If you know of this information concerning Titor and this case was either real, or unreal, then please disclose this information?
What was the style of the confinement case holding the said General Electric Time Displacement Unit?
Was this case a standard off the shelf military utility shelf item, or an item brought elsewhere?
If so where was the series stamp number, or tag on the case located?
If you are ignorant of where this number was located, then was the outer surface of this containment case, smooth or rough to the touch?
2.What material was the Tipler housing made of, that supposedly housed, the internal working of the outer projection fields of the alter Kerr's phenominons.
Say it was steel iron a mixtured metal, but please tell us what types of metal that these were made of?
3.If you were really John Titor, was Pamela Moore, who disseminated a great deal of this information, genuinely involved in the Ttior case, or not?
Say she either was, or was not involved in dealing with said John Titor?
These questions only provide some detail into the actions, of the said John Titor case and we only want some level of verification to these asked items only.
I agree with my anonymous friend, as I too would like to see some verification of Titor's claims. While my friend says these asked items only, I would like to see some more verifiable evidence or answers on a few other items. But I won't add to the above list for now.
RMT (as an agent for X)
TPM of MST = (Triplex Physical Matrix) of (Massive SpaceTime)
Have your friend step forward, why hide in the shadows? Is there something going on, like 500 ATF and FBI agents at a gun show, perhaps in Richmond? (Although I personally have nothing to do with any gun shows or selling of any such items, related or not!)
See physicists like Kip Thorne, Amos Ori, Dr. Kaku, Dr. Brown, and others e-mailed. The general thought as of now is -- not real!
But then -- -- Humans are dangerous! (A.C. original thread "I am from 2036")
2) Rectangular Box. (it appears to be a rectangle!)
3) Unknown, or not found yet! (depends on opinion)
4) Not known, not found! (only appears like instructions listed on lid of box)
5) Not known, not touched. Not seen! Only in pictures! Could be grainy a little from pictures and not smooth on the outside!
6) Unknown, unknown, unknown!
7) Not known!
8) I am not John Titor. Neither is Pamela. Only Internet Contact. Perhaps, like a Close Encounter of the First Kind (or is that the Second Kind?). Much like this question session -- Internet Contact only. Information all given by TimeTravel_0 or John Titor!
Now, my question --- WHY?
You can still read the information for yourself, on this forum - - page around probably 74-75 and over at the Anomalies Forum!
Now you know about as much as anyone else knows about it including several key physicists!
Original pictures shown but cleaned up by Titor:
First 5 pages of the Art Bell BBS Forum -- Post to Post in the Archive, but only the first 5 pages -- and the last page -- because the Art Bell BBS Forum ended in May of 2001, and the crawler did not archive the entire thread, and could not because like other websites that go down or change names, it was gone, and the web crawler program does not archive everything anyway.
Now for the "I am from 2036" thread at that time, and as it was back in 2001:
Page 73 (now page 112 or so) or so of the original forum: (Time travel discussion)
The original thread "Time Travel Paradoxes" here but only the first post: (thread corrupted and another thread about that, but find it yourselves!!!!!
page 69 or so (now page hundred freakin' six or so read page107) of the original forum:
The thread "Topic Limited to 11 Pages?" original thread:
page 31 or 32 ( now page 33) or so at Anomalies:
The original thread "I am from 2040" --- (Titor Nemesis!)(if links do not work do the work!)
page 28 or so at Anomalies}>
The original thread saved from TTI of "Time-travel Paradoxes" (and as you can see the first post is the same post listed at the TTI link!)
The original thread at Anomalies of "I am from 2036" (slightly edited and not really changed and I know, I still have it, and all the place mats of the original postings make it difficult to even work with, but a very few post were deleted that were not needed)(now on page 4):
The entire original thread can still be read from Anomalies on the John Picture Page there, and can be downloaded to read at home:
http://www.anomalies.net/time_travel/john.html ---- as it says there on that page!
That is about it for the person posting as John Titor except for the "chats" and one is listed at the Anomalies page of John the Time Traveller, as well as the Faxes posted to Art Bell, that one can find also at Anomalies. The rest of the original threads are a discussion about what John Titor said, and do not include his postings, so I did not list those threads. The original thread "Parallel Universe" I could not find earlier today, but the link at MadIce's website is still good: (now here is the link here!)
Funny how you can look through pages and pages of topic threads, and not find the ones you want to!
Also here is the thread "Parallel Universe" at the only place I can find it -- MadIce's website: Also the other thread there also!!!!
You can also read about science here:
Read about Ori's Nature Article here on this forum also, wherever it is!
Again, if links do not work, find those threads yourself. (Pay your fines and please be quiet then!)