

Temporal Novice
Why the registration date for TimeTravel_0 is 03/21/04 at 10:40 PM, when his first post is dated 2 November 2000?

Why the registration date for TimeTravel_0 is 03/21/04 at 10:40 PM, when his first post is dated 2 November 2000?

IF "the" (John Titor) TimeTravel_0 registered on 03/21/04 PM, then traveled back in time to post on November 2, 2000...how would he be able to log onto the site?

The website log-in system would not recognize his user name and password, yet.
Infact, i'd like to know why this strange registration date.
A possibility, is that the system checks only the the password and userid without checking the registration date.

The only way to be able to post is by logging onto the site. How can you log on if you haven't placed your username and password into the system, yet? If you registered in the year 2004, traveled back in time to the year 2000, your username and password would not exist within the log-in system, thus you would not be able "to" log-on.

I believe that the username you're looking at isn't the original username used by John Titor, who in fact did register prior to the 2004 user name. The one you're looking at might have been placed into the system here "after" the original user stopped posting; to prevent anyone else from using "that" name.
Right, i'm not thinking four-dimensional.
If he recorded himself in 2004 and then tried to log in with his data in 2000, the system would not be able to find his registration data.

Exactly. Good research though. I didn't know about the registration date relative to a TimeTravel_0 username until you mentioned it. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

MOP can best answer the question but here's the Readers Digest version:

When TTO (Tiitor) fisrt started posting none of us were required to register. We would grab a handle and us it at will...nothing prevented two or more people from using the same handle. Later, while Tiitor was still posting, MOP made registration mandatory because people were impersonating other users including TTO.

In 2004 MOP was cleaning up accounts and combined TTO's registered posts and pre-registered posts into a single account so that upon searching by user name you would bring up all of his posts. He then blocked new accounts that were close permutations of Titor or timetravel_0.
Darby, your registration is displayed as being in 2001. Then the 2004 registration date given to TimeTravel_0 would be an arbitrary date as (perhaps) selected by MOP?

My registration date reflects the day (give or take a couple) when Raul decided "enough is enough" and had everyone register. It was a couple of years later, and I believe it was 2004, that Raul put his foot down on members running multiple accounts. At least two members, both now banned for trolling, were running four or five puppets each and allowing the puppets to post absolute nonsense (not that their original account names were posting anything but nonsense). There were many others with multiple accounts, including TimeTravel_0 who already had an account under a different handle prior to starting to post as TTO (yes, TTO had a registered account under a different handle while he was posting as TTO). So in 2004 Raul did some house cleaning of accounts that also included banning the use of John Titor and TimeTravel_0 permutations in new accounts. We did the same at about the same time on Anomalies.net.

I don't believe that Titor's registration date was arbitrary in the sense that he chose that date to start up the real account. He may have just done the deal - combining the posts into a single account - on that date. As you can see from the date that my real account starts it is at the very end of the time that Titor was posting (March 2001) thus the vast majority of his posts were unrelated to a registered user account. Titor stopped posting at about the time that Raul's time limit for everyone to register was to expire. Raul might recall how it happened.

In fact a boatload of "Titor's posts" were never posted by Titor. They were posted by Pamela for him. Not that I have any particular reason to doubt the source of the Pamela-for-Titor posts but everyone had to take it on faith that what was being posted actually came from Titor.

On Post-2-Post he "borrowed" a female friend's email account ([email protected]) to register because Art Bell (actually Keith Rowland the SysOp/Admin) didn't care who you were...you registered or you didn't post.
. Thereafter, had Titor had continued to post on P2P he would have had to supply credit card information. P2P, as you recall, was taken down one night around May 10th, 2001 by Bell and Rowland without any warning. It came back several months later as a paid subscription forum sans any of the posts from the old P2P forum. Titor wasn't going to supply that sort of information.

I believe that the reason that Bell & Rowland (along with Premiere Radio) decided to make it a pay-to-play forum was not so much the money as it was to stop the trolls, puppets, sock-puppets and Titors who were posting entirely anonymously to weave their tales where Rowland had no ability to do much more than scold the trouble makers and ban their account (only to have them open another). Trolling might be a gas for the troll but paying a monthly fee to troll isn't so much fun. I say "I believe" that the above might have been the reason because neither Art Bell nor Keith Rowland would take even two minutes to post any sort of explanation other than Art was "fed up with the nonsense", whatever that actually meant to Art and Keith.

I don't really think that Titor had anything particular to do with Art taking the forum down because Titor was never a big deal on the forum. He was just another "personality" on a very large forum. Titor wasn't even a big deal on this site while he was posting. There were dozens of active threads on several sub-forums here. The Titor "phenomonum" didn't take place until one night in August of 2003 when "JTFan" did the Internet media blitz of over a thousand bot posts on every and any sight that would accept the bot for the John Titor Foundation to build the book sales. JTFan's email address was the same email account that the JTF was using at the time.
As you can see from the date that my real account starts it is at the very end of the time that Titor was posting (March 2001) thus the vast majority of his posts were unrelated to a registered user account. Titor stopped posting at about the time that Raul's time limit for everyone to register was to expire.

Just to continue this thought as it does offer a reasonable possibility as to why Titor chose to move up his date of departure and stop posting with little prior notice:

At the time that Raul decided to deal with the registration issue he also chose at that time to have users' IP Address show in their posts. While Titor was posting not only were members not required to register, their IP's didn't show on the forum. Titor did not want his IP revealed. The TOS under which he was originally posting guaranteed that the IP would not be revealed. Under the new TOS once we were required to register that changed. The IP would be revealed.

Again, Raul didn't do this because of Titor. It was an early effort to deal with the nonsense and trolls. One might think that this place is a bit of a ghost town now but we've had worse periods. Within a few months of Titor's leaving the scene and the bulk of the Titor discussion having moving to Anomalies.net (we took over the Post-2-Post discussion there after Bell closed the forum down) the only people hanging around here for a very long period of time were the Fruit Bats. I'd venture a guess, without looking back at the posts, that 90% of the posts during 2002-2003 were gibberish trolling nonsense and personal messages flying back and forth between four or five people (Transient, CAT, Creedo & TimeTravelActivist and their sock-puppets). The forum was unmoderated up to that time and I suggested Roel from Amsterdam to Raul to act as the Mod (this was before Ray was a Mod). Putting a mod in cleaned up the problem to a large degree and the site once again became active.
thank-you for the thorough explaination, Darby. Nice to read it from somebody that went through it when it all took place.

With any "community" type setting, there has to be boundaries, known here as the Terms of Service. The Terms of Service are the top of the index page and apparently some people choose NOT to read the TOS, and make choices that finally result with consequences.

What has happened here at TTI is minor compared to other on-line "social networks".


Running a Halo Multiplayer gaming server for years, the 'Terms of Service' scroll on the players screen during gameplay.

There are only a few rules (No more than maybe 5) , yet, our ban list contains hundreds of banned people. We were discusssing the Ban List of the Halo server just the other day, and the admins were baffled as to why so many people made the decision to ignore very simple and very few rules?

We went through the Ban List, and 85 % of the people that got banned, wrote racist remarks. It is clearly stated that racist remarks will result in an automatic ban from our Halo server, yet, everyday, hosts of players violate that rule, and then write to us that it wasn't fair to be banned.

If you read across the screen of the monitor every ten minutes or so, " Racist remarks are not tolerated, and will result in an immediate ban !" Where does the "unfair" part come in IF someone uses the "N" word in a personal attack against another player while on our server?

Mentioning Roel, has anybody recently heard from the man? He was the Mod when I first signed up, and really enjoyed his presence here at TTI.
Exactly. Good research though. I didn't know about the registration date relative to a TimeTravel_0 username until you mentioned it.

if i remember correctly, TimeTravel_0 isnt even his original username. i believe it was timetravel 0.

my memory is kinda hazy on that though. i quit caring about the titor entertainment project quite a while ago.

That is correct. The unregistered handle was timetravel 0. Once registration was required the handle became TimeTravel_0.