Titor and Ft. Hood shootings?


Temporal Novice
I've been glued to the TV and Internet for the past couple of hours because of the shooting at Fort Hood, Texas today. Some of the freakos on a conspiracy board were saying things like "Looks like Titor was right." I looked it up, but I can't find anything that Titor said about something like this happening.

Anyone on these boards, who I'm prepared to guess are much more familiar with his works, know of some possible connection?
Someone once remarked that life was "one damned thing after another."

"Au contraire," someone else replied, "It's not one damned thing after another, it's the same damned thing over and over,again."

Readers of TTI can appreciate this insight.
Anyone on these boards, who I'm prepared to guess are much more familiar with his works, know of some possible connection?

One can only surmise that they were trying to stretch it into a "Weelky Wacky Waco Incident" albeit five years too late and nothing at all like Waco. Beyond that there's nothing in Titor's missives even close considering that he made no mention at all about 9-11 or even hinted at such a series of incidents.
Civil war on the horizon?




The same economic pressures that pushed California to the brink of insolvency are wreaking havoc on other states, a new report has found.

And how state officials deal with their fiscal problems could reverberate across the United States, according to the Pew Center on the States' analysis released Wednesday.

The 10 most troubled states are: Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wisconsin.

Other states -- including Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, New York and Hawaii -- were not far behind.

The list is based on several factors, including the loss of state revenue, size of budget gaps, unemployment and foreclosure rates, poor money management practices, and state laws governing the passage of budgets.

These troubles have forced these states -- as well as many others -- to raise taxes, lay off or furlough state workers and slash services. These actions can slow down the nation's recovery, especially since these 10 states account for one-third of the country's population and economic output.

Some of the freakos on a conspiracy board were saying things like "Looks like Titor was right." I looked it up, but I can't find anything that Titor said about something like this happening.

The real problem is......anyone could have forecast around 2000 that it would not be too many years before some crap started hitting the fan....financially, militarily, etc, etc. It's never been a stable world....and probably never will be. So it's a pretty safe bet to predict wars, terrorism, earthquakes, tidal waves, shooting sprees, etc, etc.

Now if someone predicted that the whole of humanity suddenly became dope smoking hippies who spent their time singing 'Kumbaya' round the fire and all making love not war and never again any greed or war....and THAT came true......well THEN I would be impressed if someone had predicted just that.
What if one predicts space colonization within five years from now?

When they scrapped Enterprise ( in my opinion the best Star Trek series ) because the ratings were not high enough......I'd say our colonization of space was probably put back 100 years.
Though you may well be right, civilization has always been moved forward by a small number of individuals. All it would take is a nonlinear development by a genius or two. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

On the other hand a large catapault may work for the primitives.
We can assign him the position of loo cleaner at the General Electric Time Machine & Sex Toys Corporation.

Then maybe he can work his way up to being catapult tester. Who knows ? By 2036 they might even have a fully fledged Timecruiser.
Titor and Ft. Hood shootings? - TITOR PLAN DELAYED

Whoever "plan" the Titor Story and Titor "predictions" (Count Down) was...

It was mostly likely delayed...

By "debunkers"... /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

What if one predicts space colonization within five years from now?

The answer would be "BS". Not only won't we colonize space in five years, it's unlikely the we will even leave Earth in five years. Man has only managed to leave Earth with human beings six times - the last time 37 years ago (1972 - Apollo 17). Oh, sure, man has orbited the Earth slightly above our atmosphere where the gravitational field is over 90% of what it is on the surface. But that's not at all to be considered leaving our planet. When you get on a commercial airliner you're doing just as much as an orbiter. Other than that there is not much difference other than the danger, angular velocity and the expense of oribiting the Earth. We haven't actually made any quantum leaps in the effort toward leaving Earth since the 1938-1944 era.

Star Trek aside, we're still 50 to 100 years from leaving Earth for any place other than the moon. We, America alone, have plans to go to Mars but we do not have the political will to do so. No other country has the economy to make the effort and like America, no other country has the political will to make the effort.

Colonize space? Beyond the Solar System? Give that one at least 500 years and probably 1000 years. The physics involved in leaving the Solar System and arriving at even our closest neighboring star, Alpha Centauri, assuming that there is a habitable planet in that system, is so daunting that it is for now unimaginable. Alpha Centauri is 4 light years away. With our current imagined technology we're talking about thousands oif years just to get there no matter how fast our craft can go. The faster it goes the longer the trip takes from the perspective of the Earth-bound government that takes on the task. We can't circumvent special relativity by going fast. And we have no real clue about how to take a general relativitistic short cut. Again, Star Tek aside, we have no technology on the horizon that can "Make it happen, Number One."