Titor: Disney / Nazi Hoax.


Chrono Cadet
Titor- the truth is as follows.

You may not have heard of it, but the graphic novel WATCHMEN (soon to be a movie event) is the inspiration for Disney execs to have come up with the Titor plan.

The plan was to create a false flag operation and sow what are called memes- the seeds of ideas that will take root in people's heads and cause perception and behaviour to change.

The information that was truth-based in the Titor affair was collected easily by the insiders behind it. They know the truth about crop death, insecticides, mad cow, and a whole lot of other stuff. They have access to the club of rome info, and much similar info.

Find the WATCHMEN, and read it. Titor is our world's version of the Ozymandias plan, or Ronald Reagan's often-used "if we were attacked by aliens" speeches.
ei...thanks for the info! appreciate it..^_^ haha sorry,, i was really late regarding this titor story... at least, he was better than hercules movie.....^_^
Cons are like any other crimes. Titor borders on a crime of deception, it's close enough for the pattern to fit.

Given that, it becomes a question of asking

who benefits - goals
how do they accomplish those goals
how do they escape detection

get in, do the job, get out.


So, you're saying Disney Corp. is a Nazi infltrated business that is foisting a false flag scenario and criminal com game on us through the Titor Saga?

Does that mean that you're also accusing the owner of this site, MOP, of being a Nazi and criminal co-conspirator in this false flag Titor Saga conspiracy con game? Afterall, MOP was heavily involved with Disney when Titor hit the scene here and this site was linked to several Disney sites including the Celebration FL homepage.

And are you also accusing "Mrs. MOP"*, who is a member of the forum here even though she rarely posts, of the same? She and MOP co-own their business.

How deep does this conspiracy run? Are their future 2036 MOP grandchildren in cooperation with the future 2036 Disney grandchildren also a part of this Heimlich Maneuver Conspiracy? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

Oh, boy....

* - Not her handle here.