
Temporal Novice
Man has always sought a way to travel through time. We move through the loops of time as they spiral from reality to reality. By this is not a physical event - it is one of consciousness - movement of the mind through light. But many people seek to move through time to explore the wonders of other timelines.

The concept of time is an illusion create by program that creates out reality. It is more about physics than metaphysics.

Reality looks much like the Slinky Effect'

in which all experience is happening simultaneously.

Reality is created by a consciousness program that we call source or god or whatever definition you wish to give to this creational energies. In third dimension, this source of white light projected a program in which it experiences - in which we all experience. the based was based on a geometry as all things in 3D follow the same patterns that merely repeat in patterns over and over and are called time.

From that consciousness - 12 pyramids of light burst forth surrounding that source creational consciousness.

The source created what you might call a programs of experience, which it projected - as in in rays of light - to the 12 pyramids. They in turn connect with each other and to the source (the Spider Web Effect).

They create a matrix, grid, hall of record, akashic record, in which the sources could experience.

The source created sparks of light made of the same 'matter' as itself, therefore all souls experience from the same source and remain connected to it.

The Matrix multiplies into an endless number of programs, based on sound, light and color frequencies. Everything is about energy and frequency brought forth in different realities of experience. The souls are now free to wander the grids as if within the slinky - experiencing in one or more places.

There is a reality called 'third dimension' which is near the bottom of the spiral. It is created by synchronicistic movements - as if the gears of of a watch - which work together to bring movement and reality.

Third dimension is created electromagnetic energies - meaning they have polarity - the positive and negative - opposites - duality - male/female - yin/yang, etc.

Third dimension - 3D - references pyramidal energies - 3. Time, and the apparent movement of time, is connected to the number 12 - which is 1+2 =3 - or third dimension.

If you take the shape to the pyramid - triangle
and place a matching opposite on top so that
their apexes touch, you have the hourglass.

This represents 'As is above, so is below.' Emerald Tablets of Thoth.
Hermes Trismegistus (three)

Three is the number that allows things to come manifest in physical expression - as you are combining sound, light and color frequencies to create a reality. To become invisible you remove one of these ingredients removing your experience from the concet of Time.

This is more easily understood when considering dreamtime, meditation, or remote viewing, in which the concept of Time no longer exists.

In our present timeline the concept of Time appears to most of us to be moving faster.

The 'gears' that create the illusion of time are breaking down - like gears on a watch slowing down as the battery that supplies their EM energies is running out.

If you view this as through the Slinky Effect - the bottom of the slinky is loosing its integrity, thus soul consciousness is moving out of third dimension into a higher spiral or loop.

As time slows down - it appears to us that it is escalating. The collapse of the synchronicity-time grids moves us into faster-higher moving frequencies - so time appears to move faster. If you feel time is 'fleeting' you are moving up the spiral of consciousness 'right on cue'.

Many of us are actually experiencing unexplained temporal anomalies - missing time - that has nothing to do with mind control, mental illness, nor alien abductions. those of us who work with Time - can see the the loops (hiccups) that occur all the time.

Time and physical reality are not fixed. They are static appearing fuild - oftne referred to as the collective flow of the unconscious mind.

Now the question arises - how do we - in third dimension - take out boides with us through physical space and time? Some say time travel can be accomplished by shifting one's conscious. Others say it can be done with a device of some kind.

The objective being - to consciously be aware of the experience and to be able to manipulate it at the physical level. This involves the study of Quantum Physics.

During World War II both the Nazis and the Americans experimented with time travel. The Philadelphia Experiment - originally an invisibility project - involved travel through both time and space. Supposedly a naval battle ship mved through time and space from 1943 - to 1983 - then back to 1943 - their 'point of origin' - yet in a fluid reality that 'point of orgin' must be compensated for as it changes. The results of the experiment were horrific.

Personally, I know of no one who has successfully built a time machine that can take them back and forth through time - though I am sure it can be done. There are interdimensional portals / vortexes on the physical planet - particularly at the major grid points - where one can travel in time - but these are not controlled experiences. These grids points are based on the geometry of the planet and follow the same patterns as everything else in our current 3D Experience / Program. Example: The Bermuda Triangle.
There is no geographical evidence of these supposed "gridpoints" that some people speak of. Personally I think Gibbs is a bit of a quack but I have never tried a HDR unit so I won't dismiss it entirely. Still, most of this gridpoint, Bermuda Triangle, Philly Experiment is so full of B.S. it's really ridiculous. Give me some sort of science based theory and physics on this garbage.
Physicists have found the law of nature which prevents time travel paradoxes, and thereby permits time travel. It turns out to be the same law that makes sure light travels in straight lines, and which underpins the most straightforward version of quantum theory, developed half a century ago by Richard Feynman.

Relativists have been trying to come to terms with time travel for the past seven years, since Kip Thorne and his colleagues at Caltech discovered -- much to their surprise -- that there is nothing in the laws of physics (specifically, the general theory of relativity) to forbid it. Among several different ways in which the laws allow a time machine to exist, the one that has been most intensively studied mathematically is the "wormhole". This is like a tunnel through space and time, connecting different regions of the Universe -- different spaces and different times. The two "mouths" of the wormhole could be next to each other in space, but separated in time, so that it could literally be used as a time tunnel.

Building such a device would be very difficult -- it would involve manipulating black holes, each with many times the mass of our Sun. But they could conceivably occur naturally, either on this scale or on a microscopic scale.

The worry for physicists is that this raises the possibility of paradoxes, familiar to science fiction fans. For example, a time traveller could go back in time and accidentally (or even deliberately) cause the death of her granny, so that neither the time traveller's mother nor herself was ever born. People are hard to describe mathematically, but the equivalent paradox in the relativists' calculations involves a billiard ball that goes in to one mouth of a wormhole, emerges in the past from the other mouth, and collides with its other self on the way in to the first mouth, so that it is knocked out of the way and never enters the time tunnel at all. But, of course, there are many possible "self consistent" journeys through the tunnel, in which the two versions of the billiard ball never disturb one another.

If time travel really is possible -- and after seven years' intensive study all the evidence says that it is -- there must, it seems, be a law of nature to prevent such paradoxes arising, while permitting the self- consistent journeys through time. Igor Novikov, who holds joint posts at the P. N. Lebedev Institute, in Moscow, and at NORDITA (the Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics), in Copenhagen, first pointed out the need for a "Principle of Self-consistency" of this kind in 1989 (Soviet Physics JETP, vol 68 p 439). Now, working with a large group of colleagues in Denmark, Canada, Russia and Switzerland, he has found the physical basis for this principle.

It involves something known as the Principle of least action (or Principle of minimal action), and has been known, in one form or another, since the early seventeenth century. It describes the trajectories of things, such as the path of a light ray from A to B, or the flight of a ball tossed through an upper story window. And, it now seems, the trajectory of a billiard ball through a time tunnel. Action, in this sense, is a measure both of the energy involved in traversing the path and the time taken. For light (which is always a special case), this boils down to time alone, so that the principle of least action becomes the principle of least time, which is why light travels in straight lines.

You can see how the principle works when light from a source in air enters a block of glass, where it travels at a slower speed than in air. In order to get from the source A outside the glass to a point B inside the glass in the shortest possible time, the light has to travel in one straight line up to the edge of the glass, then turn through a certain angle and travel in another straight line (at the slower speed) on to point B. Travelling by any other route would take longer.

The action is a property of the whole path, and somehow the light (or "nature") always knows how to choose the cheapest or simplest path to its goal. In a similar fashion, the principle of least action can be used to describe the entire curved path of the ball thrown through a window, once the time taken for the journey is specified. Although the ball can be thrown at different speeds on different trajectories (higher and slower, or flatter and faster) and still go through the window, only trajectories which satisfy the Principle of least action are possible. Novikov and his colleagues have applied the same principle to the "trajectories" of billiard balls around time loops, both with and without the kind of "self collision" that leads to paradoxes. In a mathematical tour de force, they have shown that in both cases only self-consistent solutions to the equations satisfy the principle of least action -- or in their own words, "the whole set of classical trajectories which are globally self-consistent can be directly and simply recovered by imposing the principle of minimal action" (NORDITA Preprint, number 95/49A).

The word "classical" in this connection means that they have not yet tried to include the rules of quantum theory in their calculations. But there is no reason to think that this would alter their conclusions. Feynman, who was entranced by the principle of least action, formulated quantum physics entirely on the basis of it, using what is known as the "sum over histories" or "path integral" formulation, because, like a light ray seemingly sniffing out the best path from A to B, it takes account of all possible trajectories in selecting the most efficient.

So self-consistency is a consequence of the Principle of least action, and nature can be seen to abhor a time travel paradox. Which removes the last objection of physicists to time travel in principle.
you might understand this.

Due to relativity, time slows down for anything moving. Not much, mind you, until you approach the speed of light, then it slows down so much that, at the speed of light, it stops.

For example, say you've got a disc out in space, spinning around and around. We have three clocks, one in the middle (clock 1), one on the edge (clock 2), and one off to the side (clock 3). From the viewpoint of somebody looking at this system, clocks 1 and 3 aren't moving, while 2 is. This means that clock 2 is ticking by slower, since time has slowed down for it. But from the viewpoint of somebody on the disc, clocks 1 and 2 aren't moving, while clock 3 is. Yet clock 2 is still the clock that is ticking by slower than clock 1. How is this possible?

Gravity. See, the disc is spinning, so it pushes anything not in the middle to the edge, kind of like when you're on the rotor ride at theme parks and you're stuck to the side of the ride, because its spinning so fast. This effect is essentially gravity, for the purposes of relativity. Because clock 1 is in the middle, its unaffected, since its pushed in each direction equally. Clock 2 is on the side, so its being pushed to the edge. This slows clock 2 down. Its the only possibility, no other answer fits.

So what's the value of this? Loads. It means that gravity can effect time and space. The higher the gravity, the slower time goes.
The chance of you being a qualified surfer, at this point in time, is one in five.

I'm sorry, please continue with your excellent thread?

>>>The latest incarnation of string theory, M-theory, may answer a question which has dogged advocates of higher dimensions for a century: where are they? Smoke can expand and fill up an entire room without vanishing into hyperspace, so higher dimensions, if they exist at all, must be smaller than an atom. If higher-dimensional space were larger than an atom, then we should see atoms mysteriously drifting and disappearing into a higher dimension, which we do not see in the laboratory.

In the older string picture, one had to "curl" or wrap up six of the ten original dimensions, leaving the four-dimensional universe of today. These unwanted dimensions were squeezed into a tiny ball (called a Calabi-Yau manifold) too small to be seen. But M-theory adds a new twist to this: some of these higher dimensions can be large, or even infinite, in size. Imagine two parallel sheets of paper. If an ant lived on each sheet, each would think that its sheet was the entire universe, unaware that there was another universe close by. In fact, the other universe would be invisible. Each ant would live out its life oblivious to the fact that another universe was only a few inches away. Similarly, our universe may be a membrane floating in 11-dimensional hyperspace, while we remain oblivious of the parallel universes hovering nearby.<<<

Michio Kaku wrote the above passage from this article: http://prospectmagazine.co.uk/article_details.php?id=6701&AuthKey=4f86b690dd42643a7f862e859a6b5073&issue=499

This would tie in very nicely with "least action". Since we see nothing but limitations at the macroscopic level, science is now telling us that least action involves traveling at relativistic speed at somewhere near Planck length to acess another dimension. Now this would definitely place limits on what could be "transported" there. Conceivably, initial "excursions" may not contain the totality of our bodies, but could quite possibly contain the totality of our "being". Of course, our craft would need to be quantum sized, but this would be no problem in cyberspace--which may very well be the last frontier. I firmly believe that macroscopic timetravel is possible as well, but we will need to map microscopic spacetravel first. The only limit there is imagination.

Very nice article Rexx. By the way, Creedo may have been talking about being a "web-surfer". Creedo is a master of the surf and quite often gives us samples of his sci-bonic interpretation of what was rationally intelligble before it traveled down the convoluted pathway of a Creedo-type brain. I think he was giving you a kudo (in his own special kind of way), of your potential as a surf-blog re-interpreter. But then again, maybe he really WAS asking if you were a surfer. The reason may not show up for several posts and maybe even several threads. He sometimes is a little out of phase.

Welcome to the board.
Is this actually written by you Lexx?
Between 9:23PM 18/2 and 9:59 18/2, you seemed to have ironed out your spelling, punctuation and grammar problems. Incredible. This article confuses me.

Reality looks much like the Slinky Effect'

I would like to know what the slin ky efffect looks like. This could be the missing piece of the puzzle.

The Matrix multiplies into an endless number of programs, based on sound, light and color frequencies.

A mathematical matrix gives a definite number of solutions.
Light and colour, (same thing) comparbale with sound, interesting. Explain this.

Need I continue.

Good Scientist
Physicists have found the law of nature which prevents time travel paradoxes, and thereby permits time travel. It turns out to be the same law that makes sure light travels in straight lines,

Photons are affected by gravity and do not always flow in a straight line. A Photon is a particle that is traveling in a Sine wave (slinky theory) in a 90 degree perpendicular to the wave that it represents. This also explains Single/Dual slits (single photons acting as waves).

Physicists have found the law of nature which prevents time travel paradoxes, and thereby permits time travel. It turns out to be the same law that makes sure light travels in straight lines, and which underpins the most straightforward version of quantum theory, developed half a century ago by Richard Feynman....[snip]

When you quote verbatim someone else's written material it's usually the protocol that you put some quotation marks around it and give the author credit for their work.

You posted as if those were your words, which they aren't. As I recall, they are John Gribbin's in an article that he wrote circa 1995 entitled "Why Time Travel Is Possible."

Man has always sought a way to travel through time. We move through the loops of time as they spiral from reality to reality. By this is not a physical event - it is one of consciousness - movement of the mind through light. But many people seek to move through time to explore the wonders of other timelines...[snip]

You didn't even write the original post on this thread. That post is also a verbatim cut & paste. You took it from Ellie Crystal's website.

Your right he did ,but all i have seen on here is copies of other works in their own words if you cant even come up with a original Ida then who are you to jug. All he did was copy other works and not chang the words.

Actions speak louder then words. So tack a long look in the mear you tell me are any ida you have your own have you put them to work.Have you even tried macking a new sores of power to even mack time travel plasabul. you all talk about the ida of time and how it can be done,and we all no without the right power it cant be done so how about in sted of trying to figure out time travel figure out how to mack and new reliable power sores then once you got that done then think whats next hum well the computer we all no the hardware and software we have now ant going to cut it.and so on and so on.
Darby, That's cool you were able to credit the original authors. IMO, you are the #1 authority on any matters related to time travel. Have you ever been on Coast 2 Coast?
All he did was copy other works and not chang the words.

Wihout crediting the source and without using quotes, which is wrong.

Have you even tried macking a new sores of power to even mack time travel plasabul.

God, your spelling and grammar make you sound so retarded, it's really making me laugh. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
spelling and grammar your right. some say i have a deses some say its dislexsa. but when it comes to math i exsel and my Iq is 130. so go figer someone how cant spell has a hi IQ so im not a ideit.
But you are an A s s hole /ttiforum/images/graemlins/yum.gif
Wihout crediting the source and without using quotes, which is wrong your right but what i was trying to say is you all give ida in your own words. that are other peoples id and call them your own.just cous you put new word to it dose not mack it your own. i was just saying get of his back and come up[ with something origanel. some thing of your own

you speek but i still dont see action.
Well I apologize for making light of your disability, if you indeed are dyslexic. Not my intention to hurt your feelings. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/frown.gif

It's difficult to come up with theories and principles of my own on time travel, considering I'm not a quantom physicist, or have any educational background in any field of science. The WHOLE point of this forum is discussion on time travel, IF someone comes up with a new theory or principle on the subject then that is outstanding, that's great, however there is discussion on a wide range of topics on time travel, not just our "own" theories. But WE don't copy someone else's words and credit them to ourself, that's wrong, and I don't understand why your defending him and chastizing us.
well you had no wha to know why i spell bad so no need to apalajiz .And if you read my last post i said it was wrong.i was just saying alot of people on here do it just in there own words.and not to pont the fing at him before he can xplan him self maybe he is just ignerent and wonts atenchon. or maybe he just for got to credit the others i dont know . just trying to say not to jug others befor you get the entier store.

you no like you juged my spelling befor you new why i could not spell.