Timeship Chronus

a timeship...interesting.
On TR012.0008, long before the temporal police was disassembled there was a group of fellow observers who actually had a timeship. It was called the Hourglass. The Hourglass was unique...it was in the shape of a large doughnut. It moved by geomagnetics while on a world and repulsion/impulsion technology while on the void of space. The trans-temporal power unit was an engine that could timeslip by actually separating the universal alpha and omega points, turning thus the curvature of space into one infinitely long line, known as the Rosenbrg Field. It then moves forward or backward along this line and finally it joins the alpha and omega points once again, materializing on the desired point in time.
The problem with the Hourglass was that everysingle time it timeslipped it arrived to its destination with a cumulative 65 seconds delay. Although this did not account for a major problem for the crew of the Hourglass it proved to be fatal for one of their detractors when it stole their ship and after several unprecise ventures into Earth´s past it materialized within the time frame of the Tunguska Blast and was destroyed.
Well althugh its end was spectacular the Hourglass true importance was the fact that the implementation of a Rosenberg Field to time travel causes an introduction of additional time into the regular time stream. This of course augments the probabilities of time loops and the appearance of other minor temporal singularities.
But yes I could help you build a time ship, you just tell me how to contact you.
But what would you do with it, where would you go, what would you change?
Until later becomes now....Archibald the transient.
Picture a line in your mind, now the beginning of this line is the Alpha point. Now picture the end of that line, that is the Omega point. Now take that line and let it flow freely along the curvature of the universe and see how it reaches both ends. This will create and infinitely expanding and flexible circle. The place where the A and O point meet is the Prime Temporal Point(PTP).
The Hourglass was capable of traversing through time because its crew managed to overcome the difficulties of temporal mechanics and were able to make their present their natural A point, sliding towards whatever point in time they wanted to travel to.
For the benefit of those concerned with the consumption of energy, while using this method one would need very little energy to travel to the future compared to the energy needed to travel to the past. This is very simple to picture indeed.
Trace a point in the circle, picture this point to be your present. Now you have a point of reference regarding the past and the future. If you would like to move forward it would only take very little effort compared to the effort taken if you were to go to the past where you would have to traverse the PTP and then move all the way upward in the timestream towards your destination.
I hope this could help you Pamela,

Until later becomes now.
well, I did a google search on alpha/omega point and almost all of them had to do with astrology. or close to it. Do any of these sites come close to what you are attempting to explain if not can you provide a web site we can look at that describes these theories more fully? Or can you describe them more fully?





Does it have anything to do with Tiplers Omega point theory??
Mayhaps I spoke prematurely about the AO Points Theory. It is not astrology I guarantee that, although it does have a lot to do with astronomy, cosmic strings and cosmological constants, however this is not my area of expertize, I promess that when I get back to you I will elaborate a little more. About finding a site that talks about it I am not too sure as far as I am concerned the AO POints Theory has been the work of two colleagues of mine, I hope you do not mind me keeping their names out of this for now.
I will reply, but what exactly are you interested in, its general concepts or its quantum mechanics.
Until later becomes now.
Both. I just want to understand more fully what it is all about. I do not mind you keeping your colleagues names out of it. I just want to fully understand what it is you are talking about.
Please start with general concepts and lead into quantum mechanics.So I can fully comprehend the big picture.
I shall await your promise.
Hi Transiet 001'

I am intrested in what you have been saying.

Was this a very large ship and manufactured by a powerfull consortium?

Did this ship come out of the scientific consortium, out of principle of intrest, for the scientist pol only?

This design that I'm familar with, was starting a large changed phased state, through V-1, or velocity with directional vectors.

Because of this ship's power and size, the one hundred thousand year block, as well as possably the million of so year blocks were not a problem.

This ship was it kind-of a version of a old time Titanic, or very big project, that nobody was intrested in?(Titanic this was an Earthbased ocean linner, sort of a very large pleasure waterbased craft.)

Omeaga Point to me, is only locused loaclities that endure a z mass zero implosion, so creating new space, within already established time heiarchies.(Z is understood a prossed matter and energy, only partially given to other realities.

So since the Trippler's said Omega point, in this understanding is nonbearing, was the central temporal point, a problem because of the time mass size of the ship.

This is where a T-mass junction, is only relavent to structial causes, if T-mass locals within energy recycling, or the universal energy constant produces a function to raw mass and raw energy refinements, to more than one side of the universe.(period).

So by mass size, with velocity, which was not supposed to be on this project, the central temporal point, became scaliarly overloaded.

This is with reference that only a mass explosion, or pre-supernova, can injunct mass recycled units, within exchange of particle matter,, so thois process could never become acceleraited?

Please an thank you.

And oh,. was there a group of royality who was inback of hourglass and this is why the Hourglass project went through?

Note 001, because of time note markers,I have been expecting you.

What is similar in the reality of synchronus fictional markers, is a ship within our concious world, known as the event horizion.

These marker notifications have been going on as of late.

These markers are, what is life like in a black hole?

The beings within this frame of reference do not know what they are saying, nor do they understand the nature of the markers.

The answer of course is that a black hole centers is an un'navigational principality, due to universal density.

So this might mean that T-mass locals, can or never could be a plastic arrangment.

However the markers are of great inportants.

The second marker, was my outside awareness of this question and the particulars of the event horizion, before you came.

So you have been expected and I have been waiting for you.
Hello friend Creedo of TR125.0121

I have heard several things about you, many of them demeaning. Of course this was all said by TimeTravelActivist and I do not what to make out of him. I will explain more fully about the Alpha and the Omega Points as well as the Prime Temporal Point and the Differential Factor between the Timestream in the following days and certainly some more about the Hourglass Project.
TimeTravel Activist spoke earlier about you trying to sell out Humanity to some other race would you please explain.
Until later becomes now.
The reason that I am answering this question, is unsolved issues from early on.

When I was a child, I would go to see movies.
Durring these movies, it was kinda like my normal vision would shut off and then I would see all sorts of strange and horrible things.

Future wars prediected and the whys into particular movie series, that everyone else could not figure out.

I'm getting this same feeling reading you post.This is why I am talking to you.

On Mr. TTA, I feel that he may have another life issue, that is somehow clouding his judgement and this is why he is attacking you.

Please ignore this demenour of Mr. TTA, as I was warned about him and others like him, a year ahead of coming here.

OTHER, Note that in our time of 2002, the U.S. and it seems some elements of Islamacism, are still fighting an pre-mid-evil war, which was based within the middleast.

I don't think things are going to get better, as there are two sides to this war and this event will just go on.

Within the ship named the Hourglass, I sence she's still there, the social commotion around her and how big she is.

I can even see her start to move, as she starts her break into hyperspace.

I somehow see these people who are involed with this project and a lot of them have selfish motives.

What is familar, is the interplay of royality, as they had wanted to build this ship, regardless of what other people thought, so they rammed this project through.

Smaller saucers and timecraft, collectivly do not pose a proper problem to time travel.

This is because they slip through the time and space curtain, without so much disturbance.

TTA, in a very odd way, is my responsability.

I am probably one of the few, who had made a public bid for the position of off-world ambassador to the leader of this land.

This bid was not accepted, by the powers that be, however strangly I feel in my deeper chant meditations, to deep set star systems, this bid had been accepted.

TTA had insulted a fellow by the name of Ptaah, who is a Pleiadean commander that is based here on Earth, hidden near Switzerland.

This is a real gene tie only between myself and Ptaah, however the politics and how he feels is his worlds and for what it's worth.

I stand for Earth's off-world bid concerns.

TTA had insulted Ptaah.

I'm sorry to say, TTA has no idea what this insult could have cost him, if the Pleiadeans would have at that time, adoptted a vindictive stance and wanted satisfaction.

There is a web site known as Universe People.

I guess TTA had hacked into there, to find intel on Ptaah.

What TTA does not realize, is that of the five member worlds of the Pleiades, Aldabran is their military center.

What some off-world races do, if the insult is great enough, is to throw you into an arena and have it out, over honor.

From what I hear TTA was a fine wrestler in his time, however from what I'm guessing, defintly no swordsmen, or spear and staff man.

This makes me his leige and I would have to go to combat for him, as he is unknowlegable in Pleiadean ways.

"I would actually have to do this, if the insult was taken into account"?!I know the Pleiadeans monitor all of our communications.

Aldabran is where they keep the military.
Their military, is what Earth's military establihsment, would call supersoldiers, of too many steriods, they are that tough.

They would give him a female soldier to fight, as if he fought a male, he would probably be killed outright.

Being an ambassador means sticking you kneck out for other people.I guess this is where TTA and I interface.

This guy,...does not understand extraterrestials and how dangourous they can be.

Try to look past this, when and if you do return to post here?

This ship seems familar and so do the people behind it.

Our very first of the Star Wars Series, was actually channeled from a past life regression.

This is why to me, when I first saw Star Wars One, everything again seemed to actually be a document of the past.This was including the odors within the theather, which I can't figure out how they got in there?

Lisa Given's raido show, Eye On Hollywood, her raido show, told of this guy who had channeled these past life sequences from the first Star Wars.

I don't know, if this guy had actually sold this story line to George Lucas.

Go to Lisa Given's Eye On Hollywood, on the web by entering this word, within the serch box and you should come up with her show?

Goto archival materials, and the serch words, Star Wars Channelings, or something to this effect and you should come up with the said telling about the real origen of the Star Wars series.

What most people do not understand or realize, is that the concept of royality, goes back many hundreds of thousands of years, within the galixy and universe and is just not particular to us.

This makes me think twice, as to why Pamela is trying to get at some root, of time travel, with all due respect.

Maybe she was a queen within her past identiy.

"I know that I certainly, would not mess with her"??!

Pam's a good student, "please" for me, give her good audiance when she ask you certain questions?

She's got an awlfull lot on the ball upstars.

Friend Creedo of Earth TR125.0121

It seems that you are a psion, I distinctively remember that from my last incarnation however I can not quite place the world.
About the Timeship Hourglass its true, it is still out there, where I can't confess, but it is still prancing through the timelanes. However, you mention that it is in danger, well do not get preoccupied with this sensation, it was in danger some time ago but it is just fine for now. The captain and its crew are a very resourceful group and a TEAM. The last I heard from them they were traversing to the world of Londre TR361.0578 to try and insert a temporal interdiction zone between the years 36 AL and 98 AL in order to prevent further time meddling from the Conclavium
Hope to hear from you soon. Until later becomes now.
Hers the deal. Timeship Chronus is of course named after the greek god of time. its Maned both by Military and scientific personal crew complent Military personal 88 Scientific personal 130. Its primery function is reserch/exploration but can serve as a military vessel
in an emergency. Im not the familer with the science behind time travel but im a decent drawer thats why I need some help.
<<On Mr. TTA, I feel that he may have another life issue, that is somehow clouding his judgement and this is why he is attacking you.>>

:D it's funny to hear you guessing with me and others you have long detailed explanations of their life issues, only proves to me that you really can't read me, and that frightens you, doesn't it?

<<Please ignore this demenour of Mr. TTA, as I was warned about him and others like him, a year ahead of coming here.>>

Ahh yes, the psychic? I'm sure she was only warning you to be careful not to give out to much bull $hit on the forum less you whine up being exposed

<<TTA had insulted a fellow by the name of Ptaah, who is a Pleiadean commander that is based here on Earth, hidden near Switzerland.
This is a real gene tie only between myself and Ptaah, however the politics and how he feels is his worlds and for what it's worth.
I stand for Earth's off-world bid concerns.
TTA had insulted Ptaah.
I'm sorry to say, TTA has no idea what this insult could have cost him, if the Pleiadeans would have at that time, adoptted a vindictive stance and wanted satisfaction.>>

Yeah yeah yeah, I heard it hundreds of times. What insult are you talking about?

My comparison of you using your psychic powers like that kid in that Twilight Zone episode I referred you to? Well you only prove that it's accurate, I mean geesh man, just look at your self. Get a little mad and you're ready to make threats and get rid of people without a second thought?

<<I guess TTA had hacked into there, to find intel on Ptaah.
What TTA does not realize, is that of the five member worlds of the Pleiades, Aldabran is their military center.>>

Haha /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif another one of your way off guesses... I don't know jack about hacking. And if I did, I wouldn't be looking for intel on your daddy Ptaah.

<<From what I hear TTA was a fine wrestler in his time, however from what I'm guessing, defintly no swordsmen, or spear and staff man.>>

Well good, finally your big enough to admit your guessing and really don't know [censored] about the TTA /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif. Yes I was a fine wrestler in my time, not to mention an even greater black belt. Unfortunately though, I've long since set aside my favorite recreational activities to better allocate time to the never ending demands and needs of my daily life. (I'm busy

<<Being an ambassador means sticking you kneck out for other people.I guess this is where TTA and I interface>>

Well at the very least, I'm glad to hear there is some loyalty to the human race in you after all.

Gotta go, duty calls
