So long, not a single prediction Titor has made, came true. Some people would say that he is a fake. But. What if we prevented those things from coming true. Did then Titor change the timeline?
One of the last things Mr. Titor said was how nobody seem to wonder why the Y2K bug didn't hit them at all. Anybody ever thouged about it that he maybe fixed it for us? If you are able to read those last posts again I would advise you to do so.
Regards, Declan.
One of the last things Mr. Titor said was how nobody seem to wonder why the Y2K bug didn't hit them at all. Anybody ever thouged about it that he maybe fixed it for us?
Sure did. Then I wondered if he was able to do that why in God's name did he need to get an IBM 5100/5110 to use as a work-around (not a fix) for the Y2K38 Unix date rollover problem in 2036?
What? He could personally fix each and every Y2K problem for us, his sworn enemy, but he couldn't fix his own problem?
Yeah - I thought about it for about ten minutes back in 2001.