Titor - latest and joining the dots


Temporal Novice
Hi everyone, I'm new here, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Christina, as a physics student I have always been interested in the possibility of time travel, the grandfather paradox is way to cool! I'm also greatly interested in nature and the healing power of homeopathy.

For quite sometime now, I have been following this and other forums and of course the now infamous legend of John Titor. I must admit, I have a feeling that the entire issue at hand is something like Roswell. In other words, there are too many questions and grey areas for what should be a black and white situation.

I thought of quickly reviewing all to date;
-Y2k - no, however very interesting concept of going back to 1975 and altering our timeline and thus avoiding the subsequent disaster.
-US war with Iraq and no WMD - TRUE
-civil unrest following election of 2004, I guess open for much discussion. True if you consider the Florida voting issue, the Patriot Act is quite clearly an example of forgoing civil rights under the guise of security. Have you guys seen this site; http://www.infowars.com wow! Of course there is the 911 conspiracy, or is it?
-2008 is when people realise the world they were living in is over. I guess we will see, I would suspect this prediction involves the 'new president' The elections of 2000 and 2004 do illustrate a divided nation.
-the period around 2008, Arab neighbours attack Israel using WMD's, nuclear? CNN over the last few days is reporting that Iran is vowing to install more centrifuges and continues to identify Israel as a threat. This issue here has really got me reviewing the entire Titor scenario.
-Korea, Taiwan and Japan will be conquered by China. Nothing yet, however China is growing economically, under certain terms they could soon be construed as a "super power"
-CERN lab will publicly release work dealing with black holes- TRUE
-CJD will arrive in the US - TRUE, but likely anyhow
-2015 global nuclear war between the US, China, Europe and Russia
-genetically modified food will have deleterious effects. - Unknown, personally I would already identify this as true. Just look at health and diet in Europe by comparison.
-utilisation of the internet for phones and broadcast - TRUE
-progress with treating cancers with modified viruses - Unknown
-no Olympics after 2004, I guess we will see for sure in 2008, London
-the shuttle, twice mentioned as a possible accident - TRUE
-China putting a man into orbit, should be soon - Unknown
-Video CRT's are out, crystal and plasma are in - TRUE

I just wonder what others have learnt about the possibility of John being a fraudster or genuine?

Has anybody seen his departure video?

Has anybody seen their emails as sent to John to upload to the 1998 internet?

What is the relationship to John with regards to the Florida state document (dmv?) ?

Any comments welcome, it is what makes life interesting.

Have a great weekend,
Chrissy /ttiforum/images/graemlins/kiss.gif

-US war with Iraq and no WMD - TRUE

Go back and re-read what Titor actually posted on this subject. Here's what he said:

Are you really surprised to find out that Iraq has nukes now or is that just BS to whip everyone up into accepting the next war? (emphasis added)

This is one of the most often misquoted Titor "quotes". It is also one of the "predictions" made by Titor that is mistakenly accepted as being true.

The reason for both of the above situations is that people fail to actually read his posts - they rely on other peoples' interpretations of his posts.

The prediction made by Titor in that post is that we would find nuclear weapons in Iraq and that the US public was only feining their surprise so that they would support a war with Iraq. He got that one completely wrong. We didn't find any nukes in Iraq.

He didn't predict a war with Iraq. The first war occured before he started posting. That war never ended. The US was actively engaged in ongoing combat operations in Iraq throughout the Clinton Administration years. This was not a secret and it was reported on daily in the news. These combat operations were occuring at the time that Titor was posting.

As to the other "predictions" that you marked as "True" - do a Google for those subjects. You'll discover that they were being reported on as he was posting. They weren't predictions...they were the news of the day.

Though you didn't mention them, you can do the same for his "predictions" about the Chinese space program and for Ginger/IT. They too were being reported on in the news.

Ginger/IT was not a hush-hush secret. It was an Internet ad campaign to make people wonder what it was. If they had just gone to the US Patent Office Online they coukd have found out (as I did) what Ginger/IT was, what it would be called when released, how it worked and that it was not based on "alien technology" (as many rumors had it).

Again, I invite you to go back and read exactly what he posted rather than relying on rumors (for instance the grossly edited and misleading synopsis as given on JohnTitor.com which is just another ad campaign).

I see that you're a physics major. I presume that you're an undergrad and not in a graduate physics program. You might find it interesting that Titor stopped posting shortly after David Trott ("Trott" on TTI) started posting. David was in the latter stages of his physics PhD program when he asked Titor a series of questions. Titor didn't handle them well and he stopped posting.

Is there a correlation between the two instances? Who knows. But it is a fact WRT the timing.

David Trott did receive his PhD and he's currently teaching astronomy in Denver, Colorado. You can find him with a Google search.
You might find it interesting that Titor stopped posting shortly after David Trott ("Trott" on TTI) started posting. David was in the latter stages of his physics PhD program when he asked Titor a series of questions. Titor didn't handle them well and he stopped posting.

Provide posts to back that statement.
Interesting response.

You might find it interesting that Titor stopped posting shortly after David Trott ("Trott" on TTI) started posting. David was in the latter stages of his physics PhD program when he asked Titor a series of questions. Titor didn't handle them well and he stopped posting.

Without any kind of analysis to back that statement or a reference to material that supports your statement I'll chalk it up to "Darby's opinion."
What Darby fails to tell you is that he was the one John tossed about and made look foolish in the final days of his posting - thus the 6 plus years of obsessive anger.

I see the Anomalies forum is running strong under his unbiased guidance.
id love 2 meet this guy who invented titor. he's a genius.
in 2000 years people will still be yackin about him and the things he did or didnt do. sound familiar?

Hello there, and everyone,

There are going to be different opinions here, but I would not want anything to be misconstrued.
Simply that some of us older people may have the same opinions that were that way so long ago, but not having an opinion is something one will have to deal with, and I do not have an opinion, just that I see what is going on in this World, and still with the attitude of some older people still here in the USA.

However, I fail to see why after taking programming, that it changed so quickly, and that everyone wanted people with a 4-year degree and experience, when Microsoft, changed everything with VisualStudio.NET not once, but 3 times so far, and everything I learned with VisualStudio Version 6 is no good and everyone seems to want the latest greatest programming, and other programming that was taught somewhat probably after I left. But that is neither here nor there, as I am older, and intended not to go to school the rest of my life, supporting more attitude in this Country. However with Technology, there are certain things that change and are learned by still the same people such as doctors and new methods and new advances that still are learned. However, with Microsoft it may be more akin to the first advances of becoming a doctor, instead of whatever it was previously.

However, Titor was correct about The Bible.
And probably may have been correct about other things, that are occuring, although, I really do not think he wanted to explain anything all that much. Thus, the person pursuing Titor, is left to use some degree of future hunting and insight and paranormal activities to try and gain some advantage, or watch it happen if it does, or try and stop it if it is a perception that some other people have and still retain. (Examples: Some people think it is Armageddon, that has been around for a long time, as the Cold War in the Past was thought about that also.) It may involve some new ways of thinking for as of yet, there is no explanation for, and new concepts that gather from experiments in the field of physics or new advances in science, and new concepts for which no one really has the answer for yet.

The price of oil lately is testament to that change of attitude, and may be a major factor.


I will certainly have to watch my spending in the future as I had hospitalization that I did not intend to have happen, so I dug out the bicycle today to see if I can even make my self better in health.

However, once again, I can only suspect what may happen, and hope it does not happen the way Titor mentioned.
But I still think the attitude is there, and I still ain't convinced that the Leaders of this Nation actually know what they are really doing, no not at all. But again, I have my own real problems coming up, and can not get interested in the way this Country is going about some people, nor all my actions, but then I think perfection is something that ought not count, when some people are biased in my opinion about other things that lead to the attitude. It does seem though that it ought to be considered more closely than what it is considered, while some people merely follow along all the time, or make it all into politics.

Thus feel free to consider all of it, if you wish, and good luck with your studies.
As I see it the predictions Titor made were either already things being discussed if one was to look just farther then the local news paper if even that far and things that were not and are not coming true. Such as the Civil War which is not happening. While it is amazing how much attention such a wild claim can obtain with just a complex theory, some well drawn diagrams, a box with some dials and a reasonable amount of questions answered. He was always willing to answer questions that were beyond the average person in physics until he felt the information was above him and then he would admit he was not a physicist. He will not be remembered for much longer, unless out of sheer luck something he said comes true,(other then things that were already highly likely to come true such as the mad cow disease and cancer having progress made) which is highly unlikely. Reading these claims though for me at least renewed my interest in philosophy, specifically that dealing with traveling in time. I do have to give him some credit, he was able to get many people to read his beliefs in the world and the problems within it. While it is not likely that a random person without any credibility could influence as many people as Titor was able to reach.
-US war with Iraq and no WMD - TRUE

The exact quote wasn't exactly a prediction.

-civil unrest following election of 2004

That prediction was false because civil unrest was supposed to erupt into a civil war. Nothing of the sort has happened.

2008 is when people realise the world they were living in is over.

Again false because it hasn't happened yet and 2nd he meant kiss your hot shower and cold drinks goodbye. So we have to wait.

-the period around 2008, Arab neighbours attack Israel using WMD's, nuclear?

Gotta wait for that too. He left out specifics.

-Korea, Taiwan and Japan will be conquered by China. Nothing yet, however China is growing economically, under certain terms they could soon be construed as a "super power"

Gotta wait to see that too.

-CERN lab will publicly release work dealing with black holes- TRUE

He said cern would very shortly make a discovery. There is no way to know if this is true and what specific discovery cern made until we make a time machine. He left out key specifics on this one.

-CJD will arrive in the US

No, not true, he said there would be wide spread mad cow. There is evidence in the form of 1000's of cows testing false. If there was any form of pandemic, we would know.

-2015 global nuclear war between the US, China, Europe and Russia

Scary but not a hit until 2015 gets here.

-genetically modified food will have deleterious effects. - Unknown, personally I would already identify this as true. Just look at health and diet in Europe by comparison.

But have there been any? Nope. Have genetically modified foods allowed people to grow food in areas where it's hard to grow food? Yep.

-utilisation of the internet for phones and broadcast - TRUE

Again, until society crumbles and we have these wirless internet hubs everywhere you can't count that as a hit.

-progress with treating cancers with modified viruses - Unknown

That lacks specifics so can't be counted.

-no Olympics after 2004,

False, we had Torino in 06, they went great except Canadian mens hockey.

-the shuttle, twice mentioned as a possible accident - TRUE

I don't remember him mentioning the shuttle, can you quote it?

-China putting a man into orbit, should be soon - Unknown

That lacks specifics so it can't be called a prediction.

-Video CRT's are out, crystal and plasma are in - TRUE

Lacking specifics, and considering crystal and plasma have been around before Titor and dropping in price since their debut, it's not really a prediction either.

There isn't a single "hit" in any of titor's predictions. Where he should have been specific, he spoke vaguely. He said posting on the net was his side mission. At the very least, thats a strange mission he has to scare a bunch of people about the end of the world as we know it. Because without specifics, that's all he did - scare people.