Titor Network


Dimensional Traveler
As scheluded on Timeline39

-Titor Network activation alert - tentative - July 20th, 2008. This forum is dormant presently with 4 quadrant schedulers/moderators in place and needing 2 more quadrants for all parts of the northern continent for expansion later.

"This group proposes a non-violent, world-wide support network in the event of satellite communication loss, transportation interruption and a general disconnection of news, and essentials, critical to communities that might be affected as such. It is not a replacement for those systems already in place, but rather to enhance the flow of news and support services as pro-offered by members of the Titor Network."

end quoted

Link to Group

-This scenario could happen almost overnight -

Better you have your

Portable Apps Suite

Best Regards /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
I actually Run the group at the link. It is not my group I just moderate it along with a few others. But I do sponsor this movement. To that end I do have that titorite gathering, in new braunfels texas june 20th through the 23. PM me for more information.