As many of you will be aware somebody has written a book entitled 'John Titor A Time Traveler's Tale' and has put it up for sale on ebay. More information can be found here. It got me thinking for a moment...was this Titor's plan from the beginning? Did he spin this whole story, wait patiently for a while to let interest grow and then put this book out to make a bit of money? I don't think that the guy who wrote this book is John Titor, but who knows? I've emailed him with a few questions and am awaiting a reply. If it isn't the man behind John Titor does this guy have the legal right to produce a book using somebody elses story? I'm guessing he does, but could this be an attempt to force out the real John Titor? Maybe the book doesn't exist at all, he's just created a cover, took a photo of it and stuck it on ebay in an attempt to tempt the real Titor out to lay a legal claim to the book. Could this be an attempted trick one of the most talked-about tricksters on the net? Again, I doubt it, but then again many people have sworn to track down Titor and this would certainly be an inventive way of doing it. My final theory is that somebody (no names mentioned...although I do have a name in my head) has managed to track down the hoaxer behind John Titor and has collaberated with him to put this book together in order to make them both some cash. Plausible? Let me know what you think. Cheers, Cherno.