Titor Hoax, new info

This might boarder on the phenomenon known as the creative pool.

This is where songs have been written countrywide, by separate producers of that music, however the song when compared in a court of law, were identical.
Why do you believe that filth? Just because he/she says so. Well... that's smart.

Are you addressing me ?

If so, she has a claim that could cast serious doubt on the JT story.

I say "serious doubt" because no matter how much proof was or is offered, some people will refuse to believe that it was a hoax.

I find it very interesting that the people who say "You Must Keep an Open Mind" tend to be completly close minded to anyone or anything that might contradict what they believe.
It's very simple... Razimus just made that story up with no backup at all. If one has an accusation then show the proof. If you don't have any (and in this case there is none) then one should better stay quiet otherwise it becomes a personal attack. The point is, this TT forum was the one on which JT posted. Many of the people who posted at the time are still around. A number of them believe in JT, another group doesn't. Both groups are not stupid. If the claim of Razimus was true then they would have noticed at the time.
I agree with what Darby says here: http://www.timetravelinstitute.com/ttiforum/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=time_travel&Number=25751&Forum=time_travel&Words=Disney%20-%20Celebration%20&Match=Entire%20Phrase&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Old=1week&Main=18775&Search=true#Post25751

Concerning the JT hoax, except that I still think Raul may be connected with the hoax, perhaps to lure people to visit the website. If Raul didn't draw or create that logo, or ever have it on his old message board please reply Raul. I remember seeing it there. But alas I could be mistaken. I do remember seeing that logo on a time-travel message board. I just recently was looking at some of the archives of the montaukproject.com message board and I saw a post I made it's located here: http://www.montaukproject.com/_disc1/00000ec7.htm In it the time-travel board I mention is this one: http://www.orl.org/quaff/disc17_toc.htm , it could have been that message board in-which I saw the logo. Sorry if I'm wrong, I honestly want to know the truth, whether I'm correct or not.

Oliver Williams the guy sellin the John Titor books, guest starring on C2CAM http://www.coasttocoastam.com/shows/2004/08/06.html , this guy could be Titor himself.
Maybe Raul ins't getting a penny from that book, he does seem to want to save money by sellin this domain.

I found a good message board with other John Titor hoax information, stating that Titor's future history lines up with a nerdy roleplaying game booklet with a fantasy history which was printed in 1996. John Titor was probably a fan of it, or simply copied it and altered it a little.
That message board is here: http://www.anomalies.net/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=9;t=000040;p=

Links to that roleplaying game are here:

With that roleplaying game history being so close to Titor's history.
The johntitor.com / timetravelinstitute - GoDaddy.com connection, (both sites being registered though the same obscure company). My unprovable memory of seeing the logo in 1999. Darby's findings and others. All of this points towards it being a hoax. Does this post have enough links? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif

- Razimus
Nope their not dead, the auto-link html built into this message board is dead. I was just too lazy to click the link button and manually edit em. But if your interested in seeing the links, copy and paste em in your browser. Ok I overcame my lazyness and I edited the links, click on em now, they work.

- Raz
Just some more thoughts on the JT story. Sorry to Raul if my memory was incorrect, it may very well have been a logo on another forum, the forum I posted about with all the links, it has since been removed. At this point I don't think Raul has much to do with the hoaxing though.

Every sign I see leads to it being a way Oliver Williams can make his bank account grow.

Why would a publisher release a book about a subject and leave his name off of the book? The publisher of the John Titor book is "The John Titor Foundation", that alone is a giant red flag saying something is wrong. Why doesn't Oliver Williams put his name on the book? I can see why Oliver had to use his real name for the coast 2 coast radio show, otherwise he would sound too suspicious. Him attempting to advertize his book on the radio wouldn't sound too good if he said, "I am Mr. Anonymous, and I wrote a book about an anonymous timetraveller known as John Titor". The huge motive I can see, why someone would leave their name off of a book with this type of material, is if the author was the hoaxer himself. I feel Oliver Williams is John Titor, or at least one of the people who invented him.

--- Razimus

I have access to the 1998 and 1999 archives - though I do not have access to the posts themselves.

The logo for Time Travel Institute in the archives from xone.net is the same logo that you see on the home page, top left corner, here. It is the same "clock" compass rose with concentric circles on both the old and new versions of TTI.
Thanks for looking, yea for some reason my memory was playing tricks with me, I seriously thought it was this site, This Titor stuff is all new to me as I've been away for the past 3 years, away from time travel stuff, away from the net and everything. Just trying to catch up, I am entertained by this stuff. It's one of my favorite subjects.

- Razimus
Recently, I went back to check the date that I first learned about Titor, it felt like I had known about him for years, I thought I read about him about a year after he left. But according to the dates on the forums posts I checked, I had only known about him for 6 months.. !! The story wears me out I guess.

You're welcome.

At one time I entertained the thought that Raul might have some direct involvement. But he has been very open and informative and I am now convinced to the contrary.

You keep on looking for evidence and the foot prints in the snow. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif