I have ben tinking a lot about time travel and I realized that time travel is more than possible.
But also imposible with tehnology we have.
I have an interesting idea.
Does, anyone remember the experiment with two jets and atomic counters?
One plane was flying arround the globe, while the second was on the airport.
when the first plane returned the difference between two timers was in miliseconds.
whel if you coud travel faster than that jet, much faster, close to lightspeed, you shoud
be in the past for a short period of time, but to materialize there you must bring
great amount of energy in front of your vecile and open a hole in space and time.
And you shoud stay in past.
The greater the speed, earlier you'll go in time.
I apollogise for gramatical erors.
My english is bad.
If you found this teory interesting, and you want to discuss about it,
you can contact me at [email protected]
But also imposible with tehnology we have.
I have an interesting idea.
Does, anyone remember the experiment with two jets and atomic counters?
One plane was flying arround the globe, while the second was on the airport.
when the first plane returned the difference between two timers was in miliseconds.
whel if you coud travel faster than that jet, much faster, close to lightspeed, you shoud
be in the past for a short period of time, but to materialize there you must bring
great amount of energy in front of your vecile and open a hole in space and time.
And you shoud stay in past.
The greater the speed, earlier you'll go in time.
I apollogise for gramatical erors.
My english is bad.
If you found this teory interesting, and you want to discuss about it,
you can contact me at [email protected]