke. First he says it will start in 2004 then he says 2005. Also, I can't see what two sides of the US would fight each other. Unless we the people finally stand up to the joke I call the US government.
Let us speculate for a moment.

The winner of the 2004 elections in the United States could really be of no relevence due to the ability for the possible outbreak of civil unrest, and rebellion because of the use of the electronic voting platform. It is estimated that one-third of all americans will usethe electronic method this election year.

Scenario 1:
Bush wins the election, and following the election results, a controversy spills into the public arena over missing votes, miscounted votes, and incorrect voter data on others' ballots.
The public, and the democratic party demands a recount, due to the previous 2000 election controversy.

The recount is denied. This spawns a civil unrest lke never before. Starting with public protests, people speaking out, ultimately ending in citizens being arrested, and killed in protests with the military. This causes military people to begin fighting amongst themselves, which creates a seperation of power, which in effect causes a split in military might, and geographical territories.

Scenario 2:
Kerry wins the election, and following the election results, a controversy spills into the public arena over missing votes, miscounted votes, and incorrect voter data on others' ballots.
President Bush, the public, and the republican party demands a recount, due to this error in the system.

The recount is denied, and President Bush attempts to use government pressre to force a recount when all legal methods fail to keep him in office.
This spawns a civil unrest lke never before. Starting with public protests, people speaking out, ultimately ending in citizens being arrested, and killed in protests with the military. This causes military people to begin fighting amongst themselves, which creates a seperation of power, which in effect causes a split in military might, and geographical territories.


So you see...

While some may consider it a joke, the concept of a country fighting amongst itself, the potential is ever-present if the conditions in society are optimal for such reactions by the people of the country.

Ask yourself this:

You're a long time military active personell, and you've just been order into a town with everyday people who are just trying to express their rights of free speech, and protest, and the order comes down to quell the insurgence with deadly force.

In an American against American scenario, do you think you could pull the trigger on your fellow American, even if that fellow American was blood relation?

How would you feel about your government or company of soldiers drawing down their arms on your blood relation?

Would you defy command, or slay your own blood?

These are the types of scenarios, and questions that will haunt the human psyche infinitely, and will always cause the kinds of civil unrest as mentioned in 2000.
Hello hindsight,

In an American against American scenario, do you think you could pull the trigger on your fellow American, even if that fellow American was blood relation?

Perhaps you seem to forget that America has already been through this scenario on May 4th, 1970. My sister was a sophomore at Kent State when it happened. There are too many people still alive today who lived through that event. If there is one thing that America has shown to be good about, it is learning from history.

Now...please don't try to tell me that Iraq is a repeat of Vietnam. It's nowhere near close. Anyway, I just thought you might wish to consider this piece of past American History in pondering whether Titor's predictions could/would come to pass.

Wow...I just heard something that gave me shivers. I was watching a report on the Republican convention for today and a reporter was saying that the main reason people are in favor for Bush is because he is taking action with what happened on 9-11. Then he proceeded to say if Bush were to loose his focus on it that it could start a civil war.
I'm just guessing here but I think Bush would have to win. I don't see many people militantly against Kerry. But the people against Bush are really, really mad from what I see on CNN regarding the protestors at the RNC.

Iraq is really upsetting. Not EVERY media outlet outside the US shows the US protecting the world. Some show them trying to assimilate Arab nations. Then you have mistreatment of Russia, Cuba, NK. American press spins it a certain way to make it look like it benefits everyone. Local press for other nations shows America starving Russia, Cuba, NK, then shows American politicians bragging about how they saved the world.

Not everyone in the US can listen to their leaders justifications and accept it. At some point, small pockets will revolt beyond peacefull protests. Hordes of people USING weapons at the RNC were already arrested. Their weapons were bicycles. I guess they go faster than people on foot so that makes them weapons. If protests start carrying real weapons, it's not a stretch of the imagination to expect CNN to label these folks as supporting terrorism, or at the least, trying to destabilize America, especially if the police and/or military responds with too much force.

Let this continue for a little less than a year. The waco like incidents start and police or military start shooting more and more civilians, because as long as they play the terrorist card, they get away with it. With CNN calling them terrorists, most folks will cheer on their solider buddies. All the while the bill to reinstate the draft quietly makes it way towards becoming a law. Why did John Titor answer every single question with LONG drawn own, well written answers. The answers were GREAT. Then you get to the question about the draft. Does the draft have anything to do with civil unrest. All he says is:


What's up with that!!! As a side note, one of the reasons I think the Titor story is fake is because the guy writes amazing. He's like an English major or something. He's doesn't talk like someone who grew up during ww3. But then again I had a pretty wicked environment to grow up with and I piddled away my chance at an education...

So the draft is scaring the hell out of people. The government expects you to pick up a gun and kill other Americans? No way some will say.

So then Cuba sees this as an opportune time to invade American soil. Castro has talked about starting a civil war in the US before. He also says than a Cuban invasion would decimate America. I tend to believe him.

People from south america join in as well. America pays them a FRACTION of what their time would be worth on american soil. Sure they were greatfull to get the money at the time. Really. I know I love to get paid $17/hour by people who make billions. What about $2/hour? You can't be stinking rich and pay poor people to make you even richer and expect everyone to accept it. Some people will be upset - eventually.

Canada as well would have some people, mad enough to cross the border. Your talking about the government shooting civilians. There would probably be more Canadians than you think wanting to put a stop to that.

I just don't see a guy like Kerry letting soliders shoot civilians. Just a guess, sorry to offend anyone, this is pure speculation about the Titor story. Vote Kerry!
Wow...I just heard something that gave me shivers. I was watching a report on the Republican convention for today and a reporter was saying that the main reason people are in favor for Bush is because he is taking action with what happened on 9-11. Then he proceeded to say if Bush were to loose his focus on it that it could start a civil war.

Sometimes it is the most obvious that is the most overlooked.

Think about the kinsd of things that could make Bush 'lose focus' on his committment to the task at hand.

News of possible 'war crimes' charges against MP Tony Blair for his participation in the Iraq War/Invasion.

I think that any day now we could see some kind of news that could change the expression on the face of the nation.

With all of the flip flopping, and finger pointing going on, the intention to disassemble the CIA..

I honestly expect some information to drop us to our knees like a ton of bricks being placed on our shoulders.
I honestly expect some information to drop us to our knees like a ton of bricks being placed on our shoulders.

I agree. But I think this information may be MUCH wider in its scope than what you imply in this message. In other words, not just limited to politics, or even the current administration's actions. I expect this information is going to be something that will shake the foundations of humanity. Some say it is the eventual disclosure of our knowledge of extraterrestrials and the variants on this scenario. Others say it will be a major discovery in science and physics that will drastically reshape our view of the universe, and further evidence that trusting our human senses as "reality" is not always a good move.

I wouldn't discount either of these camps. However, if it is either or both of these, I do not believe this is truly "new knowledge" in either case. I believe much of this eventually-to-be-released knowledge has been known by certain people in the "black world" for some time now. Perhaps even beginning as early as Roswell. Isn't it interesting that the AT&T development of the transistor occurred in 1947... the same year as Roswell?

If you were to recover an advanced spacecraft, where would you send its electronics parts to be analyzed and "reverse-engineered"? Oh....perhaps the most advanced laboratory owned and operated by a sanctioned government monopoly? My father went to work for AT&T in 1945, and was at Bell Labs from 47 through 54. There is much he will not talk about, but he did say he got to meet some important people in that day, like Alan Turing. And in the 70s when he was working on the satellite transmission methods & digital networks that we use today, he would always say "you ain't seen nothing yet!"

What if one of the things that comes to light is that 9-11 was set up by the american government to motivate us into a war with Iraq.....or just to get the whole terror war rolling? Watching footage makes me wonder what would americans think if they knew their own government would do such a thing. Some would never believe and those that did would become "the enemy". This piled with all of the election scenarios we are definatly standing on a ticking bomb, and honestly I have to agree a bit with Titor that we need this, even as horrible as it may be.
As for a previous post about who would we fight in a civil war ...yes, we would end up fighting our own government. This war is said, by Titor, to start so slowly that it is hard to pinpoint, but that no one could deny it anymore by 2008.
The earliest I can remember my grandfather is around the age of 6. I was always told he was a travelling rep for Sears Roebuck as I was growing up. When I was around 7, or 8 years old he came to live with us for a while, and being an inquisitive kid, I would always go fishing with him, and ask him what he did at his job. He would never elaborate, but would smile and say that his job changed alot, and he was always moving from location to location.

He was always showing me cool ways of doing things with electricity, and magnetics, using potatoes, sea weed, metal objects, wind, and other stuff the just fascinated me.

Looking back in time, I was surprised that I never asked my mom how a guy that worked for Sears Roebuck knew so much about science.

He was supposed to be with us for the whole summer, as my mom had been ill, and he didn't see my mom alot during her childhood either, so he was trying to make up for lost time I guess.

He went fishing one morning, and he wanted me to go, but being a kid I just got bored with all of the fishing, so I stayed at home. It wasn't long after he left, I got curious and started playing in the room next to the room he slept in. My mom was alseep, and my dad was at work, so I sneaked into my gramps room, and began looking at his stuff.

It led me to a brown document folder, stuffed with papers, and was tied shut with one of those strings that you wrap around a circular clasp on the other part of the folder. I unwound the string and began pulling out peices of paper. At the time, I had no idea what some of the papers had on them, but it was algebra, and trig, and other calculative comments I still to this day have no idea what they meant or represented.

I was in the midst of rummaging around and came across his tape recorder, and started listening to it. It was some kind of oral documentation on some type of electromagnetic test, or something to do with electricity, and magnets.

The next thing I know is he busted into the room shouting at me like I had set his room on fire, shouting 'Oh my God, Oh my God', and snatched me up, and took me outside.

He was physically shaken, and I was scared to death, as I didn't understand what I had done that was so bad. My mom was awakened, and came rushing outside, and was screaming at him asking what happened, and he took her inside, and I couldn't hear exactly what was being said, but my gramps said something that sent my mom into a frenzy, and she proceeded to run to the phone and call my dad, who worked in another town not far from us.

He was home real soon after that, and they all went inside, and made me stay outside, telling me to play.

I was still really upset, because I knew for sure that I was going to get the beating of my life by the apparent seriousness of me doing something bad. I listened in on the conversation as best I could from under the kitchen window, and my mom and dad were arguing with my grandfather about how to approach what I had, or may have seen, or heard in his papers.

My grandfather kept saying that I was old enough to understand, and my mom and dad were arguing about how it was too early, and they argued for what seemed like hours. I remember getting eaten up by mosquitoes, and had fire ants trying to bite me when they finally let me come inside.

My mom had gotten so upset that she had to take some medication to help her settle down, and my father who I had never seen take a drink in my life was drinking a beer with my gramps. I never really thought my gramps and my father were really close because the way my gramps absence in my moms childhood made her feel sad.

We ate dinner, and my gramps asked me if I wanted him to tuck me in. I asked if I was going to get in trouble, and he smiled, and said no, and that one day I would understand. My dad watched my gramps tuck me in, he hugged me tight for what seemed like 30 minutes, and the lights went out. When I got up the next morning my gramps was gone, along with all of his clothes, papers, everything.

I asked my mom were gramps was, as she stood in the kitchen making breakfast and she didn't answer, and after I asked a few more times, she turned to me in tears, and he's gone, and I don't know when he'll return... When the time is right we'll see him again, I'm sure.

That mental picture of my mom in that traumatic state burned into my soul, and is still there to this day.

I asked my mom over the years why gramps hadn't called, ya know, like on holidays, or to see the new addition to the family, my little sister, and she always had that sad kind of smile, and would always answer with I don't know when he'll return... When the time is right, I'm sure. It made me experieince alot of mixed feelings for a long time, because I felt that I was responsible for my gramps leaving again, which hurt my mom noticably, and I hated him for not coming back to make her happy again, and hated myself even more for causing it all.

I never saw my gramps again until 3 days before he died at our home 10 years later.

I came home from school (I was in my last year of high school now) and he was in my bed asleep.
To be honest, it scared the living hell out of me because I didn't recognize him at all. I started walking up on him, and noticed that something wasn't right with him in his physical appearance.

It was obvious that he had some form of cancer throughout his entire body.

My mom came up behind me and held on to me, and whispered into my ear, 'he came home to talk to you, and say goodbye to us'. I was rocked to the core, needless to say. I took mom out of the room, and began asking questions.

She told me that she didn't know where he had been all of this time, and that she didn't expect that she would ever know. She said that it was pretty obvious that his work had taken the life out of him, and he wanted to send the remainder of his time with us, and to tell me a few things he'd waited a long time to tell me.

I was mortified at the thought of the unknown words that were to come.

He didn't wake up for very long periods, and when he did, he was asking mom for another dose of morphine, and he would swiftly go back to sleep.
I think he knew that he was about to leave us, because he told my dad to take my mom out for dinner, and asked if I could sit with him while they were gone.

They left, and I sat next to his bed watching the ball game on tv. He grabbed my hand, and squeezed it, and proceeded to tell me that I grew up to be exactly the young man that he knew I would.
I pretty much lost it at that point, and broke into tears, and told him I was so sorry for making him go away, because I wish we had spent more time together. He shed a tear, and squeezed my hand really tight, smiled, and said:

"You didn't make me leave at all. I left so you and your parents could live a normal life. A life they never could have lived with my everyday presence. You were probably too young to remember, but you saw some things that could have changed your lives, and none of us wanted that for you.. not yet.. it wasn't time"

I told him I remembered some of the things that preceeded his leaving, and he said "Then I guess you have a few questions for then eh?" I nodded at him, and he said "I'll answer what I can, and I will not answer what you're not ready to know". I told him I didn't understand that, and he said "That's ok.. in time you'll understand clearly".

So I started by asking him if he was really a Travelling Rep for Sears Roebuck, and he shook his head no.

I then asked him if he was a spy, or government agent of some sort, and he looked me in the eyes, and said "I was never a spy".

I then said ok... so were you a government agent?.. He said "I was never an agent for the government".

I then asked if he had done work for the government, and he smiled, and said that he worked on things that major minds of all kinds were involved in.

I asked him if it was related to atomic weapons, and he said "No, but the science of one applies to many".

I laughed, and told him that I knew that there was no way in hell some guy that worked for Sears knew how to make potatoes, and seaweed generate power. He winked, and said that "In time you will know more about things than you ever thought were possible, beyond the wildest stretch of your imagination."

I laughed, and told him that I had a pretty big imagination, and smiled, and he said "Yes, and it will show you the way in time. Your creative mind will be a breath of fresh air to us all"

Needless to say, I was thinking by now that gramps was feeling the effects of the morphine or something, because I was at best a "b" average student in science, and most other curriculum.

So curiousity got to me, and I had to ask him what 'creative things' I was supposed to do.

He shook his head, and said "In time all things will become very clear, if you only look for the signs."

It wasn't what I expected him to say.. ya know... it wasn't outlandish or some huge grand answer, so I tried my damndest to get him to explain, and he got kinda pissed, and said abruptly:

"Don't seek to get the answers before the questions are ready to be asked! When the time is right, you will ask all of the questions again, and you'll recieve the answers you need."

I fell asleep sitting there next to gramps, and went to school the next day.

I came home after school, and my mom met me at the door, and told me that he was in and out of it pretty bad, and that she didn't know how long he had left.

I tried to sit with him some more that day, but it was really unbearable to watch, so I did what any high school guy my age, undr that kind of stress would do.. I snuck out to the garage, and rolled up a doobie. I know... no wonder I was a B average student. hehe

I ate afterwards, and looked in on gramps, but my parents were both in there with him, and he seemed to be coherent, but for some reason they didn't want me in the room, and asked me to go watch tv while they talked with him. I thought maybe the time had come.

I fell asleep on the couch after a while, and woke up to my mom nudging on me, telling me that I could skip school today, because gramps wanted to sit with me today. She pretty much made it clear that it was his last day.

So I went in and sat with him, and he asked me to lean over and give him a hug, so I did, and he gripped me pretty good, and told me he loved me, and that he always did, and he always would.

I told him that I wish we had been able spend more time together and he responded with "We'll meet again one day", and then me asked me to turn up the ball game, and while I had walked up to the volume knob on the tv, he had passed away.

I don't know how, but I knew before I took two steps away from him and towards the tv, the moment that he died, because it felt like someone had just grabbed my intestines, and twisted them into a double knot.

A few days later, after the funeral, my mom sat me down and told me that my gramps had left some items for me, and she gave me his watch, which on the back had engraved text that read "Ad vitam aeternam", which loosely translated means "for in time", "for infinity", or "for all time".

She also told me that she had something else for me from him, but she was not able to give it to me until she was instructed to. I told her ok, figuring it was some kind of trust fund, or something monetary. I never heard anything more about it until 15 years later, my 33rd year.

She called, and told me to check my mail, that week, and in it I found a key, with a note to ask the questions in my 40th year. I called her back, and asked what this key was to, and she said that her best guess that it was a security box of some sort, and that she was told to send me the key at 35, and to tell me that I would know where the key went before I asked more questions.

I was a little angry at this point, and asked her how in the hell did gramps know that her, myself, dad, or anyone would be around to get this damn key.

She paused for moment, and said that he always had a knack for things like that, and he said that I would too, in time.

I got out his watch and noticed that it had stopped, and I stared at it for a while, held onto it, and then put it on the dresser by my bed.

A couple of hours later I looked at it again, and got to thinking that I may have a watch battery laying around so I pulled the back off of it, and inside the backing plate was a series of numbers, which as far as I can ascertain are logitude/lattitude based.

I took part of my vacation this year and rode my motorcycle to northwest missouri, where the coordinates seem to be, and all I found was a large area outside a major city that was obviously in preparations of commercial development. The land is all being worked, and roads are already being made, and my GPS unit puts me smack dab on the edge of one of these unstarted development areas.

So, in the grand sceheme of things, I've been looking at things taking place over the last year, in science, technology, politics, and in any resoruce I can, because I can only believe that this time next year, or sooner, there will be a bank located at these coordinates, or storage facility, and I'm not honestly sure if I want to ask these questions I'm supposed to ask.

I'm a software programmer, not a scientist, and I don't understand any of this in a rational sense.
My lifes' work is based upon certain logics, and I can see no logic in some of the things I've come to hear, and experience.

I don't see how a key given from the past can open a safety depotit box, or storage unit from the future, but if it does..

What are the contents, and what are the questions I will derive from it all?

I've always tried to keep an open mind about science, and things involving science, and with that being said, some will make this whole John Titor thing out to be a hoax, while others place belief in it, I only know one thing, as I've been told most of my life.

The answers we all seek will come to us all, in time.

I'm not sure if I believe or not, but I do know that in 4 years, I will either have answers to questions that have plagued me for almost 2 decades, or I will have tormented thoughts for the rest of my life.

Personally, I think there may be others who have experienced similiar odd childhoods, and may have had some extraordinary experieince in regards to something like this.

In one way I think this whole ordeal has had some impact on me, causing over-imaginitive processes to take over in my brain, but I also think that our world is building up to some climactic point, and I think many of us born between 1940, and 1990 are involved in some way shape or form to predesigned events not yet known.

Am I a raving lunatic, or am I just still seeking answers to questions yet unknown?
Something has just come to mind, where in the postings as relayed for John Titor, there was the prediction, the Olympics would be postponed due to an act of terrorism.

At Anomalies Im sure that I had seen this in the predictions to come.

Did anybody else, see same and is there an old archival file, which shows this?

It may have been the Olympics to come, but there could also be a veiled reference to the current Olympics going on right now?

Did anybody either see or remember this predictions as made?

Creedo 299

I recall something about this too & I recall that it was that no Olympic Games would be held after 2004.

I'm just thinking out loud here, but could it be something to do with the predicion that China & Nth Korea would we at war? Maybe they Beijing Olympics can't be held due to a war situation? Just thinking out loud..........& wondering if anyone else remembers the China / Nth Korea war thing?