Titior's War


Temporal Novice
Titior\'s War

Greetings citizens.

To the point...

Titor's talk of civil war and world war is interesting, but I'm yet to come across a statement where he identified the "enemy."

Other than "city dwellers", is he any more specific as to why everyone has to go into the military and whom are they fighting?

Sorry if this has already been covered, but I need a sit-rep asap!
Thanks! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/mad.gif
Re: Titior\'s War

The city dwellers that titor referred to covered but is not exlcusive to The US Govt. and big city/big business ...he said something to the effect of ppl in big cities and the US Govt in general basicallly took Martial LAW to a whole new and frightening level. i.e. not letting anyone leave their homes and regularly doing illegal search and seizures.

The general populous(SP) rebels against the US Govt and skirmishes begin to break out all over the place. These smaller skirmishes(think LA riots) will become uncontrollable by military and civil authority... All this leasds to the "WACO" like standoffs and furthermore to an all out civil war between outlying folks and City Folk.(again mostly civil and military authorities trying to enforce MARTIAL LAW ).

The real question you should be asking is...How possible is all of this??

ANSWER: It is possible ...even plausible... that the US govt and civil authorities could start overstepping their bounds on the illegal search and siezures (see The Patriot Act). And yes it is absolutely possible that ppl will get fed up with this behavior and start to rebel. The problem comes when you actually try to imagine a concentrated effort of the populous to rebel against all of this. We as Americans are generally lazy when it comes to getting organized for anything. even in moderate to larger groups we are easily dispersed when we start actiing like baboons(SP)

So, in conclusion, I believe it would take more than just the skirmishes TITOR mentions to cause the eventual doom of the union as he decribes. Add in a few nukes (which he also mentions) then ya have something maybe. But, as we saw with 9/11 After disasters on this scale happen We tend to support and Fervently defend civil and military authority.

Personally, I'm still on the fence with th whole Titor story... Admittedly, there are several points and revelations he made that are or have already come true... on the other hand many of his statements have been shown (mostly) to be false. So make up your own mind on the subject...But i think NO ONE will dispute its a Plausible Future.

Hope some of this helps...
Re: Titior\'s War

Thank you very much for the info Bastion!

On behalf of Mega City One Justice Dept., we thank you!

(Hope you've figured out the "Dredd" nic is as sarcastic response to those who think they're "in charge", get it?)

Back to Titor, it just struck me as a bit too convenient for him to have posted about "civil war" right as the furor over the 2000 eletion was really hitting its peak. Or is there a lot here that I missed? If so, please tell me.

And of course, I cannot see anyone from OUR future NOT mentioning some aspect of Islamo-fascism after 9/11. Too obvious? I just don't know.

Still a good idea to brush up on your shelter-building instructions...

Thanks again Bastion!
