Well, let's see (follow along - it's interesting). Over the past three months we've had about three different individuals who are totally convinced that they have finally Found the Pope in the Pizza. It's a slam dunk.
However, unless Boomer's full name is nine words long, i.e. he has three entirely different "first" names, three entirely different "middle" names and at least two entirely different "last" names (I'm assuming that your Titor's last name will be unique) then at least two of the totally convinced people are incorrect.
Here's all that I ask of you if you're going to make a disclosure: Please - no home addresses, no work place names and addresses, no phone numbers, don't drag family, roomates, friends and other irrelevent names into play.
One recent "researcher" named at least a dozen people as being involved in Group Titor - none of whom had had anything to do with the Titor Saga since 2001. He named them because they had posted fewer than a dozen times on the original Titor threads. He was 100% sure that "they" were one large set of sock-puppet Titor accounts. That was his "evidence". It apparently didn't ocur to him that most of the original posters quickly became bored with the topic and moved on. Several of them contacted me and the researcher. Oops! No sock-puppets to be found.
Switch up and...
He next named every Moderator, Admin and owner for this site and as being Group Titor. And he was again absolutely sure of it. Another slam dunk. Fact! Posted. Blogged. uTubed. Game over. I again pointed him to the facts.
Another switch up came. Now the slam dunk was Jonathan (John) Richard Haber, Larry Haber's "brother". Why? Because PI Mike Lynch said so in the RAI TV program in Italy, and he ran with it. Reason behind it? John Haber of Florida has owned several computer related businesses. John Titor was a computer geek. It fits! Well, not exactly. Rich Haber is Larry's younger brother and Larry is 50 years old. Rich is younger than 50. John Haber started his first business in Florida in the mid 1960's. So, Rich Haber, aka John Haber, started his first business with his wife and daughter (they are listed as his partners on the first business) when he was , what? Three or four years old? Before he was born? Married business owner, with children, at age four or immaculately, before he was born. Wrong again. He's taking a break from his Titor "research". In the mean time yet another person has been dragged into the Titor Saga by name on zero facts or evidence and people are looking deep for his home address, phone number, where he works... When they find the information what do they plan to do with it? Harrass him at home until he confesses? Harass his family, friends, neighbors? Over John Fracking Titor? That's nutz!
"Titor" is supposed to be fun and entertainment - maybe even thought provoking for some people, but for the life of me I don't get that one at all - on a fantasy alt-sci time travel forum. He is not a threat to national security, never was and never will be. But there are a number nutcases "out there" for whom this isn't a game. For some reason Titor, to them, is frightening, a threat.
My growing concern is that some day one of them will take information posted on one of the forums here or elsewhere that identifies the home or work address of one of the "identified" Titors, end up on their front porch, ranting, raving and demanding an explanation, a confession and trajedy will ensue...someone will get hurt.
You might think that I'm overplaying this. I'm not. I've received Titor related emails every week for the past ten years because I was an original poster here and on Post-2-Post. The vast majority of them are simply people asking for advice as to where to find the posts or asking my opinion on some aspect of the story. Others are from foreign media people asking for interviews (with one exception, George Noory's show a few years ago, I politely decline). Fair enough so far. But there are also the lunatics who want to rant from both sides of the issue and there are the very few who have asked me to join them in criminal acts to steal Titor "suspects'" ISP client account information. Yes, I absolutely refuse to join them and have cautioned them that they'll end up in prison. But some of them have apparently gone ahead and obtained the information by illegal means. Again, what is their intention? We know that they are willing to commit white collar crimes against Titor "suspects". What else might these lunatics have in mind?
So, have some fun with this. But use your common sense when mulling over just what is and what is not appropriate information for posting on an alt-sci forum as it pertains to a someone's privacy and security.