Timelines being contended for:

Science officer Spock, to Captain Kirk> Captain, how do we know that us, in coming to this time, are not changing future events in an un-sound manner, for those in the future?

Kirk answers. We just cant sit here and do nothing.The future needs whales and we have to do something, in order to save the future, save Earth.

Your half human Spock, don't you have any damned feelings about that?!_/

The Vulcan Spock stops in mid stride, bows his head and for a moment, self reflects both his inner feelings and what his very good friend, Jim Kirk have said:

Without the adage of friendship, life is a very lonely proposition, indeed:
Hey creeds,

What do the Stardates mean? For example- STARDATE: 8390..I know that's not the date. I always wondered what they meant...