

Temporal Novice
I believe anything is possible. I also believe that we, as humans, are thinking to small. One thing that scientists don't do is think outside the box. We have limited ourselves to what we can explain.
If you think about it, everything we know to be true could be the exact opposite on another world. The factors are amazing when you think about them. A simple change in axis could change the way gravity works. Also, other planets may be smaller or bigger which means the gravity and air (depending on aptmosphere) could be different.
There are so many things out there that we cannot explain because we are assuming how it works off thoeries. This will not do. Too many people take thoeries as fact and leave it at that. We all have thoeries, but they could all be wrong.
I've thought long and hard about the possibilities of time travel and how it could happen. I've also thought that it's possible that the UFO's that we see, could possibly be our future race coming back to see us and study their past. You never know. The best thing we could do right now is open up our minds to ALL of the possibilities. Remembering that nothing is impossible and everything is possible.
There's an old saying, "Whatever go's up, must come down". Even I know that is not true. Hubble went up, and I don't see it down. One thrust and hubble is floating forever. What I am getting at here is that sayings such as that, can be proven wrong simply by thinking bigger. "Whatever go's up, must come down", is something that was said before we had space travel. Once we had space travel, we knew that not to be true.
Is it that we need help to see the big picture? Don't limit what you think about to thoeries and fact, open your mind to your own thoeries and explorations. Don't believe everything someone says based on the fact that they have a Ph. D. I even know that everyone is tought differently, by different teachers and in different ways. Everyone has their own way of doing things and if we try to follow those people, we get lost. Think for yourself.

Time Travel:

possibility: Black Hole. The thoery states that we would be torn apart by entering one. How do they know that? Calculations? Maybe they are just express highways through the universe. We just don't know. I'll go in and see. How's that?
I'm not sure. I mean, if all the numbers tell me I'm going to be crushed into oblivion, I certaintly wouldn't want to be the first to try it out.

I do understand what you're saying though. It's likely that alot of our current theories are going to be proven wrong eventually, if the past is any indication.
There is perhaps much more than meets the i.e. "Public Eye" as for what's really going on in those underground labs, all nicely tucked away from the press, or Acadamia, after all, most of what is to become commonly accepted by any oficiated statements to the media, or what later becomes accepted by scientific communities, is generally channeled through the academic structure, and latter published in academic journals & liturature, while gaining attention through various otlets of the media.

Perhaps this might explain as to why many research that has already gained many results to provide evidence in support of Time~Travel, or other concepts, it lacks the common elements of exposure through the channels that give it clarity of recognization & worldwide acceptance as being no longer something of whimsical fantasies belonging to overated sci-fi fans.

here is just one example...

CONTROL http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/element115.html

Element 115, the key to understanding how the ultra-secret "Black
World" has created aircraft capable of manipulating gravity and
space/time, has been identified, and the recent discovery of element
118, which decayed into element 114, further helps identify the

The most important attribute of this heavier, stable element is that
the gravity A wave is so abundant that it actually extends past the
perimeter of the atom. These heavier, stable elements literally have
their own gravity A field around them, in addition to the gravity B
field that is native to all matter.

The Key To Gravity-Control Systems

No naturally occurring atoms on earth have enough protons and
neutrons for the cumulative gravity A wave to extend past the
perimeter of the atom so you can access it. Now even though the
distance that the gravity A wave extends past the perimeter of the
atom is infinitesimal, it is accessible and it has amplitude, wave
length, and frequency, just like any other wave in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Once you can access the gravity A wave, you
can amplify it just like we amplify other electromagnetic waves.

And in like manner, the gravity A wave is amplified and then focused
on the desired destination to cause the space/time distortion
required for practical space travel.

This amplified gravity A wave is so powerful that the only naturally
occurring source of gravity that could cause space/time to distort
this much would be a black hole.

We're amplifying a wave that barely extends past the perimeter of an
atom until it's large enough to distort vast amounts of space/time.


We synthesize heavier, unstable elements by using more stable
elements as targets in a particle accelerator. We then bombard the
target element with various atomic and sub-atomic particles. By doing
this, we actually force neutrons into the nucleus of the atom and in
some cases merge two dissimilar nuclei together. At this point,
transmutation occurs, making the target element a different, heavier

As an example, in the early 80's, the lab for heavy ion research in
Darmshtot, Germany synthesized some element 109 by bombarding Bismuth
203 with Iron 59. And to show you how difficult it is to do this,
they had to bombard the target element for a week to synthesize 1
atom of element 109. And on that subject, this same lab has projected
that in the future they should be able to bombard Curium 248 with
with Calcium 48 to yield element 116 which will then decay through a
series of nuclides which are unknown to them, but are well known to
the scientists at S4 located within the complex of the Groom
Lake "Area 51" installation.

The length of time which an element exists before it decays
determines its stability. Atoms of some elements decay faster than
atoms of other elements, so the faster an element decays, the more
unstable that element is considered to be. When an atom decays, it
releases or radiates sub-atomic particles and energy, which is the
radiation that a Geiger counter detects.

Alien Craft

The reactor found in the alien craft at S4, as widely mentioned by
physicist Robert Lazar is primarily based on a superheavy element
with an atomic number of 115. Element 115 will be designated
as "Ununpentium" according to IUPAC guidelines. Its periodic
designation and electron configuration appear in the diagram at the
top of the page.

The collision of lead and krypton leads to the new elements.

BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse

Two new "superheavy" elements have been made by bombarding lead atoms
with energy-packed krypton atoms at the rate of two trillion per

After 11 days, the scientists working at the Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, US, had produced just three atoms of element
118. These contained 118 protons and 175 neutrons each in their

The new elements decayed almost instantly to element 116, which
itself was short-lived. But, for that brief moment, they were the
only three atoms of these elements ever to have existed on Earth.

Ken Gregorich, the nuclear chemist who led the discovery team,
said: "Our unexpected success in producing these superheavy elements
opens up a whole world of possibilities using similar reactions: new
elements and isotopes."

US Secretary of Energy, Bill Richardson, commented: "This stunning
discovery opens the door to further insights into the structure of
the atomic nucleus."

Unstable combination

Atoms consist of a central nucleus surrounded by a cloud of
electrons. The nucleus consists of protons and neutrons.

But not all combinations of neutrons and protons are stable. In
nature, no element heavier than uranium, with 92 protons and 146
neutrons, can normally be found.

Scientists can make heavier ones by colliding two large nuclei
together and hoping that they will form a new, heavier nucleus for a
short time.

One of the most significant aspects of the new elements is that their
decay sequence is consistent with theories that predict an "island of
stability" for atoms containing approximately 114 protons and 184

"We jumped over a sea of instability onto an island of stability that
theories have been predicting since the 1970s," said nuclear
physicist Victor Ninov. He is the first author of a paper on the
discovery submitted to Physical Review Letters journal.

Atomic structure

Synthetic elements are often short-lived, but provide scientists with
valuable insights into the structure of atomic nuclei. They also
offer opportunities to study the chemical properties of the elements
heavier than uranium.

I-Yang Lee, scientific director of the atom smasher at Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, said "From the discovery of these two
new superheavy elements, it is now clear that the island of stability
can be reached.

"Additionally, similar reactions can be used to produce other
elements and isotopes, providing a rich new region for the study of
nuclear properties."

Fast work

Element 118 takes less than a thousandth of a second to decay by
emitting an alpha particle. This leaves behind an isotope of element
116 which contains 116 protons and 173 neutrons.

This daughter is also radioactive, alpha-decaying to an isotope of
element 114.

The chain of successive alpha decays continues until at least element
"Time on our side"
From:] New Scientist Magazine Website... http://www.newscientist.com/ns/19991030/letters7.html
Julian Barbour isn't the only one who thinks time is an illusion (16
October, p 29). He has distinguished predecessors.

(Julian Barbour is an independent theoretical physicist who lives
near Oxford.)
Julian Barbour's The End of Time is published by Weidenfeld &

"Time" Our minisite produced in collaboration with the National
Physical Laboratory, the UK's National Standards Laboratory.
Website:] http://www.newscientist.com/nsplus/insight/time/time.html

Parmenides (540 BC) said: "The true world is one of permanence.
Change is also an illusion."

Plato said: "Time is a mental impression to which nothing in the real
world corresponds."

Einstein said: "For us physicists the distinction between past,
present and future signifies only an obstinate illusion."

The above were supplied to me a few years ago--after a discussion in
which I proposed that time was illusory--by Peter Landsberg of the
University of Southampton maths department, who wrote The Enigma of
Time (Adam Hilger, 1982). As we seem to be having difficulty
understanding this concept more than 2500 years after it was first
noted, I decided to study photonic crystals instead.

University of Southampton

I am fascinated to learn from Barbour's article that we may "soon" be
able to prove the non-existence of time. It would be good to know
roughly "when" this might happen, so I can work as much overtime as
possible while the concept is still valid.

[email protected]

next letter

From New Scientist, 30 October 1999

Additional Sources...

The Quantum Inquisition °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° http://www.newscientist.com/ns/19991030/thequantum.html

Entangled photons could provide deep insights into our world that
nobody, not even physicists, expected. Michael Brooks spoke to the
chief inquisitor AFTER BATTLING THE STRANGENESS of time and space...

The Serpent in the Garden of Sentience... http://members.aol.com/chaque/time/time.htm

(More to come latter.)......
